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=Workshop on CAF = 1.What is TERM Cell
2.Major Vigilance Functions by TERM Cell. 3.Reasons for negative CAF
=Workshop on CAF = 1.What is TERM Cell ?
With the increasing number of telecom operators in the country, the Government felt the need for presence of Telegraph Authority in the field at all the Licence Service Areas and Large Telecom Districts of the country, in order to ensure that service providers adhere to the licence conditions and for taking care of telecom network security issues. With the growth of private telecom and wireless services, an increase in illegal telecom operations was also observed. To address these issues, the Government created initially Vigilance Telecom Monitoring cells (VTM) in Nov.2004. Later on dtd 5th August 2008 the name of VTM Cells has been changed to Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring (TERM) Cells. The Headquarter of TERM Cell for Maharashtra Circle (Except Pune ) is at Nagpur and it is headed by DDG.
=Workshop on CAF = 2. Major Vigilance Functions by TERM Cell.
Customer Document Verification with the objective to ascertain whether the mobile service operators are following the DoT guidelines for Customer verification before providing connections.
=Workshop on CAF = WHY ?
548000 Nov -12 498000 SLAB OF PENALTY BY TERM _________________________________________________ Penalty for Missing CAF – 50000/- % OF POSITIVE CAF PENALTY PER CAF IN RS. ABOVE 95% 1000 90 TO 95 % 5000 85 TO 90 % 10000 80 TO 85 % 20000 BELOW 80 % 50000
=Workshop on CAF = Database Issues :-
1. Mobile number available in Billing Database but CAF not available. 2. “Junk/Dummy or No Entry” in the data base 3. Mobile Number is same in CAF and Database but Name and Address is different.
Electric/Telephone bills:- ( Permitted for POA only)
Electric/Telephone bills are permitted but it must not be older than 3 months from the date of Activation. ( 90 days, even one day more leads to negative CAF) Bill of any wireless technology phone ( GSM/CDMA) is not permitted.
Rahivasi Pramanpatra :- ( Permitted for POA/POI)
Date of issue of certificate. Stamp and sign of issuing authority. (Head of village) Date of issue must not be after date of activation of SIM. With photo it is permitted as POI but stamp must be on Latest Photo.
Driving License :- ( # W.e.f 1/07/2012 only as POI )
Xerox of all pages is must. Document must be valid on the Date of Activation. Customer Sign on CAF must be same as that on driving license. Stamp on photo, Stamp and sign of Issuing Authority are must. Photo must be visible and able to identify.
PAN card :- ( Permitted POI)
Customer Sign on CAF must be same as that on PAN. Photo must be visible and able to identify.
Election card :- ( Permitted for POA/POI)
Xerox of front and back page is must. Photo must be visible and able to identify. Name must be same to that written on CAF Stamp and sign of Issuing Authority are must. Handwritten name on EC must not accept. Photo on EC are not original in case of 1994/95 EC. Such manipulated POI/POA are liable for legal action.
Adhar Card :- ( Permitted for POA/POI)
Xerox of front and back page is must. Adhar card Acknowledgement is not permitted. Photo must be visible and able to identify.
Bank Passbook :- ( Permitted for POA/POI)
Bank Passbook issued by the scheduled or Gramin Bank. Xerox of front page. Xerox of current transaction (at the time of activation). Bank Seal on Photo in case of Passbook as POI.
Ration Card :- ( Permitted for POA/POI)
( # W.e.f. 1/09/2010 not valid for POA/POI) Stamp/ Seal/ sign of Issuing authority. Xerox of front page and back page. Name of Mobile customer must be in ration card.
Collage I-Card :- ( Permitted for POI) (# only for students)
Stamp/sign of Principal. Seal of collage on Photo. Xerox of both pages. DOA must be within Academic Year for which I Card issued. ( Years are usually manipulated )
CAF issues :- Photo on CAF must be latest. In some cases it is observed that scanned copy of photo on Election card is used. (EC issued in 1994,95 and Date of activation in 2005). Overwritten date/ use of Whitener on original as well as on Xerox is treated as negative CAF. No date of Activation on CAF.
Date of activation is written by hand on Xerox copy of the sample CAF
Date of activation is written by hand on Xerox copy of the sample CAF. It is treated as manipulated date and CAF will be marked as negative. It is also observed that while sending the Xerox copy of the sample CAF full set of Xerox documents are not being sent resulting in the CAF being declared as negative even though all the necessary conditions are satisfied. ( Example : PoA/PoI available in original CAF but not in sample CAF Xerox OR second page of Election card or other pages of Driving license or Transaction page of Bank passbook is missing)
Photo on CAF & POI not matched.
After reverification, stamp of reverification with date, Sign & stamp of reverifying authority and new supporting document taken on that date must be available with CAF. Stamp and signature of CSC or Retailer or Franchise must be available on CAF with date.
General issues :- All Supporting documents Xeroxed must be very neat, clean and readable. All Supporting documents must be self attested by customer.
Photo on POI must be able to identify with photo on CAF.
Also in some cases only two/three alphabets of customer name are there in place of signature (i.e. short sign). Such CAFs are marked as negative by TERM Cell.
The New CAF must be used for all customers taking mobile connection after 9 Nov 2012.
Sign, stamp of CSC/ Franchisee/ DSA must be available on the form. ( In New CAF particulars at Sr. no 24 to 31 must be filled ) All the New CAF must be signed by BSNL official/Officer with Name and Designation stamp. (In CAF particulars at Sr. no 32 to 34 must be filled )
Common Mistakes:- 1. UPP ( Unclear Photo on POI) 2. No DOA, customer date is available. 3. No second page of EC/DL/PB. 4. No date on RP. 5. In RP, Photo pasted on stamp or no stamp.
6. No Re-verification date/sign.
7. Invalid document Xerox attached with sample and valid doc left with original CAF. 8. Hence all invalid extra documents should not be kept with CAF. 9. Bank not listed as Scheduled/Gramin. 10. Acknowledgement of AADHAR attached.
11. Sign mismatch. 12. Short Sign. 13. Old Collage I-Card, Academic year manipulated. 14. Overwritten date on CAF ( Date on CAF is OK). 15. Hand written name on EC.
Suggestions : Each SSA should have one SDE/JTO (TERM) for below work, New SIM activation only after verification of CAF and documents by SDE (TERM). All CAFs should be properly arranged in separate CAF record room with proper indexing. Record room should be with lock and key. ( As now for missing CAF Penalty is Rs 50,000/- per CAF). Re-verification may be done on war basis to reduce number of negative CAFs.
Prashant R Fasate, D E Co-ordinator for TERM Cell Maharashtra (Except Pune)
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