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Educational Resource Pack Educational Resource About This Pack: This resource is aimed at teachers who want to promote their students’ social, cultural,

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2 Educational Resource Pack

3 Educational Resource About This Pack: This resource is aimed at teachers who want to promote their students’ social, cultural, moral, spiritual development. Key learning objectives: This pack is intended to educate students about the history and current political situation in the Ivory Coast; the life of a teenager living in the Ivory Coast in 1975 and African animation adaptation. It will encourage them to think about the similarities and the differences of children living in the UK and the Ivory Coast, enhance cultural awareness, and improve knowledge and understanding of Africa. Each lesson will begin with an enquiry about the topics covered, starting with a basic stimulus directly relating to their lives and then using this to branch out into wider discussion. This resource includes: Two step -by- step lesson plans on The Ivory Coast 1960-now, Aya of Yop City. The new and stunning animation Aya of Yop City. Accompanying resources and activities for each lesson. Comprehensive fact sheets on all topics covered.

4 Aya of Yop City Synopsis: Against the colourful and spirited backdrop of the Ivory Coast in the 1970s, Aya is a vibrant, beautifully animated film. From teen romance to parental tribulations, the film offers a rare glimpse into African daily lives, set to the funky beats of a groovy soundtrack.

5 Educational Resource Lesson One Aya of Yop City: From comic to animation Aim: This lesson aims to educate students about comic adaptations to animations. Materials needed: From comic to animation fact sheet (1 per student) Ivorian Bonus (1 per student) Aya of Yop City Comic strip (1 per student) Activity 1: From comic to animation Activity 2: Create your own comic: A day in the life Activity 3: Create your own animation Introduction (5 minutes): Teacher should first introduce the topic along with learning objectives, explaining that they are going to be watching the African animation Aya of Yop City and learn about the life of Aya a girl about their age living in the Ivory Coast in 1975. Stimulus: Similarities? Differences? (10 minutes) After watching the film ask students to think about where they think the Ivory Coast is, what people their age might be like, and how they might be living? Explain to students that Aya of Yop City is set in the Ivory Coast during the 1970s, and takes place in Yopougon-Koute, or Yop City for short. Cote d’Ivoire, a country on the west coast of Africa was colonized by France until 1960. Although the country had many western influences it also held many traditional African influences too! Next ask students to look through the Ivorian Bonus and the Aya of Yop City Comic Strip and think about what the similarities and differences might be between people living in the Ivory Coast and the UK? For example, what they eat, family connections, fashion and culture. Activity 1: From comic to animation (10 minutes) Ask students to think of examples of comic strips they know that have been turned into films (example Marvel comics). Write down ideas on the board, and think about why these were popular. Ask students to read over the fact sheet for Aya of Yop City think about how the story was developed. Activity 2: Create your own comic: A day in the Life See activity sheet (15 minutes) Ask students to think why animation might be a good way to tell a story. Suggest that in animations characters can do things that they would not normally do in normal life, you can act out scenes from your life that would be too complicated too film, or too far- fetched. Then tell students to create their own comic strip based on their own story and life. Activity 3: Create your own animation (15 minutes) Next tell students that they are now going to turn their comic strip into an animation and they can either chose to turn it into a flipbook or a thaumatropes (see activity sheets for more details).

6 Educational Resource Lesson Two The Ivory Coast 1960 – 2013 Aim: To develop a further understanding of contemporary and historical social politics of the Ivory Coast. Materials needed: Aya of Yop City Comic strip (1 per student) Ivory Coast 1960-1980 fact sheet (1 per student) Ivory Coast today fact sheet (1 per student) Aya of Yop City fact sheet (1 per student) Activity 1: Ivory Coast 1960-1980: Questions and answers Activity 2: Ivory Coast today: Questions and answers Introduction (5 minutes): Ask students to read through Aya of Yop City Comic strip and recap on what life was like for Aya in 1978 in the Ivory Coast. As students to think about what her family was like, her friends, her social life and how well do they think the economy was doing at that time? Write ideas down on the board then explain that today they are going to be learning more about what the political and social situation was like in the Ivory Coast from the 1960-1980, and then compare this to what it is like today. Activity 1: Ivory Coast 1960 -1980 fact sheet (25 minutes) – see activity sheet Remind students that the Ivory Coast, is a country on the west coast of Africa was colonized by France until 1960. Fèlix Houphouët-Boigny, led the country after again independence until 1993. It has an interesting and tumultuous history and has suffered a great deal of political instability since 1960. During the first twenty years of independence the country experienced a economic boom and this had a huge impact on the standard of living for many citizens of the Ivory Coast. They had a better access to education, health care and quality of life. This is the year Aya of Yop City was set, and it played a huge role in the lifestyle they led. Ask students to read over the fact sheet and answer the questions. Once they have finished ask students to think in groups of three how these political and economic circumstances might have effected Aya during the 1970s. Students can also refer to the Aya of Yop City fact sheet for further information. Activity 2: Ivory Coast today fact sheet and questions (15 minutes) Ask students to read over the fact sheet and answer the questions. Then ask them to write down how they think the Ivory Coast has changed since the 1970s when Aya of Yop City is set. How has the politics and economy changed, how might this have effected the lives of the residents of Yop City?

7 Student Resources

8 Activity 3: Create your own comic: A day in the life This activity is intended to make you think how about using animation to tell your story and explain what makes your life unique. In Aya of Yop City Aya tells her story, she takes about her family, friends, fashion, her ambitions, what she likes to do at the weekend, fashion etc… There are many different ways do this, use the suggestions below as inspiration. 1.Make a comic strip, telling a story about your day, week, life… 2.Collage 1.Photography – take pictures of something that inspires you, time with your friends, your community etc. Family Marriage Community Friends Social life Relationships

9 Activity 3: Create your own comic: A day in the life Continued Activity 3: Create your own comic: A day in the life Continued Create your own animation and turn your life into a flip book! A flip book is a collection of combined pictures intended to be flipped over to give the illusion of movement and create an animated sequence from a simple small book without machine. The flip book looks like a small notebook – originally stapled, mostly bound today- that you hold in one hand while you flip over the pages with the thumb of the other hand, either from front to back or from back to front. You can find more information about the history of the flip book here: You will need: One small memo pad (about 3 X 4 inches) The pad must be glued or stapled at the top, not spiral bound! Lined notebooks can also work as the lines will help you orient your drawing as it moves. You can also make pads from 30-40 sheets of loose-leaf paper cut to size and stapled. …. And pens! How to do it: Only work on the lower half of the page. You will not be able to see the upper half very well as you flip. Start on the last page of the pad. Your flip book will go from back to front. Draw a simple shape, for example a stick figure, a face or something abstract. You will be drawing the entire picture each time, so keep it basic. Now put the next page down on top of the page you just drew on. You should be able to see through the paper to the drawing beneath. Copy your first drawing, but in a slightly different position. Continue putting down new pages and moving your drawing. Whenever you want to check how it’s coming out, just flip it!

10 Activity 3: Create your own comic: A day in the life Continued Activity 3: Create your own comic: A day in the life Continued Create your own animation and turn your life into a thaumatrope! A thaumatrope is a disk with a picture on each side, attached to two pieces of string. If you hold and twist the strings between your fingers and then pull them to let go, the disk will spin and the two pictures will appear as one moving image! You will need Two circles equal in circumference String Scissors A4 piece of card or paper Hole punch or sharp pencil PVA glue or gluestick Coloured pencils or felt tips What to do Download and print the thaumatrope on to an A4 piece of card or paper. Cut out the two large circles. Using a hole punch or sharp pencil, punch holes through the two small circles marked on each of the two large circles. Glue the back of the two large circles to each other so the pictures (the bird and the cage) are each facing outwards. Make sure the holes are lined up with each other. Cut two short lengths of string (about 15cm) and thread them through each hole. Your thaumatrope is now complete! Hold the strings between your fingers and twist them to wind it up. Then let them unwind quickly and watch the two pictures appear as one moving image! For best effects make images relate to each other

11 Educational Resource Worksheet: Ivory Coast 1960-1980 1) In what year did Cote d'Ivoire gain Independence from French colonial rule? 2) Describe the ‘’Golden Age’’ in the Ivory Coast? 3) Name the President of the Cote d'Ivoire from 1960 – 1993 and outline two significant elements about his time in power? 2 1 4) Outline three factors that led to the economic decline of the Cote d'Ivoire? 2 1 3 Name of President:

12 Educational Resource Worksheet: Aya of Yop City - Ivory Coast 1) Aya lived in the Ivory Coast during 1975, explain what the Ivory Coast was like during that time? 2) What was the influences between the generations, what influence did Aya have on her parents/grandparents and how did they influence her? 3) Name two of the characters in the film and outline their relationship with Aya. 2 4) Outline two similarities between your life in the UK and Aya’s life in the Ivory Coast. 1 2 1

13 Fact Sheet: Ivory Coast Today! Country profile: Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Nationality: Ivorian Language: French (official), 60 native dialects of which Dioula is the most widely spoken Population: 22,400,835 Population by generation: 0-14 years: 38.9% 15-24 years: 21% 25-54 years: 32.5% 55-64 years: 4.4% 65 years and over: 3.2% In March 2007 the two sides signed an agreements for working together to govern the country, and this power-sharing deal held out prospect of peace. In 2010 presidential poll led to further violence when the former president (Gragbo) refused to hand over power to the newly elected president (Alassane Dramane Ouattara), which led to widespread fighting and violence until Gragbo was formally forced from office by armed supporters of Ouattara) In December 1999, a military coup - the first ever in Ivory Coast history - overthrew the government. Junta leader Robert GUEI then rigged elections held in late 2000 and declared himself the winner. Popular protest forced him to step aside and brought Laurent Gbagbo into power. In 2002 disatified with the politics of their country another military coup was attempted, this failed and the country fell into a civil war until 2003. The war ended in 2003 with a cease fire that left the country split in two with the rebels holding the north, the government the south. Several thousands of UN peacekeepers and several hundred French troops remain in Cote d'Ivoire to support the transition process. Ouattara is focused on rebuilding the country's infrastructure and military after the five months of post-electoral fighting and faces ongoing threats from Gragbo supporters, many of whom have sought shelter in Ghana. Several thousands of UN peacekeepers and several hundred French troops remain in Cote d'Ivoire to support the transition process. Ouattara is focused on rebuilding the country's infrastructure and military after the five months of post-electoral fighting and faces ongoing threats from Gragbo supporters, many of whom have sought shelter in Ghana.

14 Fact Sheet: Ivory Coast 1960-1980 The dawn of the ‘’Golden Age’’: The Côte d'Ivoire was colonized by the French from 1889 until 1960, following independence a new Constitution was established, which formed the basis of a new democratic government. Within a short time, however, the governance became highly authoritarian, with a belief that competition among parties would waste resources, this lead to corruption and destroyed the democratic systems that were put in place. The first elected President, Félix Houphouët-Boigny tightened his grip on government and stayed in power until his death in 1993. Even those who objected to Houphouët-Boigny's style of governing the country admired the results of his policies. He described Côte d'Ivoire as an oasis of political stability and economic prosperity, the "Ivoirian miracle." Political stability and economic performance during its first twenty years of independence were extremely good and this was known as the ‘’Golden Age’’ in the Côte d'Ivoire. Between 1960 and 1979 the economic growth was exponential at almost 8% per year (much higher than growth rates elsewhere in Africa). The end of the ‘’Golden Age’’: However, the sudden growth and corrupt political regime produced high levels of inequality between the rich and poor. From 1979 onwards a number of factors led to the downfall of the economy and the increase in conflict and political strife, these included: By the end of the 1980s, Côte d'Ivoire was confronting the same problems of political and economic development as other African countries and having to respond with many of the same difficult solutions. The party-government of Côte d'Ivoire in the mid-1980s controlled the press, limited civil liberties, and allowed no institutionalized opposition to frame debate. As economic severity increased, political tensions, individuals and informal groups called for greater political choice, which the government seemed unprepared to grant. Many students protested against the role of foreigners in the economy and the government, which they saw as controlled by a small number of party leaders for the benefit of a privileged class of business community and landowners. Félix Houphouët-Boigny To avoid financial collapse Côte d'Ivoire negotiated a economic recovery and structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Structural Adjustment Policies provided African countries with a breather from debt payment if they have borrowed money from other countries, they organize strict repayment schedules. These strict policies forced the vast majority of the population to lower its expectations, which in turn contributed to heightened frustrations and a sharp increase in violent crime. Foreign borrowing to finance massive investments in infrastructure and public enterprises raised Côte d'Ivoire's foreign debt beyond its ability to meet its obligations. The drop in world prices for coffee and cocoa. Cote d’Ivore was not prepared for this and as the world’s leading producer of cocoa this had a huge impact on the economy.

15 Fact Sheet: From comic to animation Aya of Yop City: Aya of Yop City (Aya de Yopougon) is based on the memories of Marguerite Abouet, born in the working- class neighborhood of Yopougon, in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Her memories are used in the graphic novel series "Aya de Yopougon" (prepared with the collaboration of the graphic artist Clément Oubrerie), in which she presents an Africa country at peace, more urban and modern than otherwise expected. The film is an adaptation of the popular comic book series for the big screen. The story is set in Cote d’Ivoire during the 1970s, and takes place in Yopougon-Koute, or Yop City for short. Cote d’Ivoire, a country on the west coast of Africa was colonized by France until 1960. Fèlix Houphouët – Boigny, led the country after again independence until 1993. During this time, Cote d’Ivoire kept close ties with its West African neighbours as well as ties to France. This combination of influences created a unique culture where traditional African culture mixed with western ideals. When Houphouët – Boigny took presidency the country experienced an economic boom, which led to the creation of a middle class. With the rise in wealth for some of the country, many were able to send their children to school, especially peasants. Education, along with other social influences, made many, mostly women, aware of their rights, and women began fighting back against legislation which was aimed at sexual inequality and often succeeded in doing so. These factors influence Aya’s life in Yop City in the following ways: Women’s empowerment: Aya is different from the other women in Yop City because of her dismissal of finding a husband, she wants to become a doctor. She is driven and independent, her determination to go to her father’s work shows her need to achieve more than just becoming a mother or selling fritters at the market. The other women don’t seem to be as concerned as Aya with changing their roles in society through pursuing an education and a professional level career. Rather they are more predisposed to the typical women’s role in Yop City of staying home to raise a family. Infidelity and Dishonesty The reveal of Ignace’s second family is just one example of the infidelity presented in this portrayal of Yop City. The women’s reliance on men for survival gives them the dominating role over their relationships, and ability to do what they want, sometimes taking no responsibility. Family & Community Within the few minutes of Aya of Yop City, the family units are mapped out, laying the groundwork for the strong family ties and connections throughout the film. The close connections between the different characters shows that this community has always been tightly knit.

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