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1 Coding Automation Tool Coding Automation Tool (CAT) extracts text from any medical document. Immediately converts text into billing-ready format (with.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Coding Automation Tool Coding Automation Tool (CAT) extracts text from any medical document. Immediately converts text into billing-ready format (with."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Coding Automation Tool Coding Automation Tool (CAT) extracts text from any medical document. Immediately converts text into billing-ready format (with ICD9, ICD10, CPT, RX and other codes inserted). Accuracy in claim submissions highly improved. Automation of processes lowers shortens revenue cycle. Increased compliance with HIPAA. Presentation of processed data is structured. Satisfies Meaningful Use requirements. Coding Automation Tool (CAT Billing Ready Format Accurate Shortens revenue cycle HIPAA Compliance Structured Meaningful Use

3 2 Automatically Generated Coding Document Transcription service prepared medical reports In-house (HIM/EMR) stored medical reports Billing documents are generated from previously prepared reports already stored within your HIM/EMR system and/or from newly transcribed reports. When processed through our system, the ICD coding is automatically generated and prominently displayed for use by your staff. Documents Medical Reports In System + Newly Transcribed Reports = Auto-Generated Coding Document

4 3 How It Works Through a combination of proprietary data mining technologies (DMT) and natural language understanding technologies (NLU), the coding automation tool has the capability to extract text and sections of text from any medical document through DMT, isolating elements such as drug names, procedures, diagnosis, disorders, etc. Each element is then verified with our comprehensive database and presented in a form that is easy to read by coders and billers. The output text can be returned in several ways. For example, tags (highlighted text) are added to the document as it was done with the attached document NBC_PROCESSED – or all elements are separated, compiled and presented back in a separate spreadsheet file. Additionally, CDA files compatible for importing directly into an EMR can be generated.

5 4 Original Document

6 5 Text that is highlighted in red separates document sections. Text that is highlighted in blue tags various findings, disorders, products and situations. Text that is highlighted in cyan tags drug names. Text that is highlighted in green tags diagnoses. Text that is highlighted in brown tags procedures. CAT Document

7 6 Customizable Please keep in mind that the CAT document has been processed through our DMT and NLU without adjustment. The programming of DMT and NLU is customized for each client, specific to their preferences and requirements, and vary depending on medical specialty, format of documents and requirements to coding standards.

8 7 Customization Screen 1 Flips are abilities for CAT to replace text (word / phase / sentence) with another, more appropriate or preferred text. There are 2 types of Flips: Before Processing (BP) and After Processing (AP). BP Flips are applied to medical documents before they are processed through our engine. BP Flips could be useful when there are words / phrases / sentences that trigger codes which are not appropriate on the final report. For example, word “sleep” might trigger RX code 219953 for “Sleep Tabs”. Adding a BP Flip (replace “sleep” with “”) will eliminate “Sleep Tabs” in all future final reports because word “sleep” will not be submitted to CAT’s engine.

9 8 Customization Screen 2 AP Flips are applied to medical documents after they are processed through our engine. AP Flips could be useful when medical documents contain text that is a synonym or not a precise description of medication / diagnosis / procedure. For example, a particular doctor might repeatedly name “Asperger Syndrome” as “Asperger Disease”. Adding an AP flip (replace “Asperger Disease” with “Asperger Syndrome: ICD10=84.5”) will make “Asperger Syndrome” appear with the proper coding in the final report. All BP and AP Flips are defined and valid within each sub-account. In situations where the same Flip would generate equal effect, whether BP or AP – in such cases a Flip must be saved as an AP.

10 9 CAT Queue Users can process multiple documents through CAT simultaneously: 1. Click “Queue” on the left vertical bar 2. Copy document file(s) anywhere on the computer then click button “Paste File” 3. Drag document file(s) using the mouse and drop them into the list 4. Copy text from any other program then click button “Paste Text” Then text will be extracted from the document and new line(s) will be added to the queue. Please note that CAT does not move the actual document, it simply creates a copy with the pure text inside.

11 10 CAT Process Processed files are code- ready documents. To open any processed document, simply double click on it (see next section). If within the next section you have decided to apply some new AP flips, you could always go back to processed files by clicking “Done” on the left vertical bar, highlighting the document and clicking “Reload.” The same document will be virtually processed again using the latest list of flips. Formulating, reformulating or reloading documents will not impact server- stored records or charges in any way.

12 11 Coding Verification When you select the “Type” (dropdown), a list of codes of selected type is populated on the left-hand side of the screen. Clicking any line within the list will automatically highlight the source text within the document. If CAT has failed to locate a code, highlight text with the mouse and then click button “Add”. CAT will present you a window asking to essentially create a new AP flip.

13 12 CSV Code Extract Click button “CSV” and CAT will extract all codes of selected coding type and present it for you in a form of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

14 13 Final Coded Document Finally, by clicking the “DOC” button CAT will present the original text and all codes from your selected coding type in a form of Microsoft Word document.

15 14 Questions and Answers Let’s discuss what you have just seen and determine how we can greatly decrease your billing processing time while increasing productivity, at a very minimal cost!!

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