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Overview of the Clemson WEC David A. Ladner Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Representing the 43 WEC fellows

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Clemson WEC David A. Ladner Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Representing the 43 WEC fellows"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Clemson WEC David A. Ladner Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Representing the 43 WEC fellows

2 Water-Energy Nexus 2 Water for Energy (e.g., cooling water, oil extraction) Water Energy Energy for Water (e.g., desalination, wastewater treatment)

3 About the WEC  Multidisciplinary group of faculty assembled to address a global challenge: water-energy nexus  Broad perspective on sustainability to include the environmental impact of both water and energy systems  Established within a framework of existing research centers and institutes at Clemson University 3 Vision: to promote global recognition of Clemson University as being at the forefront of research addressing the water-energy nexus. Mission: to contribute research leading to technology innovations in water systems with a minimization of energy and carbon footprints as well as energy systems with a minimization of water and carbon footprints Strategic Goal: to serve as a vehicle for attracting government and industry supported research.

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6 Research Themes 6 Theme 1 Innovative, energy-efficient water/wastewater purification processes and systems Theme 1 Innovative, energy-efficient water/wastewater purification processes and systems Theme 2 Improved water efficiency of energy resource development and production processes and systems Theme 2 Improved water efficiency of energy resource development and production processes and systems Theme 3 Material science in water and energy processes and systems Theme 3 Material science in water and energy processes and systems Theme 4 Water and energy informatics, sensors, monitoring, and modeling Theme 4 Water and energy informatics, sensors, monitoring, and modeling Theme 5 Water and energy management, policy, and economics Theme 5 Water and energy management, policy, and economics Cross-Cutting Theme Technology demonstration and transfer Cross-Cutting Theme Technology demonstration and transfer Cross-Cutting Theme Education and Mentoring Cross-Cutting Theme Education and Mentoring

7 Theme 1 7 Innovative, energy-efficient water/wastewater purification processes and systems Grand Challenge: Energy neutral water/wastewater purification ­Decrease the energy required for water/wastewater treatment ­Drive water/wastewater treatment processes with renewable or waste energy ­Generate energy while treating water/wastewater (ties with Theme 2)  Water – Lakes and rivers – Brackish waters – Seawater  Wastewater – Municipal wastewater – Industrial wastewater (wide variety) e.g. Fracking/produced waters Both municipal and industrial use (e.g. drinking and process water) Water reuse and resource recovery are goals In other words, ALL water and treatment types are within our purview.

8 Project Examples Energy Sources  Solar (AC or DC)  Wind  Tidal  Waste heat from power production  Salinity gradients Water/Wastewater Treatment Techniques  Reverse osmosis  Nanofiltration  Ultrafiltration  Microfiltration  Membrane bioreactors  Membrane distillation  Engineered osmosis  Activated algae  Catalysis  Multi-stage flash distillation  Sorbents  Hybrid processes Creative coupling of energy sources with treatment techniques.

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11 Theme 2 11 Improved water efficiency of energy resource development, and production processes and systems Focus: Reductions in water use/footprint in all aspects of electrical power generation. Thermoelectric power generation is an important motivating example. Domestic, 1% Public Supply, 13% Mining, 1% Thermoelectric, 41% Livestock, 1% Industrial, 5% Aquaculture, 3% Irrigation, 37% U.S. Freshwater Withdrawals (USGS/NREL)

12  Recapture of evaporated water from cooling towers using atmospheric condensation  Surface modification of porous materials with polymer layers for improved cooling of water in cooling towers  Efficient atomization of water for evaporative cooling in cooling towers (iStockPhoto) Project Examples  Reduced water use in mining and natural gas development (e.g. fracking)  Use of saline and impaired water for power plant cooling  Energy production from salinity gradients via pressure- retarded osmosis

13 Theme 3 13 Material science in water and energy processes and systems Project examples  New materials for capacitive desalination  New membranes for engineered osmosis  Computational design of fouling- resistant water purification membranes  Ceramic and magnetic nanoparticle materials for removal of trace organics, e.g., pharmaceuticals, from water  Deployable wet-responsive materials for removing heavy metals  Fibrous materials for reuse of water and recycling

14 Theme 4 14 Water and energy informatics, sensors, monitoring, and modeling  Big data and data mining  Sensors and remote sensing  Monitoring (real time, strategies)  Geographic information systems (GIS)  Modeling  Decision support systems (DSS)  Smart water and grid systems (including distributed systems) Example: The Intelligent River ® Research Enterprise

15 SOURCES: Some images used on this slide were retrieved from public websites and media outlets. Their use is believed to be covered under fair use copyright provisions. Foundations for Innovation

16 Theme 5 16 Water and energy management, policy, and economics  Water and energy management and policy  Economics including CAPEX versus OPEX tradeoffs, and carbon tax implications  Societal issues (stakeholders) including communications  Water and energy security  Regulatory/compliance issues  Urbanization, renewal of aging infrastructure, and climate change as technology drivers  Regional versus global applicability of potential technologies

17 ProcessDriving Force Potential Niches Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) (Applied) Pressure Seawater Desalination Forward Osmosis (FO)Osmotic Pressure Desalination, Produced Water Treatment Membrane Distillation (MD)Thermal Gradient Desalination, Produced Water Treatment Electrodialysis (ED)Electrical Gradient Brackish Water Desalination Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) Salinity Gradient SWRO Brine Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) Salinity Gradient SWRO Brine Water Desalination and Salinity Gradient Energy Processes

18 CIWES Research Themes

19 Industrial Affiliates Program  Member Recruiting is Ongoing – Engineering consulting firms – Public and private sector utilities – Manufacturers/companies  Each IAP member have a representative on the Industrial Affiliates Board (IAB)  Annual meeting with WEC to provide input on research  WEC can respond quickly to the research needs of individual IAP members 19

20 Recent Press 20

21 Who to Contact 21 Gary Amy WEC Coordinator Email: gamy David Ladner Theme 1 Leader Email: ladner John Saylor Theme 2 Leader Email: jsaylor Scott Husson Theme 3 Leader Email: shusson Jason Hallstrom Theme 4 Leader Email: jasonoh Jeffrey Allen Theme 5 Leader Email: jsallen Innovative energy-efficient water/ wastewater purification processes and systems Improved water efficiency of energy resource development, and production processes and systems Material science in water and energy processes and systems Water and energy informatics, sensors, monitoring, and modeling Water and energy management, policy, and economics

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