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Workshop 1 Networking and innovation as a cross-cutting theme in RDPs Facilitator: Margarida Ambar, EIP-AGRI Service Point Rapporteur: Fabio Cossu, ENRD.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 1 Networking and innovation as a cross-cutting theme in RDPs Facilitator: Margarida Ambar, EIP-AGRI Service Point Rapporteur: Fabio Cossu, ENRD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 1 Networking and innovation as a cross-cutting theme in RDPs Facilitator: Margarida Ambar, EIP-AGRI Service Point Rapporteur: Fabio Cossu, ENRD Contact Point

2 Participants introduce themselves (15 min)

3 Workshop 1 Networking and innovation as a cross-cutting theme in RDPs Introduction to the topic, workshop main objectives, approach

4 Aim: provoke discussion and exchange about the practical actions that NRNs / NSUs can undertake in order to promote and support a culture of innovation amongst rural stakeholders, with specific reference to the theme “Networking and innovation as a cross-cutting theme in RDPs” Specific objectives: a) showcase some existing relevant examples of “networking for innovation” b) identify and discuss specific activities that can be included in the action plans / annual work plans (AWPs) of NRNs for helping to promote and support innovation c) if relevant, also highlight any relevant decisions / actions that need to be made at national level regarding the programming and / or set-up of the NRNs / NSUs for promoting and supporting innovation

5 Showcase some existing relevant examples of “networking for innovation” - presentation of two case studies and Q&A (30 min): Case Study 1 - “24 Hour Races in Sweden" (Hans-Olof Stålgren, Swedish Rural Network) Case Study 2 - “Rural Innovation through Knowledge Exchange in Scotland” (Moira Forsyth, Scottish Enterprise)

6 In pairs (5 min): Appreciative enquiry: what were the factors / conditions that made the examples possible? What are the lessons we can learn about networking for innovation? In the group (45 min): Building upon these lessons learnt Discussion – what practical actions / specific activities could be included into the Action Plans / Annual Work Plans of our NRNs to help foster innovation? Discussion (if relevant) – are there any decisions / actions that need to be made at national level regarding the programming and / or set-up of our NRNs / NSUs to help foster innovation? Consolidate outputs for feeding into plenary (10 min)

7 Two volunteers: Flipchart Cards to take harvest to plenary Cards with practical actions / specific activities for including into action plans /AWPs + Cards (if relevant) with decisions / actions that need to be made at national level regarding programming and/or set-up of NRNs / NSUs

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