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Nyingma Buddhism By: Joodi Son and Edward Cho. Karma Samsaric karma- The consequences of our actions are what cause our rebirth into the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Nyingma Buddhism By: Joodi Son and Edward Cho. Karma Samsaric karma- The consequences of our actions are what cause our rebirth into the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nyingma Buddhism By: Joodi Son and Edward Cho

2 Karma Samsaric karma- The consequences of our actions are what cause our rebirth into the world.

3 BACKGROUND Originated From… – Where? India – When? 8 BC – Who? Padmasambhava, Santaraksita, Kamalasila – How? 760, King Trisong Deetsen invited the founders to introduce Buddhism to the Tibetans. They translated all Buddha Dharma texts into Tibetan.

4 Attainment of Enlightenment Terma Teachings… – Led many Buddhists to realization and enlightenment What is Terma? – Padmasambhava and his main disciples hid hundreds of scriptures, ritual objects and relics in secret places to protect Buddhism during the time of decline under King Langdarma – “Hidden Treasure” of the mind or physical.

5 Continued… 9 Yanas or Vehicles – 3 Outer Tantras Kriya Tantra Upa Tantra Yoga Tantra – 3 Inner Tantras Mahayoga Annuyoga Atiyoga – 3 common vehicles Hearer Solitary Realizer

6 Symbols, Iconography, etc. Guru Padmasambhava (Pema Junge in Tibetan) is the main founder of Tibetan Buddhism Avalokitesvara (Chenrezig in Tibetan) is to be known as the reincarnation of Dalai Lama

7 Continued… Adhidharma Book Cover- ancient Buddhist work that contained detailed scholastic materials that appeared in Buddhist Sutras Tenzin Gyatso- the 14 th Dalai Lama.

8 Unique??? School distinguish 6 levels of tantric teachings; in other schools, 4 levels are common The innermost tantras are for only this school Tibetans are the first to translate Buddhist scriptures and writings

9 Work Cited "Nyingma." A Dictionary of Buddhism. Oxford University Press, 2003, 2004. 01 Oct. 2008. “Nyingma.” The government of Tibet in Exile: The Nyingma Tradition. The office of Tibet, 1997. 30 Sept. 2008. "Nyingma." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 2008. 01 Oct. 2008. “Nyingma.” The Nine Yanas. Nyingma, 2005. 01 Oct. 2008.

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