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Scottish Higher Education Employability Conference: Strengthening Partnerships with Employers Margaret Mill Centre for Credit Rating Accreditation Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Higher Education Employability Conference: Strengthening Partnerships with Employers Margaret Mill Centre for Credit Rating Accreditation Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Higher Education Employability Conference: Strengthening Partnerships with Employers Margaret Mill Centre for Credit Rating Accreditation Manager 2nd June 2011

2 Creating the Partnerships 2000- Edinburgh Napier University: Credit Rating 2005-06 SCQF Scottish Colleges Credit Rating Pilot 2007 Centre for Credit Rating Design/Launch 2007-09 College Business Development Staff training 2007-09 College Academic/Quality Staff training 2009-11 Developing the external business model

3  Private sector business  Public sector organisations  Charity and voluntary sector  Independent Training consultants  Finance and banking sector  Private sector business  Public sector organisations  Charity and voluntary sector  Independent Training consultants  Finance and banking sector Centre for Credit Rating activity  Credit Rating training and development  Benchmarking against national standards  Creating pathways to higher level awards  Recognition of Prior Learning  Recognition of current learning activities  Adding value to learning experience   Credit Rating training and development  Benchmarking against national standards  Creating pathways to higher level awards  Recognition of Prior Learning  Recognition of current learning activities  Adding value to learning experience   Key priority for Skills Development in Scotland  Edinburgh Napier University Awards  National Frameworks  Publication on national database of learning provision.  Key priority for Skills Development in Scotland  Edinburgh Napier University Awards  National Frameworks  Publication on national database of learning provision.  Employers  Individual learners  Universities, Colleges  Faculty within Edinburgh Napier University  SCQF  Scottish Government  Employers  Individual learners  Universities, Colleges  Faculty within Edinburgh Napier University  SCQF  Scottish Government Target Groups Activities StakeholdersLinks

4 Employers and Organisations Business Sector Llyods Banking Group BAE Systems Rowan Consultancy Apex Hotels Castle Craigs Hospital Professional Bodies Association of Project Management Institute of Management Consultants Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers Charities and Voluntary Organisations Relationships Scotland Aberlour Trust Scotland Richmond Fellowship Scotland (TRFS) Public Sector COSCA Registers of Scotland NHS Lothian Queen Margaret Hospital City of Edinburgh Health & Social Care Scottish Blood Transfusion Service Education & Training Organisations International Correspondence Schools Ross International Training Consultants NHS Education Scotland SPACE Hong Kong Manipal University, India

5 Worked based modules Specific linked modules Contextualised for delivery Independent Study/Project modules Degree Diploma of Higher Education Certificate of Higher Education Masters level Qualification Post Graduate Certificate Post Graduate Diploma Edinburgh Napier University Provision Centre for Credit Rating Provide a service to Employers that recognises current learning and offers opportunities for progression. Develop routes to Masters awards building on existing knowledge and understanding Recognition of Prior Learning Credit Rating / Accreditation Flexible delivery Blended learning format Identify learning programmes with potential for credit rating Maximise credit from a wide range of sources Work with employers to add value to training and development Developed contacts with organisations in a range of different sectors. Build and manage relationships ensure standards and quality of provision Build and manage relationships ensure standards and quality of provision Deliver outcomes to meet expectations of all stakeholders Building Partnerships

6 Credit rating procedures CCR0 New client risk assessment matrix CCR1 Programme specification brief CCR2 Module descriptor outline CCR3 Credit rating scorecard CCR4 Verification report CCR G1 Information for organisations CCR G2 Guidance on preparation of documentation CCR G3 Guidance for credit rating reporters

7 Valuing Workplace Learning SCQF allocation of level and credits to learning Added value to Employers Enhanced learning experience Credit-transfer/credit accumulation and progression RPL credits Building flexible part-time programmes of study/awards

8 Centre for Credit Rating Model Organisations Upskilled workforce Programme that meets business needs Nationally recognised qualification Learners RPL Credit for WBL Fast Track to awards Edinburgh Napier improved relations with employers Increased students numbers Additional Income

9 Credit Rating Case Study Registers of Scotland: Certificate in Land Registration (Plans) - First Registration Certificate in Land Registration (Plans) - First Registration and Transfer of Part Advanced Certificate in Land Registration (Plans) Diploma in Land Registration (Plans)

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