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Consulting Services Organizing Your Social Media Participation Sankaranarayanan June 22-23, 2012, Chennai.

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Presentation on theme: "Consulting Services Organizing Your Social Media Participation Sankaranarayanan June 22-23, 2012, Chennai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consulting Services Organizing Your Social Media Participation Sankaranarayanan June 22-23, 2012, Chennai

2 What Powers Social Media? Values Interests Beliefs Profession Education Organisation Location Community Religion Identities

3 Facebook’s People You May Know

4 Twitter’s Who to Follow

5 What is Social Capital? Identity is a "sense of belonging to a community", and is a "resource, like capital," Pro Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate

6 You, your friends, your friends of friends...

7 Consulting Services The Key Challenge Organizing Social Media Participation

8 Who cannot be organized? Web participants

9 Who to Organize? Internal Team External Team

10 Consulting Services Internal Organization Social Co-creation Board





15 Organisational Designs Multi-sided Participation Holistic Participation One-Sided Participation Unorganised Participation OrganicCentralised CoordinatedHoneycomb

16 Why Holistic Participation is the best? It let’s people to share all their dimensions It enriches engagement with multiple stakeholders It helps in forming unlikely partnerships It adds meaning to social media participation of employees It encourages employees to strengthen their professional identities

17 Quandrant of Identities

18 Consulting Services External Organization Social Co-creation Board

19 Influencers


21 Lead Users/Loyal Customers

22 CompanyChampions IntelIntel Insiders IBMJammers StarbucksIdea Partners AdobeIdea Mentors

23 Roles of Co-creation Board Content Creation Responding to Comments/Feedback Contributing to third-party social media channels Putting a governance structure in place

24 A Balanced Content Bucket Personal Interest Health Food Familial Interest Childcare Work Life Balance Professional Interest Quality Innovation Social Interest Environment Social Harmony

25 Case Example Walmart’s Facebook Page

26 Personal Interests Encourage your internal team to share content based on their personal identities and interests that can go into your corporate social communication A status update picture at Walmart’s Facebook page on Valentine’s Day

27 Familial Interests Encourage your internal team to share content based on their familial identities and interests that can go into your corporate social communication A status update video at Walmart’s Facebook page on how moms can freeze and save food

28 Professional/Business Interests Encourage your business team to share content on products and services that can go into your corporate social communication A status update picture at Walmart’s Facebook page on one of its products

29 Social Interests Encourage your internal team to share content based on their social identities and interests that can go into your corporate social communication A status update picture at Walmart’s Facebook page on President’s Day

30 Consulting Services Publishing content Link to the worksheet on preparing an editorial calendar

31 Roles of Co-creation Board Content Creation Responding to Comments/Feedback Contributing to third-party social media channels Putting a governance structure in place

32 Consulting Services Responding to comments/complaints Link to the worksheet on the process of responding

33 Roles of Co-creation Board Content Creation Responding to Comments/Feedback Contributing to third-party social media channels Putting a governance structure in place

34 Consulting Services Contributing to third-party initiatives Link to the factsheet on the participation of your team in the contests/projects run by others

35 Roles of Co-creation Board Content Creation Responding to Comments/Feedback Contributing to third-party social media channels Putting a governance structure in place

36 Governance structure in place

37 Consulting Services Putting Governance Structure in Place Share your feedback with Sankar at Checklist questionnaire on assessing social media readiness of your team Checklist questionnaire on creating guidelines of participation

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