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HONORS VOCAB. SET 3 BY SACHIN JAIN BLOCK 6. Definition: Ability to learn or understand quickly Synonym: potential Antonym: slow Sentence: Your aptitude.

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Presentation on theme: "HONORS VOCAB. SET 3 BY SACHIN JAIN BLOCK 6. Definition: Ability to learn or understand quickly Synonym: potential Antonym: slow Sentence: Your aptitude."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition: Ability to learn or understand quickly Synonym: potential Antonym: slow Sentence: Your aptitude for learning is enormous; you understand everything. APTITUDE (N.)

3 Definition: Give attention to something; also being considerate of others Synonyms: observant Antonyms: oblivious Sentence: You’re such an attentive student because you always participate in class. ATTENTIVE (ADJ.)

4 Definition: To force to leave a country or place; exile Synonym: shun Antonym: accept Sentence: You’re banished for committing treason against the Kingdom of Morocco. BANISH (V.)

5 Definition (n.): A temporary structure put up to block passage; an obstacle or barrier. Definition (v.): To block an opening or passage. Synonym: wall Antonym: opening Sentence: To protect ourselves from the angry villagers, we built a barricade around the doors and windows. BARRICADE (N. + V.)

6 Definition: Great enjoyment; zest. Synonym: happiness Antonym: boredom Sentence: After recovering from a traumatic injury, you went back to school with gusto and met all your friends. GUSTO (N.)

7 Definition: A place in which to live; a residence. Synonym: home Antonym: unfamiliar Sentence: The native habitation for the lions are the jungle and occasionally the prairies. HABITATION (N.)

8 Definition: To act or move quickly; hurry; to cause something to happen more quickly. Synonym: speed-up Antonym: sluggish Sentence: You told your brother to hasten his tempo so the music would seem more dramatic. HASTEN (V.)

9 Definition: Very great destruction or disorder. Synonym: chaos Antonym: order Sentence: When the teacher announced that she lost the midterm papers, there was great havoc in the room. HAVOC (N.)

10 Definition: To cause a feeling to be less intense; to calm or settle. Synonym: soothe Antonym: irritate Sentence: You will never be able to quell John; he’s inconsolable. QUELL (V.)

11 Definition: A person who lives alone and has little to do with others. Synonym: reserved Antonym: attentive Sentence: You wanted to live as a recluse after you were terribly embarrassed in front of the entire school when you couldn’t present your speech that you have prepared so much for. RECLUSE (N.)

12 Definition: To return to normal health; to recover. Synonym: replenish Antonym: damage Sentence: It took time for you to recuperate after having that traumatic injury that completely destroyed your entire athletic career. RECUPERATE (V.)

13 Definition: To build up a supply of something again; fill again. Synonym: heal Antonym: destroy Sentence: After the cold winter in Jamestown that nearly killed the entire population, it took lots of time to replenish all of their resources because they weren’t able to send word back to England for supplies. REPLENISH (V.)

14 Next five words are Honors Vocabulary HONORS

15 Definition: Uproar; confusion. Synonym: Mayhem Antonym: Peace Sentence: The bombings in Israel and Gaza are causing bedlam. BEDLAM (N.)

16 Definition: To be overly polite and flattering; to fawn. Synonym: obeisance Antonym: confident Sentence: Kowtow guys finish last. KOWTOW (V.)

17 Definition: To ponder or think intently Synonym: wonder Antonym: blank Sentence: We must cogitate our decision before we apply it into action. COGITATE (V.)

18 Definition: untidy Synonym: unorganized Antonym: clean Sentence: The lazy boy’s desk is disheveled. DISHEVELED (ADJ.)

19 Definition: Physical beauty. Synonym: pretty Antonym: ugly Sentence: The ice sculpture’s pulchritude was amazing; the highest bid was 473 million dollars. PULCHRITUDE (N.)

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