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II Annual Conference of the GIS and Baltic countries Finnish Cadastre and the 2014 Vision on Cadastre of FIG September 28, 2011 Moscow Jarmo Ratia Director.

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Presentation on theme: "II Annual Conference of the GIS and Baltic countries Finnish Cadastre and the 2014 Vision on Cadastre of FIG September 28, 2011 Moscow Jarmo Ratia Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 II Annual Conference of the GIS and Baltic countries Finnish Cadastre and the 2014 Vision on Cadastre of FIG September 28, 2011 Moscow Jarmo Ratia Director General National Land Survey of Finland

2 NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH Contents  Finland  NLS  Base registers  LIS and real property registers  Development goals  Conclusion

3 Facts about Finland  Land area 304,530 km2  Water area 33,615 km2  Total area 338,195 km2  Population 5.3 million  17 inhabitants per km2  67% in towns  19 counties  336 municipalities  2.6 million cadastral units NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

4 Administra- tive Services The organization of the NLS Archive Centre Computer Centre Central Administration District Survey Offices 12 (35 localities) Aerial Image Centre Development Centre Information Service Centre MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

5 Base Registers in Finland  The basic units of society:  natural persons  real estates  buildings  enterprises, corporations and foundations NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

6 Base Registers Integration of register data using IDs and position as links

7 NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH LIS in Finland  Part of base register structure  Cadastre  Land Register  Legislation Jan 1, 2003  setting-up  administration  financing  Operational June 1, 2005

8 LIS Players  MAF  legislation  NLS  administration, data  Municipalities  data  Private company  IT management NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

9 Real Property Registers  Cadastre  NLS and 80 municipalities, updating  NLS, maintenance  Land Register  NLS, updating and maintenance  Register on titles and mortgages  Purchase Price Register  NLS, updating and maintenance NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

10 Cadastre  Covers the entire area of the country  Municipalities (80) in their urban planning areas and the NLS elsewhere  The cadastral index map indicates register units, their boundaries and identifiers  Buildings in a separate register NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

11 Content of the Cadastre  Covers the whole country  Both land and water areas  Property division  Incl. shares in common areas  Connected rights  Easements, usufructs  Cadastral index map  Register units, their boundaries and identifiers  Buildings in a separate register NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

12 Data from other Agencies  Land use plan data  Municipalities  Master plans, detailed plans  Nature conservation areas on private land  Centers for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment  Environment allowance agreements  Forestry Centres  Decisions according to Water Act  Regional State Administration Agencies  Reservoirs, protection areas NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

13 Land Register  NLS (2010-) responsible for maintenance and entries  Titles, mortgages and other registered rights  Copy of cadastral part as foundation  High degree of reliability NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

14 Purchase Price Register  NLS responsible  Real property conveyances since early 1980’s  Available for public  Web access through NLS Map Site for Professionals NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

15 LIS Data Policy  Data open for everybody  Query and taking notes free of charge  Extracts of register units against fee  Digital data containing person info (ownership, conveyance, mortgage), with licence for stipulated uses only, against fee NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

16 Development Goals  New IT system for the Land Registry in 2012  Electronic conveyance in 2015  Project costs 15 M€ (2008-2012)  Productivity gains 100 man-years  3D real properties NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

17 Development Goals (2)  Improving integration with other systems  land use plans and restrictions (co- project NLS, MAF, ME, municipalities)  other spatial systems NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

18 Land Information System after complete Renewal NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

19 e-Conveyancing  MoJ report January 19, 2006  Electronic property sales, mortgage bonds and registration in Land Code  Deed electronically in information system  Electronic deed and mortgage bond alternative for paper  Introduction 2015 NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

20 Coordinate-based Cadastre  Now based on boundary marks in the ground  Coordinate-based cadastre not considered economically sensible  Would require development of  Legislation  IT systems  Work processes NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

21 Third and fourth dimension  Property objects  Preparatory work for enablement of 3D-property formation underway  Need for 3D-properties in city centres  Registration of time aspect (time share) not relevant so far NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

22 Interoperability  Interoperability between and within national systems and registers vital  EuroGeographics Vision on Cadastre and Land Registration  International developments  EULIS  INSPIRE  NSDIs  LADM NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

23 Natural boundaries  Real properties’ boundaries do not move along with natural phenomena e.g.  Post-glacial rebound  Meandering riverbank  Original boundary line redefined through cadastral processes NATIONAL LAND SURVEY OF FINLAND – DOWN TO EARTH

24 Conclusion The Finnish Cadastre remains as a governmental task. It will not be privatized.

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