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Session 2014-15 What is my child doing at nursery?

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1 Session 2014-15 What is my child doing at nursery?

2 Linlithgow Primary Nursery Class Vision Statement Linlithgow Primary Nursery Class is a fun, safe, creative and nurturing environment where children are valued and stimulated through a high quality learning environment. Staff will be kind, attentive and caring and will work together with Parents and Carers to enhance and celebrate success at home and in the wider world. We will encourage self confidence and life long learning through play. Compiled with the views of parents and staff.

3 In Linlithgow Nursery Class we want children to feel safe and secure in their environment and to be confident enough to learn. Children learn best at nursery through their play. They do not realise they are learning new knowledge and skills. Children learn by doing new activities and observing others. Children are unique and the learning process is complex. To be effective, learning needs to build on what the child already knows and must take into account the ways in which each individual learns.

4 What are they learning at Nursery? Nursery is not just about preparing children for school. The early years of childhood are a key time in influencing the future lives of our children. The benefits of high quality experiences have been shown to enhance children’s emotional, social and intellectual development. Each child is encouraged to learn at their own pace, building on their prior experiences and knowledge and to help develop their confidence ensuring they mature into successful learners, responsible citizens, confident individuals and effective contributors.

5 R OLE OF THE A DULT The staff follow the child’s interest when setting up activities and quality learning opportunities in the nursery with children adding their own knowledge and ideas. This is then developed to extend the child’s learning. Staff scaffold the learning of each individual child, taking into account their own learning styles and personalities. Some children like to be left alone while they play and others enjoy the company of an adult, one friend or many of their peers.

6 Planning So that we are meeting the needs of each individual child the nursery staff meet and plan regularly. This allows us to develop themes and topics that the children are currently interested in. To help with this process Talking and Thinking Floorbooks are used at group time to ensure that pupils voices are heard and opinions recorded. Staff write PLODS throughout topics bringing them to planning meetings to discuss.

7 A L EARNER ’ S J OURNEY Each child in the nursery has an evidence folder. Key workers regularly collect significant observations of individual children. This can be through note form, photographs and professional judgements. Alongside this each child also has a small folder where their Learner’s Journey is stored and summaries are written from the evidence collected regularly. Both folders are available for parents and carers to look at any time. Speak to your child’s key worker and they will arrange a suitable time and date. You will also get a chance to see these at parents’ night. These can not be taken home!

8 I NTRODUCTION OF ELCC (E ARLY L EARNING AND C HILDCARE ) From August 2014 the government in Scotland introduced 600 hours of ELCC to children of nursery age. This has changed the set up of our nursery day. Nursery Staff Head Teacher; Mrs Robertson Principal Teacher; Mrs Menmuir Early Years Officer; Mrs Shaw Nursery Nurses; Mrs Gale Mrs Stuart Mrs Cairns (am) and wa Mrs Cringean (pm) Miss McInally (am)


10 You are the main educators of your child. By involving them in learning at home you are promoting and laying the foundations of the skills which will be acquired and developed for life. The nursery are here to work together with you in every aspect of your child’s life.

11 L EARNING T REE This is an interactive communicatio n between home and school to celebrate achievements. The leaves will be discussed with your child and inserted in their evidence folder.

12 Points to Remember: £1 Snack money on a Monday Change of clothes if needed Appropriate footwear and clothing Library is on a Thursday Staff are there to chat to if you have any concerns Please check website and the notice boards regularly

13 We need your help! Parent Helpers

14 T ONIGHT Please look around nursery and speak to the staff. They are there to answer your question s. Fun!

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