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THE FUTURE OF ROCK CLIMBING SmartWall 10/8/2009 Steve.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FUTURE OF ROCK CLIMBING SmartWall 10/8/2009 Steve."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FUTURE OF ROCK CLIMBING SmartWall 10/8/2009 Steve

2 Team Members Anil Damle Matanya Horowitz Kirk Liu Mark Vankempen Steve Wilson 10/8/2009 Steve

3 Presentation Outline Review  Solution  Overall Status Handhold  Construction  Architecture  Status Controller  Architecture  Status Project Logistics  Progress & Budget  Goals 10/8/2009 Steve

4 Project Review SmartWall  Use modern technology on the antiquated rockwall Hardware  Output  Light-up handholds  Dynamic route creation  Input  Pressure sensors  User-programmable routes  User specific memory  Memory  User profiles 10/8/2009 Steve

5 System Overview Host Computer Controller Handhold SD Card User Input 10/8/2009 Steve Touchscreen

6 Project Status 10/8/2009 Steve Handhold prototype complete and ordered  PCB Layout  Physical Design  Sensor Placement Completed Wall  With non- smart handholds installed Wireless protocol complete Controller PCB layout complete and ordered Have clear handholds in shipment

7 System Diagram MSP 430 F5438XBee LCD Display Numeric Keypad SD Card Storage Host Computer 10/8/2009 Steve XBee MSP 430 F2418 Force Sensors Lighting Output XBee Controller Handhold Computer

8 Handhold Controller will communicate bi-directionally with host controller LED’s used to light up handholds as output Pressure sensors used to detect input PCB must be small enough to fit inside a handhold Semi-transparent handholds have been bought from Franklin Handholds  Boulder Based  Custom design for PCB and Batteries 10/8/2009 Mark

9 Handhold Architecture 10/8/2009 Mark MSP430F2418Xbee Wireless Force Sensor LED’s GPIO ADC UART

10 Handhold – PCB 10/8/2009 Mark The handhold PCBs are complete and ordered (version 1.0) Space for up to 8 force sensors Transmits force data Receives LED lighting instructions Charges batteries Room for ½” bolt

11 Handhold – MSP 430 10/8/2009 Mark MSP430F2418  16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power  116KB Flash  8KB RAM  12 Bit ADC  2 USCIs

12 Handhold Force Sensors 10/8/2009 Mark Each force sensor will be connected to a single supply non-inverting Op-Amp circuit There will be a total of 8 Op-Amps on the board (2 ICs of 4 Op-Amps each) Force sensor ranges from 1.5V (low force) to 3V (high force) FlexiForce sensor will be used Purchased from SparkFun

13 Handhold – Lighting Output 10/8/2009 Mark LEDs will be controlled by GPIO on MSP430 LEDs will be driven by power supplies with the processor controlling the gate of the MOSFET Four different colored LEDs, either on or off Future revisions will allow for color and intensity variability in LEDs

14 MAX1555 - Battery Chargers 10/8/2009 Kirk Charge from USB or AC Adapter Automatic Switchover when AC Adapter is Plugged In On-Chip Thermal Limiting Simplifies Board Design Charge Status Indicator 5-Pin Thin SOT23 Package Recharge on wall  Recessed electrodes

15 Handhold Power PCB 10/8/2009 Kirk Three Voltage Regulators (1.5V, 3.3V, 5V) Batteries not user-removable

16 Battery Solution 10/8/2009 Kirk One 6Ahr triple pack for each handhold. Each cells outputs a nominal 3.7V at 2000mAh  sleep mode ~ <1uA,  Active ~ 200uA Model:E585460  Dimensions: 0.75x2.1x2.1"  Weight: 3.88oz Wall power of handholds for debugging Keep components in low power as much as possible Aim for >1 month between charges

17 Handhold Status 10/8/2009 Kirk Completed so far:  Custom handholds solution  PCB layout complete and ordered (Revision 1.0)  Parts ordered  Coding underway To do:  Add recessed electrodes  Build clip-on charger  Programming  Assemble

18 Handhold  Controller Protocol 10/8/2009 Kirk Handholds communicate with Controller using packets XBee handles timing, traffic congestion Controller set to Coordinator  Handholds are End Devices  Handholds automatically sleep when not in use  Cyclic Mode – Wake up at 1Hz, check for information  Broadcast data at 2Hz  Power draw < 50µA during sleep

19 Handhold   Controller Protocol (Climbing) 10/8/2009 Kirk FieldIDStatusForce (4 x 8 bit) Timestamp FormatU32U8U32 Handhold  Controller FieldDestination ID Mode SetMode Dependent Data Timestamp FormatU32U8U32 Controller  Handhold

20 Handhold Modes 10/8/2009 Kirk ModeMode IDMode Description Mode Details Shutdown0Shutdown for long period of time Set Cyclic Sleep to period of one minute Not in use1Low power mode for Handhold not on route Broadcast if pressure detected On route2Handhold is on route Implement lighting scheme, broadcast pressure data

21 Controller 10/8/2009 Matanya Controller broadcasts status information  No handhold-handhold communication  Handles dissemination and storage of information  Provides initialization instructions, lighting modes  Detects unique users

22 Controller Architecture 10/8/2009 Matanya MSP430F5438Xbee Wireless RFID SD CardLCD Keypad SPI UART GPIO UART

23 Controller – MSP 430 10/8/2009 Matanya MSP430F5438  Ultra low power  Flexible I/O Structure  SPI, UART  16KB RAM JTAG programmable  On chip debugging

24 Host Controller – Data Storage 10/8/2009 Matanya SD Card storage  SPI Interface  Custom file system  Have development code  Computer readable Removable Contains user profiles  Allows for profile modifications

25 Host Controller – RFID Recognition 10/8/2009 Matanya/Anil Provides intuitive method to load user profiles RFID Reader ID-12 implements hardware  Serial string output of unique 32-bit card ID

26 Controller debugging components 10/8/2009 Matanya/Anil Two line LCD display  Serial command input Numeric keypad  Matrix input Allows for debugging input-output

27 Controller – Wireless Communication 10/8/2009 Matanya/Anil Communicates to Handholds via Xbee XBee 1mW Chip Antenna Serial interface Hardware – Xbee 1mW Chip Antenna  Low power mesh networking Data transmission  Pressure  Lighting mode  Status

28 Controller Status 10/8/2009 Matanya Complete:  PCB layout complete (Revision 1.0)  All parts ordered  Hardware done  Wireless Protocol complete To Do:  Software  SD Card interface  Handhold interface  Initialization sequence  Assembly

29 Computer 10/8/2009 Anil PC computer with Windows XP  Pentium 4 1.8Ghz  512 MB RAM Matlab Necessary  Generated user interface  Provides communication with profile  Implements video processing, evaluates route planning algorithm Will provide higher level functionality  Video processing, Route creation Connection to web camera

30 Computer - Touchscreen 10/8/2009 Anil Possibility  Tiling of handhold has freed budget  Still contingent on EEF Funding LCD8LVGATS  $300  VGA Input  USB Output More research once we get funding  Mouse and keyboard backup

31 Computer – User Interface 10/8/2009 Anil Parameter adjustement Profile Interactive wall image

32 Budget – To date ItemCost Wall200 Dumb HandholdsFree (Thanks Jake!) Host PCFree Controller PCB50 Handhold PCB50 Components for PCB’s150 Pressure Sensors80 Batteries40 USB module / RFID20 Total~600 10/8/2009 Anil

33 Budget - Future 10/8/2009 Anil ItemCost Handhold Components (each)170 MSP 430Free LED’s10 Pressure Sensors80 Batteries40 Resistors4 Capacitors3 PCB10 Controller Components20 Camera20 Touchscreen300 Total (10 Handholds)~2100

34 Concerns Sensor saturation  More expensive sensors Budget  Insufficient # of handholds  Mix in dumb handholds  Correlate with video data  No touchscreen Ability to test algorithms  Wall is too small  Request wall-time at rock gym 10/8/2009 Anil

35 Milestone #1 Controller talking to multiple handholds Preliminary Initialization Sequence  Handhold placement analysis Light up handholds for routes Preliminary algorithm results  Route creation 10/8/2009 Anil

36 Milestone #2 Data logging to SD Card Algorithms complete and tested Preliminary user interface  Ability to view data Basic functionality completed RFID Login 10/8/2009 Anil

37 Logistics - Schedule 10/8/2009 Anil

38 Individual Tasks Remaining Matanya Mark Steve Kirk Anil Route Planning Video Processing User Interface RFID User Recognition Controller Logging 10/8/2009 Anil Touchscreen interface Handhold Assembly/ Debugging Controller Debugging Handhold Initialization Handhold Poll Force Sensors Handhold Poll Force Sensors Handhold LED lighting Handhold Broadcast & Receive Handhold Broadcast & Receive Controller Wireless Transmission Computer Logging Computer Logging Controller Initialization

39 Questions 10/8/2009 Anil

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