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Chapter 22 Descent with Modification. Darwin’s context: Chapter 22 Descent with Modification.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 22 Descent with Modification. Darwin’s context: Chapter 22 Descent with Modification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

2 Darwin’s context: Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

3 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

4 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

5 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

6 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

7 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

8 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

9 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

10 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

11 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Cuvier – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

12 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Cuvier – fossils and extinction Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

13 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Cuvier – fossils and extinction Lyell – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

14 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Cuvier – fossils and extinction Lyell – modern geology Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

15 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Cuvier – fossils and extinction Lyell – modern geology Mendel – Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

16 Darwin’s context: Linnaeus – classification (taxonomy) Hutton – gradual geological change Lamarck – species can change Malthus – population limits Cuvier – fossils and extinction Lyell – modern geology Mendel – genetic inheritance. Chapter 22 Descent with Modification

17 Lamarck’s theory of evolution (1809) Fossil record shows lines of descent Use and disuse of body parts Inheritance of acquired characteristics. Chapter 22 Descent with Modification




21 Observation 1: For any species, population size would increase exponentially if all individuals that are born reproduced successfully

22 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Observation 1: For any species, population size would increase exponentially if all individuals that are born reproduced successfully. Observation 2: Nonetheless, populations tend to remain stable in size, except for seasonal fluctuations

23 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Observation 1: For any species, population size would increase exponentially if all individuals that are born reproduced successfully. Observation 2: Nonetheless, populations tend to remain stable in size, except for seasonal fluctuations. Observation 3: Resources are limited.

24 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Inference 1: Production of more individuals than the environment can support leads to a struggle for existence among individuals of a population, with only a fraction of their offspring surviving each generation.

25 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Observation 4: Members of a population vary extensively in their characteristics. No two individuals are exactly alike

26 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Observation 4: Members of a population vary extensively in their characteristics. No two individuals are exactly alike. Observation 5: Much of this variation is heritable.

27 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Inference 2: Survival depends in part on inherited traits. Individuals whose inherited traits give them a high probability of surviving and reproducing in a given environment have higher fitness and are likely to leave more offspring than less fit individuals.

28 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Inference 3: This unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce will lead to a gradual change in a population, with favorable characteristics accumulating over generations.

29 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Natural Selection:

30 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Natural Selection: The differential success in reproduction among individuals that vary in their heritable traits

31 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Natural Selection: The differential success in reproduction among individuals that vary in their heritable traits. Over time, natural selection can increase the adaptation of organisms to their environment

32 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Natural Selection: The differential success in reproduction among individuals that vary in their heritable traits. Over time, natural selection can increase the adaptation of organisms to their environment. If an environment changes over time, or if a population moves to a new environment, natural selection may result in adaptation to these new conditions

33 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Natural Selection: The differential success in reproduction among individuals that vary in their heritable traits. Over time, natural selection can increase the adaptation of organisms to their environment. If an environment changes over time, or if a population moves to a new environment, natural selection may result in adaptation to these new conditions, sometimes giving rise to new species.

34 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Evidence: Evolution in action today Anatomical homologies Molecular homologies Biogeography The fossil record.

35 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points:

36 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Individuals do not evolve; populations evolve over generations

37 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Evolution does not move towards a goal

38 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Adaptations are always based on existing structures

39 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Events in the past are inferred, but natural selection and descent with modification are observable events happening today in the world and in the laboratory.

40 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Evolution is “just a theory” like Newton’s theory of gravitation.

41 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Evolution is “just a theory” like Newton’s theory of gravitation. Both make sense of massive amounts of data.

42 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Evolution is “just a theory” like Newton’s theory of gravitation. Both make sense of massive amounts of data. Both make accurate predictions.

43 Chapter 22 Descent with Modification Some key points: Evolution is “just a theory” like Newton’s theory of gravitation. Both make sense of massive amounts of data. Both make accurate predictions. Both are subject to constant questioning and revision..

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