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Unit II Mr. Napier and Mr. Newhall

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1 Unit II Mr. Napier and Mr. Newhall
Africa Unit II Mr. Napier and Mr. Newhall

2 Standard SS7G1 SS7G1 The student will locate selected features of Africa. Locate on a world and regional political physical map: the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, tropical rain forest, Congo River, Niger River, Nile River, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, Atlas Mts. And Kalahari Desert. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Sudan.

3 Africa Angola Mozambique Botswana Namibia Central African Republic
Niger Nigeria Rwanda Chad Somalia Dem. Rep. of Congo South Africa Tanzania Ethiopia Uganda Ghana Zambia Kenya Zimbabwe Madagascar Sierra Leone Mali Sudan Mauritania

4 Warm Up - Africa What is the longest river in Africa?
What is the largest desert in Africa? What country has the largest population? Where did Colonel Gadhafi rule? What nation enforced a legal separation of races? Name three African nations which border the Indian Ocean? Name the highest mountain in Africa.


6 Maps of Africa

7 Africa Name each area?

8 Africa Places Sahara Desert Kalahari Desert Congo River Niger River
Nile River Lake Tanganyika Lake Victoria Atlas Mountains Mr. Kilimanjaro Mt. Kenya

9 Geographic Terms Identify Answers Sahara Sahel Savanna
Tropical rain forest Answers Largest desert in world. North Africa 5 Landlocked nations – grassland and small trees, few people Grasslands, hot, large animal herds Hot, much rain, canopy of trees, abundant wildlife

10 Homework – The Sahel Pages Questions 1-4

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