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Eutrophication Menkov, Peter Stamatova, Zhanet Tantcheva, Christina.

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2 Eutrophication Menkov, Peter Stamatova, Zhanet Tantcheva, Christina Section 10/1

3 What is eutrophication?  A process whereby water bodies receive excessive amounts of nutrients, which results in excessive plant growth (aka algal bloom) (1)  Anthropogenic eutrophication – the pollution that humans cause with the release of sewage effluent and fertilizers into natural waters. (2)

4 What does eutrophication cause?  Reduced oxygen concentration (hypoxic water) by the decomposition of dead plant materials (1)  This can result in the death of other organisms (1)


6 Algal Bloom (3) Algal/marine/water bloom=“rapid increase in the population of algae in an aquatic system” –green, yellowish-brown or red In fresh water and marine environment Caused by excessive nutrients (P and N mainly)

7 …So what? (3)  The more algae grow, the more other organisms die.  Bacteria feed on the dead organic matter.  Thus, bacteria increase in number.  More oxygen dissolved in water used  Fish and aquatic insects die

8 And then…? (3)  Neurotoxins  Biological impact on wildlife  HABs –Harmful Algal Blooms (toxins produced by phytoplankton)  Accumulations of foams, scums, and discoloration of the water (4) eerivers/studentprojects/ENVI_133_Spr_08/Phosph orus/eutrophication.gif


10 Problems…  (9, 10)  Species diversity decreases  Dominant biota changes  Competition for resources, predator pressure  Turbidity increases – less transparency  Rate of sedimentation increases  High chemical or physical stress  Algal blooms e/tech/tech_3g/rtdeadfish.jpg


12  Water - injurious to health, decline in value  Disturbance in water flow and navigation  Commercially important species of fish may disappear  Problems with drinking water, bad taste or odor after treatment (10)  Blue baby syndrome (methemoglobinemia) - nitrate levels above 10 mg/l in drinking water, may be life-threatening (8)


14 Prevention (5, 6) RRRReduce the input of nutrients into the water basins (for example, Baltic Sea) FFFFertilization balance RRRReduction in P and N load MMMMonitoring to predict eutrophication HHHHydrodynamics of the water body – especially information about nutrients PPPPrecision agriculture – accurate irrigation SSSSewage treatment – removal of nutrients PPPPrevention of erosion of soil UUUUnfertilized buffer zones near water bodies

15 http: //lan dsat.gsf sa.g ov/g raph ics/n ews/ soc 001 7b_l g

16 How to deal with the effects (5)  Algaecides - copper sulphate, chlorine, citrate copper; kill algal and cyanobacterial cells  Filtration – micro-, ultra-, nano-  Coagulation-clarification  Activated carbon adsorption  Oxidation  Disinfection with chlorine

17 Examples of Eutrophication (7) The Baltic Sea  In the Baltic Sea, all the areas are affected by eutrophication  Number of phytoplankton increases (especially cyanobacteria)  This bacterium has increased, because of the increase in nutrient concentrations and due to the changes in the seasonal availability and large nutrient proportions  Cyanobacteria bloom (Nodularia spumigena) in the western Baltic ic_Report_7_2001.pdf

18 The Baltic Sea (6)  Since harmful and toxic species are parts of the phytoplankton, the blooms of harmful algae have also increased  Blooms - caused losses to fish farming, deaths of fish, sea birds, dogs and cattle, and some damage to human health  Source of eutrophication in this area – increase in phytoplankton, consisting of many harmful bacteria causing damage to the environment  Impacts include:  reductions in biodiversity  reductions in the natural resources of dermersal fish and shellfish  reduced income from maricultures of fish and shellfish  reduced recreational value and income from tourism  increased risk of poisoning of animals including humans by algal toxins


20 Solutions (6)  The Baltic Sea states and the North Sea states - decided to aim at a 50 % reduction of the N and P load from land compared to the level in the middle of the 1980s.  It is expected that the directives and especially the recently decided water framework Directive (the urban wastewater treatment directive, 2000/60/EC) will reduce the nutrient loads to the European coastal areas and the eutrophication impacts to an acceptable level.

21 Mediterranean Sea (7)  Mediterranean surface waters in the open sea are classified among the poorest in nutrients (oligotrophic) of the world oceans  Mediterranean coastal zone - important for human activities like habitation, industry, agriculture, fisheries, military facilities, and tourist resorts  Most of these activities contribute to coastal eutrophication in the Eastern Mediterranean

22 Works Cited  "Algal bloom." Science Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 June 2010.. (3)  "Algal Blooms in Fresh Water." Water Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 June 2010.. (4)  "Eutrophicatio and Health." European Commission. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 June 2010.. (5)  "Eutrophication." Guide to Water Pollution. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 June 2010.. (7)  "Eutrophication." USGS. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 June 2010.. (1)  "Eutrophication." Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 June 2010.. (2)  "Eutrophication in Europe’s coastal waters." ASSETS. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 June 2010.. (6)  "General effects of eutrophication." Water Treatment and Purification - Lenntech. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 June 2010.. (10)  "Problem: Eutrophication." Wingolog. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 June 2010.. (9)  "Why Is Eutrophication Such a Serious Pollution Problem?" IETC. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 June 2010.. (8)

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