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Published byReginald Parks Modified over 9 years ago
Kinson Primary School Parent and Carers meetings Wednesday 22 nd April 2015 Kinson Primary School Governors with Victoria Bryan, Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team
Kinson Primary School Kinson Primary School A warm welcome to our School! Introductions from the Kinson Primary School Governing Body
Ofsted Report 2015 The Inspection team have judged the Overall effectiveness of Kinson Primary School as a grade 3 school – this means that Kinson Primary School continues its journey to become a good / better school. Since the last Inspection there has been progress made which was acknowledged by the Ofsted Inspection Team which is very pleasing. One key action from the last Inspection was to improve the EYFS provision which this time round has been inspected as ‘Good’. Well done the EYFS Team!
Our strengths were recognised The headteacher is a strong and determined leader who has worked strenuously to improve the school over the last two years. The school is now improving rapidly in all areas, in part because the governing body and other leaders are becoming increasingly effective. Skilled teaching and a good understanding of how children learn ensure Reception children achieve well. Their attainment is above average.
Our School Strengths Phonics (the sounds letters make in words) is especially well taught. As a result, younger pupils make good progress in reading. Their attainment is slightly above average by Year 2. The effective work of the nurture group and parent and pupil support worker is improving behaviour and attendance well. Good use is made of the expertise of members of the Bournemouth Septenary Trust to support school development. Comprehensive monitoring and support of teaching this year have helped eradicate endemically weak practice.
What we need to do better Tackle all weaknesses in the quality of teaching and learning. Ensure all Staff apply school policies and procedures consistently. Support children in their language skills so that writing skills improve. Ensure all staff have a consistent approach to marking and giving feedback to children about their learning. Ensure that children in our older year groups make better progress. Improve the behaviour of children at this school.
Leadership and Management The current senior leadership team demonstrates the capacity to bring about more rapid improvement than in the past. Their roles in checking on and supporting the different phases of the school and in English and mathematics have begun to lead to improving achievement. Newly appointed year leaders take their responsibility seriously and are beginning to bring about improvements through their challenge and support of staff. However, it is too soon to see the full effect of their work.
Behaviour and safety of pupils Pupils enjoy school, but not all staff have high enough expectations of how pupils will behave in lessons. When pupils are given work that is too easy or too hard for them, or when the pace of lessons is too slow a few pupils lose interest. On these occasions, low-level disruption occasionally takes place. Those pupils who find good behaviour difficult are supported well, especially by the nurture group. Their behaviour improves well over time. Pupils are clear about the difference between right and wrong and the school’s rewards and sanctions procedures. A recent emphasis on improving behaviour when moving around the school and at playtimes has seen a marked improvement. However, not all pupils respond swiftly enough to adults’ instructions, particularly when lining up, for example at the end of break times to go back into school. Attendance has improved well over the past two years due to the effective work of the parent and pupil support worker.
Quality of teaching Teaching in literacy, reading and mathematics has been more effective over the past year. Good learning in lessons was observed in all phases during the inspection. Teaching assistants are appropriately deployed to support learning during lessons although the quality of their support varies considerably. Some provide effective support, but this is not the case consistently across classes. Teaching provided to help pupils who have fallen behind to catch up is typically good and is where teaching assistants are most effective. This has increased the progress of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, as well as that of disadvantaged pupils.
Quality of teaching Teaching is consistently good in the Reception classes. Here, all staff ensure that each child makes the progress they should. As a result, their attainment has risen well and continues to do so. The teaching of phonics is especially strong, especially in the younger year groups. Attainment in reading has risen well as a result. Teaching is consistently good in the current Year 6 because activities consistently help pupils to do well. These teachers are especially adept at ensuring disadvantaged pupils close the attainment gap well on their peers in reading and writing.
Achievement of pupils Whilst an improvement on previous years, in both 2013 and 2014, results in the Year 6 national tests show that pupils attainment and progress were below the national average. The decline in attainment and progress has now been halted and pupils make at least the progress they should. In reading, attainment is improving more rapidly because of the very good teaching of phonics and effective support for disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those with special education needs. Pupils in Reception and Years 1 and 2 achieve well in reading. Attainment is rising and is slightly above average by Year 2.
Early Years Provision Reception children get off to a good start. Children’s communication, literacy and mathematics skills prepare them well for learning in Year 1. Staff meticulously assess and record children’s progress, providing clear evidence on what they have achieved and what they need to do to improve. Activities are planned effectively for the next steps of each child’s learning. Consequently, most children achieve well and reach a good level of development by the time they leave. Leadership and management are good because of the very effective teamwork between staff and a continual focus on improving children’s well-being and academic progress.
Moving forward Continue to build on the recent successes of this school. We will all recognise when good and better learning is happening and notice the impact on our children. Build the skills of our Kinson Primary team. We will be good and outstanding. Promote the ethos and environment of the school. Share with the community the positive messages about what happens here.
What will you see happening? Improve teaching so that it is consistently good. Regular monitoring of lessons by the school leadership team, accompanied by colleagues from the Bournemouth Septenary Trust, the Local Authority and Governors. Timely support plans will be put in place to support staff where improvement in practice needs to happen. The SLT and Year leads will monitor planning and analyse pupil progress data regularly to check on the progress your children are making. An audit of Teaching Assistant staff and their skills to ensure they are deployed effectively. These plans were already in place when Ofsted visited – they were confident we knew the areas to build upon.
What will you see happening? Improve achievement by Introduce ‘Talk for Writing’ as a tool to ensure children become confident with their language skills and in turn become better writers. This has already started and was planned for when the Ofsted team arrived. Cut down on the number of worksheet led lessons and ensure children have more opportunities to engage in more open ended problem solving – particularly in Mathematics.
What will you see happening? Strengthen leadership We already had plans in place to ensure that pupils behaviour improves. The team could see this – however many of the changes have been too recent for Ofsted to feel confident these are embedded in school practice. The school leadership team was restructured in September and only now do we have our complete staff. The way this new leadership team is working / is going to work, was acknowledged by the Ofsted team - but again we are still showing work in progress. But our dedication and commitment is there! To ensure the Governing Body becomes increasingly effective, there will be a ‘Review of Governance’ during the summer term. Governors have recently completed a skills audit.
What happens next… We will have another Ofsted visit within two years. The Senior Leadership Team and the Governors will ensure you receive updates on the progress the school is making (i.e. school newsletters and on our website).
An opportunity for discussion – on table groups Introductions around the table Ofsted report Key points to share An idea to feed back to SLT and School Governors
We all have a part to play.. NON SIBI SED LUDO Not for self but for school
Thank you Thank you for attending this presentation and for your continued support.
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