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Geography and Public Health: Using Technology to Strengthen Programs ANDREW INGLIS: USAID | DELIVER PROJECTOCTOBER 8, 2010 BLAKE ZACHARY: MEASURE DHS.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography and Public Health: Using Technology to Strengthen Programs ANDREW INGLIS: USAID | DELIVER PROJECTOCTOBER 8, 2010 BLAKE ZACHARY: MEASURE DHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography and Public Health: Using Technology to Strengthen Programs ANDREW INGLIS: USAID | DELIVER PROJECTOCTOBER 8, 2010 BLAKE ZACHARY: MEASURE DHS

2 Technology Public Health Geography

3 Role of Geography in Public Health John Snow’s map of Broad Street pump: –map did NOT identify the pump as the cause –map was used to demonstrate and explain the relationship between the pump and cholera outbreak

4 Role of Geography in Strategic Thinking Use to inform decision makers: –visually –point of discussion –explaining plans Military Transport Urban Photo: A.Inglis 2005

5 Pre- and Post-GIS Pre-GIS –Mapping was generally limited issues directly related space; Land tenure, navigation, military, transport, etc… –Expensive, time consuming and activity specific maps Post-GIS –Mapping applications was expanded and made accessible Health, shopping, population, recreation…. –Linking data to a geographic location

6 GIS Software Proprietary software Open source GIS GRASS GIS

7 Current : STATCompiler and Other Web Tools Spatial Data Repository

8 New and Improved STATCompiler Tables, Charts & Maps Standard DHS & HIV Indicators Export in Various Formats Improved Speed, Usability & Options User-Friendly

9 STATCompiler working group includes MEASURE DHS staff from various teams including: –Dissemination –Data Processing –Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ReviewDefineDesign Process of identifying key functionalities for new tool

10 Interactive Session - No slides

11 Google Earth Great idea with real applications

12 Interactive Session - No slides

13 How to Use the Functionality Web mapping –Sharing –Interactive (also Desktop) –Geo RSS feeds Central Data linked to Decentralized Data –Central Health Facility Database –Crowd sourcing information Geo Mobile technology How do I use this spatial information to make a decision?

14 What Can We Learn from Past Use of Mapping in Public Health? Explain/demonstrate patterns Identify gaps Generate points of discussion

15 What Has Changed Speed (potentially near real-time mapping) Ability to make maps –Non-GIS users can make maps Accessibility –On and offline mapping Sharing maps –Across the internet Interactive maps –No longer just paper maps!

16 What Has Not Changed Reliance on good/organized data Needs when making decisions –Right Information –Right Time –Right Place –Right Scale

17 How Has Technology Shaped the way make maps and use maps? Change paradigm –From one-off to continuous mapping Moving from a single purpose surveys Multiple purpose mapping –Potential of integration data Linking using geography between different datasets –Transport, Education, Health, etc…

18 Example: Rwanda Supply Chain Census MEASURE DHS Interactive Session - No slides

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