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NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE RBSA Metering Interim Presentation Ecotope, Inc. July 17, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE RBSA Metering Interim Presentation Ecotope, Inc. July 17, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE RBSA Metering Interim Presentation Ecotope, Inc. July 17, 2012

2 2 Agenda Introduction/Overview Sample Metered end uses Early look at the data Next steps

3 Timeline and Deliverables Deliverable/MilestoneDate Installations completeDec. 29, 2011 First data collection visit completeMar. 31, 2012 Interim reportQ3 2012 First year of metering completeQ1 2013 Final report and datasetQ4 2013 Continued monitoring in test bed2-5 years 3

4 Residential Building Stock Assessment - Metering  2 year whole-home metering study  Detailed look at the determinants of energy use  Last major regional study (ELCAP) 25 years old  Major changes in home energy use since  No regional lighting study done until now  Collect data for end use load shapes  Data analysis will provide key information for regional planning efforts and utility incentive programs  Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s 7 th Power Plan 4

5  High resolution accounting of electricity usage for at least 90% of all house end-uses  Detailed (5 minute) load shapes for all end uses of interest (heating, cooling, hot water, major appliances, plug loads)  25 heat pumps (control settings)  Run time/gas usage for gas furnaces/water heaters  Airflow/external static pressure/2 stage data  Daily remote access to all data (except lighting) 5 Residential Building Stock Assessment - Metering

6 Residential Building Stock Assessment  Assessment of base case residential building characteristics in the PNW  1456 total single family sites in RBSA (65% of sites single family and remainder mfd homes/apts)  Sample frame designed to ensure statistical significance in various subregions (Puget Sound, Western Oregon, Eastern Washington, etc.)  About 600 data fields collected in half day audit  Physical audit (heat loss)  Heating/cooling/hot water equipment survey  Major appliance and plug load census  Room by room lighting survey  About 35% of sites also tested for house/duct tightness 6

7 Overall Study Architecture RBSA Sample (1456) House & duct tightness (508) Fully Instrumented (101) 7

8 RBSA Metering Sample  Based on the RBSA sample  Target single-family energy end-uses  Targeted to provide detailed information on:  Major climate zones both heating and cooling  Heating fuel type  Electric heating system types  Contains both electricity and gas elements  Sample recruited from RBSA sample frame and designed to be integrated into that sample 8

9 Site Locations RegionSample E. Washington16 Idaho14 Montana5 Puget Sound36 W. Oregon30 Total101 9

10 Data Collection Structure  The dataset will provide an end use breakdown  5 minute accumulation of RMS energy—total service drop and all sub-metered channels (both at panel and via wireless network)  5 minute averages of key temperatures  5 minute snapshots of service voltages, true power, power factor (load shapes)  Distinguishes between heating and cooling (heat pumps)  Accumulates gas furnace and gas water heater run-time  Tabulates lighting cycles; these data combined with fixture/bulb data from whole-house lighting audit 10

11 Whole Home  Service entry (all electricity to home)  Indoor temperature (main living area)  Outdoor temperature 11

12 Heating and Cooling  19 electric resistance homes  8 forced air-furnaces; 11 zonal electric  25 heat pump homes  3 ductless heat pumps, 2 dual-fuel, 1 packaged unit, 1 ground-source heat pump  57 natural gas homes  2 boilers  2 gas fireplace/wall heaters  53 gas forced-air 12

13 Domestic Hot Water  60 electric & 41 gas tank water heaters  No on-demand systems 13

14 Appliances  Refrigerators (123)  Dishwashers  Freezers  Clothes washers  Clothes dryers  Ranges  Well pumps  Spas 14

15 Plug Loads  TVs (160)  Cable boxes  Gaming consoles  Other TV accessories  Computers (103)  Computer peripherals  Space heaters 15

16 Lighting  Average of 19 fixture groups per home  On/off cycles, fixture wattage 16

17 We’ve Got One…  Nissan Leaf  Wine cooler  Elliptical trainer  Refrigerated drinking fountain  Fish tank 17

18 Preliminary Findings ‎Case Study ‎Analytic Approach ‎Interim Metered Data 18

19 Case Study: Large Loads 19

20 Case Study: Plug Loads 20

21 Case Study: Selected Plug Loads 21

22 Lighting – Hourly Load 22

23 Analytic Approach ‎Consolidation  Fine-scale daily data is incredibly interesting but can become quickly overwhelming. The solution is data consolidation.  Data can be collapsed into desired time intervals:  hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly  Data can be aggregated by end use across sites 23

24 DHW Load Shape – Hourly (Weekday) 24

25 Refrigerator Load Shape - Hourly 25

26 Refrigerator Load Shape – Daily 26

27 Analytic Questions With this dataset we hope to answer the following:  How much energy does a device/category consume in one day, week, month, year?  Is there a seasonal dependence of a given load?  What are the outdoor temperature dependencies of a given load?  What are the different end use load shapes?  Hourly load shapes over 8760 hours of the year for each device monitored  Climate dependent load shapes 27

28 Next Steps  Monitor/manage ongoing data collection  Interim Report (Q3 2012)  Final Report (Q4 2013)  Create focused datasets as needed  Oversee testbed 28

29 Questions 29

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