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ACCSC Webinar Series: A Conversation with the Executive Director July 17, 2012 Dr. Michale S. McComis Executive Director Christopher Lambert Director of.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCSC Webinar Series: A Conversation with the Executive Director July 17, 2012 Dr. Michale S. McComis Executive Director Christopher Lambert Director of."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCSC Webinar Series: A Conversation with the Executive Director July 17, 2012 Dr. Michale S. McComis Executive Director Christopher Lambert Director of External Affairs

2 There may be a slight pause between slide transitions This webinar is interactive (online links) Please feel free to ask your questions by typing them into the webinar platform system. Staff will do our very best to answer all questions, either during, or after, the webinar. If you have an “institution specific” question, for example on your credit hour calculations, engaging with staff offline via email/phone is the best scenario. A copy of the webinar will be made available at under Events, / Webinars Yes, a copy of the slides will be made available online as well. Provide this information to your staff for ongoing training and development. Webinar Logistics

3 An update on the Commission’s Membership Services Activities New Website Student Corner ACCSC Graduation Letter Social Media: ACCSC Launches Facebook / Twitter Pages Expanding Our Team: Director of Member Services / Volunteer Coordinator / Institutional Review Assistant Revisions to the Standards of Accreditation Student Achievement Rates: Placement Catalog Disclosures: Definition of a Credit Hour Agenda

4 An Overview of the 6 th Annual Professional Development Conference September 10-12, 2012 – San Diego, California 2012 ACCSC Annual Report: Portal is LIVE ACCSC: On the Road… Online Member Forum --------------------------------- Agenda

5 New Website

6 One of ACCSC’s areas of focus has been on the Commission’s use of its website and other media in order to ensure transparency and effective communication with member institutions and others interested in the ACCSC-accreditation process. As part of this effort, the Commission recently undertook a comprehensive overhaul of its website, both in terms of content and design. The result is one that the Commission believes enhances access to and understanding of information regarding ACCSC accreditation. New Website

7 ACCSC has issued a letter that schools may download and distribute to graduates upon completion of their program of study. The intent of the letter is 1)to congratulate graduates on the successful completion of their programs of study and 1)to encourage graduates to maintain contact with their institutions and to report on their successes in finding employment, need for employment assistance, or to provide feedback regarding the education and training received. The hope is to assist schools in building on existing connections with graduates for the purposes of strengthening employment reporting. Graduation Letter

8 Why is accreditation important? What is the value of attending an ACCSC-accredited institution? Fundamental Message When you attend an ACCSC-accredited institution, you are attending a school that has undergone a rigorous process that evaluates educational quality. Student Corner

9 Social Media

10 In addition, the Commission has established a Facebook page and a Twitter account in order to disseminate important information regarding ACCSC accreditation. The intent is to reach a far broader audience when announcing new or revised standards or policies, Commission actions, and training and professional development opportunities. The Commission strongly believes that the more individuals who are knowledgeable about the ACCSC-accreditation process, the greater the opportunity for institutions to continuously improve and maintain on-going compliance with accrediting standards. Social Media

11 Expanding Our Team

12 New Positions Director of Member Services Develop and conduct broad-based programs that will enhance the value of membership using electronic and other media (e.g., webinars, workshops, etc.). Communicate and report on membership success stories and activities. Volunteer Coordinator Recruit qualified individuals to serve as volunteers for onsite evaluations; Develop and conduct initial and on-going volunteer training; Oversee the scheduling processes for volunteers; Institutional Review and Development Assistant Administrative support for the IRD Department Branches, Program Approvals, Changes of Ownership, Name, Location, etc. Building Our Bench Accreditation Coordinator(s) Allison Price Expanding Our Team

13 Revisions to the Standards of Accreditation June 29, 2012 Accreditation Alert

14 Revisions to the Catalog Checklist 12. The total number of clock hours (or credit hours units, if as applicable) for each course and program. 13. As applicable, the type of credit hour awarded, semester or quarter. The definition of clock hours and credit units and the clock hour to credit hour conversion formula used by the school for academic purposes. Given recent changes to the Commission’s definition of a credit hour as well as federal requirements in this area, the Commission determined that it is appropriate to simplify catalog disclosure requirements in this area. The Commission determined that since ACCSC’s accreditation process will have a greater focus on ensuring that schools follow credit hour award policies in accordance with new federal requirements, the disclosure to students should focus primarily on the number and type of credit hour awarded in courses and programs. Hence, the Commission has made the following changes to the ACCSC Catalog Checklist New Language in bold and italic print, deleted language indicated by strikethrough:

15 Credit Hour Resources April 13, 2012 Accreditation Alert Read about the Commission’s Definition of a Credit Hour Read about the program approval process Read about the approval process for avocational/continuing education programs. Under Accreditation / Accreditation Alerts at April 30, 2012 Webinar Hear from ACCSC’s Executive Director as he explains the Commission’s Definition of a Credit Hour, the approval process, expectations, and some interesting questions from the membership. Under Events / Webinars at Contact ACCSC Engage with the Commission’s staff regarding any questions you have with respect to the application of the Commission’s Definition of a Credit Hour.

16 As stated in the May 10, 2010 Accreditation Alert, the Commission, established a benchmark employment rate of 70% based on Annual Report data from 2006 through 2008 and indicated its understanding that economic conditions could impede the ability of some programs in attaining that benchmark in the post 2008 economy. The Commission has now reviewed data reported for the period 2009 through 2011 and found that while graduation rates have not changed significantly, the data show a marked decrease in reported employment rates, which has affected the average employment rate for this period. As such, the Commission has not made changes to the graduation rate benchmarks, but has acted to modify the employment rate benchmark to 66% in alignment with the data collected for this three-year period of time. The 66% rate is in effect for all Graduation and Employment Charts that use a July 2012 Report Date or later. Student Achievement Rates

17 Please be advised that the Commission intends to revisit the employment data in 2013 and may return the benchmark employment rate to 70% or establish some other appropriate rate. Moreover, in adjusting the Commission’s benchmark employment rate to 66%, the Commission will also accordingly adjust its tolerance for programs that report below-benchmark rates. While the Commission will continue to provide institutions with opportunities to demonstrate successful student achievement and improvement in this area, the Commission will take decisive action to direct institutions to cease enrollment or to revoke approval for those programs that do not demonstrate successful student achievement. Student Achievement Rates

18 2012 Professional Development Conference

19 September 10-12, 2012 Omni San Diego Hotel San Diego, California Visit for more Registration is LIVE for the 2012 ACCSC Professional Development Conference

20 2012 ACCSC Annual Report

21 The electronic submission of the 2012 ACCSC Annual Report is required for all ACCSC-accredited institutions (Main School and Branch) that received accreditation prior to July 1, 2012 and is due on or before November 6, 2012. Should you need assistance, please contact the Commission office at (703) 247- 4212 and ask to speak with a member of our 2012 Annual Report Support Team or by sending an e-mail.e-mail 2012 ACCSC Annual Report

22 On the Road…

23 July 25-26, 2012 – Aventura Florida Educational Breakout Session with Dr. Michale McComis “Accreditation: A Blueprint for Institutional Success” Thursday, July 26, 2012 10:30 am – 11:30 am Florida Association of Postsecondary Schools and Colleges Annual Conference Accreditation Workshop – San Francisco July 19-20, 2012 – San Francisco, California Michale McComis, Chris Lambert, Kris Pritchard, Michelle Ragnetti Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators Annual Conference July 25-26, 2012 – Cranberry (Pittsburgh!), Pennsylvania Chris Lambert

24 Online Member Forum: Questions & Answers

25 ACCSC Webinar Series: A Conversation with the Executive Director July 17, 2012 Dr. Michale S. McComis Executive Director Christopher Lambert Director of External Affairs

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