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Independent Reading of CD-ROM Storybooks: Measuring Comprehension With Oral Retellings Pearman, C.J. (2008). Independent Reading of CD-ROM Storybooks:

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Reading of CD-ROM Storybooks: Measuring Comprehension With Oral Retellings Pearman, C.J. (2008). Independent Reading of CD-ROM Storybooks:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Reading of CD-ROM Storybooks: Measuring Comprehension With Oral Retellings Pearman, C.J. (2008). Independent Reading of CD-ROM Storybooks: Measuring Comprehension With Oral Retellings. The Reading Teacher 61(8), 594-602.

2 The Author’s Study Purpose: “To investigate whether young students with varying degrees of reading proficiency would score higher on an oral retelling when provided with text at their reading level presented via CD- ROM storybook format rather than a traditional print format” Participants: Grade-Two students in a large rural school in the southern US.

3 Procedure: Each student read a traditional text and an electronic text at their reading level. The title was discussed and students were told they would read and then retell the story. Students would read the book independently (they were shown how to read the electronic version) and then retell the story.

4 Interesting Findings/Results: 4 students were ADHD. (1 high, 1 medium, 2 low). These students tended to flip back and forth through the pages in traditional texts and were more engaged in the CD ROM books. They did click on hotspots and words and pictures but their attention was focused on text and they weren’t looking around the room. CD-ROM books helped the students with context. Music cued one student “that something was going to happen”. 13 students who did not read the traditional text aloud did read the electronic text aloud. Students did listen to some words and sentences repeatedly before continuing with reading

5 Conclusions: “CD-ROM storybooks may facilitate reading comprehension for 2 nd grade students who are struggling with developing reading skills and strategies” An increased focus on words could increase a student’s vocabulary The CD ROM books provides repeated assistance without becoming impatient, or taking instructional time away from other students. “In sum, the support offered by the multisensory features… has the potential to enhance comprehension for students who are struggling with acquiring the skills necessary for the reading process”.

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