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Getting to a Climate Change Commitment of 80% Reduction in Emissions by 2050: The Role of Renewable Energy The Status of Local Government Action Renewable.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting to a Climate Change Commitment of 80% Reduction in Emissions by 2050: The Role of Renewable Energy The Status of Local Government Action Renewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting to a Climate Change Commitment of 80% Reduction in Emissions by 2050: The Role of Renewable Energy The Status of Local Government Action Renewable Cities Global Learning Forum May 14, 2015

2 Outline Welcome and introductions Overview - municipal action in Canada – Megan & Devin – Presentation and discussion City of Edmonton case study – Mark Brostrom – Theme / Question – how do we best incentivize renewable energy projects in the community, what is the right scale? City of Yellowknife case study – Remi Gervais – Theme / Question – scaling up and having difficult conversations, how do you build upon experiences of successful and failed projects? Wrap-up observations

3 Outline Status of Action in Canada – Leading examples Global Movements – Compact of Mayors, 100% RE Network Provocative Questions – Background context

4 Partners for Climate Protection A network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing greenhouse gases and acting on climate change A partnership between FCM and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability Founded in 1994—20 years experience and counting! 283 local government members, representing every province and territory

5 Five Milestone Framework Establish a baseline GHG inventory and forecast Set GHG reduction targets Develop a local action plan Implement the plan or set of activities Monitor progress and report results

6 …a network

7 Leadership in Canada on Renewables Often starts with action on energy efficiency. Build a foundation through a climate action or community energy plan. Renewables seen as valuable for resiliency, economic development, cost savings Accelerated with provincial leadership

8 Global Movements Compact of Mayors - Launched at the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit, it’s the world’s largest coalition of city leaders addressing climate change by pledging to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, tracking their progress and preparing for the impacts of climate change. (ICLEI, C40, UCLG) – Carbonn Climate Registry (13 cities w 100% RE targets) 100% RE network for local governments, to strengthen understanding within local governments on what 100% RE means and how to reach it. (ICLEI, Global 100% RE Alliance, SFU Centre for Dialogue)

9 Our Questions to You A target of 100% local energy generation, is this feasible? In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of renewables targets as opposed to purely GHG or GJ targets for local governments? What is the role of renewable in meeting your greenhouse gas reduction target? How do we balance a target of 100% renewable energy with local generation?

10 Provincial GHG Emissions Coefficient Comparison – A discussion point




14 Contact Devin Causley Manager of Climate Change Programs Federation of Canadian Municipalities 613-907-6370 Megan Meaney Director, ICLEI Canada ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability 647-728-4394

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