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Surveyor By: Josh Adams Take my Quiz!!. Oops Sorry, try again! Good Try Though!!

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Presentation on theme: "Surveyor By: Josh Adams Take my Quiz!!. Oops Sorry, try again! Good Try Though!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveyor By: Josh Adams Take my Quiz!!

2 Oops Sorry, try again! Good Try Though!!

3 Question 1 True or False? Do Surveyor’s need to be a good drawer? TrueFalse

4 Answer 1 True, A surveyor had to be a good drawer because they made maps and had to be very skilled and make the map look very realistic, because when you had to make a map it had to be of the environment were the surveyor had to build the map. It was very hard to be a surveyor because usually when your walking its hard to write a map down. Next Question!

5 Question 2 A B C Where do surveyors sleep? Houses Tents None of the above

6 Answer 2 A. Tents When a surveyor has to make a map it must sleep in a tent because it has to live in the environment. Often some surveyors had to make a really big map and they would have to set up there tents for a night or 2 in one spot then take them down and travel and draw the map and then when night falls they would pitch there tents down and sleep for the night. Next Question Good Job!!!

7 Question 3 TrueFalse True or False? Do women do this job

8 Answer 3 Awesome!!!!! Keep going False well educated men had to do this job because they had to travel the country and do lots of work and exploring and they had to at least gone to college for 3 years.

9 Question 4 A B C How old did you have to be to be a surveyor? 16 14 10

10 Answer 4 Your on Fire!! Keep Going!! A. You had to be at least 16 because you had to be responsible and you had to be smarter and more intelligent then a 10 year old. You also couldn’t be married because you were traveling all over the place and you would never see your wife or if you had children you would never see them for a while. But if you wanted to be married you could it wasn’t against the law but there would be no point if you never saw them.

11 Question 5 A B C What's the main tool they used? Brass Compass stick paper

12 Answer 5 WOW You are Good!!! C. A piece of paper could be the surveyors best and most simplest tool and most used because like the question before they needed to be a good drawer and you usually draw on paper so they also could have used a stick to get pencils but they usually used a quill pen to write and you dip the quill pen in some ink to do that so they needed a lot of tools but like I said the main tool they needed was a simple piece of paper it probably had to be a big piece of paper to write a whole map down. But a brass compass was a good tool and very useful as well because it told the surveyor where he was going and how to get back home because the surveyor had to travel very far to get to the edge of the map and then back home or were they were staying for the night.

13 Thanks for taking my quiz hope you learned a lot about a Surveyor!!! Thanks for taking my quiz hope you learned a lot about a Surveyor!!! Retake my quiz!!!

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