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Overview and History of Distance Learning

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1 Overview and History of Distance Learning
Dr. Steve Broskoske Misericordia University EDU 568 Distance Education and Hybrid Technologies

2 Outline About the course. What is distance learning? Hands-on:
Elements of DL. Brief history of DL. Hands-on: Discussion boards. Word collaboration/review tools. Introduction to Sympodium.

3 About the Course

4 Logistics of the Course
EDU 568 – Distance Education and Hybrid Technologies Scheduling: Meet 7 Wednesday nights, from 6:00-8:30. Other 7 meetings will be class, group, or individual activity online or conducted independently. Each class meeting: First half of class: lecture, presentation, discussion. Second half of class: hands-on experience.

5 Logistics of the Course
Many activities will be conducted online using various synchronous and asynchronous distance learning media. Students need to have: Access to a computer. An online connection (ideally a broadband connection). A headphone with a microphone.

6 Attendance and Participation
“This is a hands-on course. Students are expected to attend and actively participate in all course meetings and activities. Because this is a blended course, many activities will be conducted online using various synchronous and asynchronous distance learning media.”

7 Attendance and Participation
Realize that some synchronous online activities will involve meeting online in addition to the in-person class meetings. These times will be arranged with students as a group, and every effort will be made to accommodate everyone’s schedule.

8 Attendance and Participation
Students who are absent must contact the instructor by or voice mail. Students are responsible for course material that was covered. Students are responsible for completing and submitting any projects that were completed at the time of their absence in a timely fashion.

9 Snow Cancellation Due to the blended nature of this course, even if the university cancels classes due to inclement weather, the instructor may still hold class online using synchronous and asynchronous technologies.

10 Overview of the Course Overview and History of Distance Learning
Asynchronous Delivery Systems in DL Synchronous Delivery Systems in DL Achieving Student Success in DL Good Teaching Practice in DL Issues Related to DL Administrative Issues in DL/Presentations

11 Class 1: Overview and History of Distance Learning
Topics: Overview of distance learning (definition, history, types/forms). Theories Hands-on: Discussion boards Word collaboration/review tools Introduction to Sympodium

12 Class 2: Asynchronous Delivery Systems in Distance Learning
Topics: Using Web pages, , Wiki, discussion boards, blogs, and podcasts as delivery systems for content. Hands-on: Wiki Blogs

13 Class 3: Synchronous Delivery Systems in Distance Learning
Topics: Using live chat, Elluminate, and Skype as delivery systems for content. Hands-on: Live chat Skype Elluminate

14 Class 4: Achieving Student Success in Distance Learning
Topics: From research, examine the following issues leading to student success in distance learning: characteristics and responsibilities of successful distance learners, learning outcomes, learner perceptions, interaction. Addressing learning styles in mediated learning. Creating a learning community. Addressing social interaction. Hands-on: Podcasting

15 Class 5: Good Teaching Practice in Distance Learning
Topics: Skills and responsibilities of an instructor in a blended format: ensuring student participation, facilitating learning at a distance, designing courses, conducting assessment. Identifying ways to enhance delivery of instruction. From research, examine “best practices” in distance courses. Hands-on: Promethean Board

16 Class 6: Issues Related to Distance Learning
Topics: Copyright and fair use ADA and accessibility Online plagiarism What should a Web page for a blended course contain? Hands-on: Second Life Course Web page ( Web pages with Word PDF files

17 Class 7: Administrative Issues in Distance Learning
Topics: Planning, budgeting, and maintaining equipment. Supporting students at a distance. Course management systems and other tools (including cloud computing and open source programs). Hands-on: Moodle Google Apps (cloud computing) Presentations

18 Grading and Assessment
Activity Grade Participation in lecture and activities conducted in class and online. 20% Participation in, contribution to, and product creation (more on next slide). 40% Final project: Creation and in-class presentation of a distance learning course (Web page and supporting course materials).

19 Grading and Assessment
Participate in discussion board topics. Submit material to a class Wiki, and participate in organizing the listing into a practical, usable resource. Create and add material to a personal blog. Teach a topic of choice (approx. 15 minutes) to 1 or 2 other class members (or to others outside of the class using an online distance learning tool. Participate as a student in at least one other class member’s presentation. Create an audio podcast to provide educational content to students at a distance. Create a Web page for a hypothetical blended course, and link to resources created throughout the course.

20 Web page for blended course (real or hypothetical)
Final Project blog podcast Web page for blended course (real or hypothetical) Wiki other technologies

21 View the Course Home Page View the Course Home Page We will also be using course tools found in My Courses in e-MU.

22 What Is Distance Education?

23 What Is Distance Education?
In your experience, how would you define distance education/learning? How much experience have you had teaching or learning in DL? Search Definitions at Google "Distance education is beset with a remarkable paradox - it has asserted its existence, but it cannot define itself" (Shale, 1988).

24 What Defines Distance Education?
Do the S and T need to be in the same room? Do the S and T need to be engaged in learning activities at the same time? Does technology need to be involved?

25 What Is Distance Education?
Are the following considered distance learning? Correspondence course? Videoconferencing? Desktop videoconferencing? Video course (or televised course)? lessons? Video Professor (CBT on CD-ROM)? Web-based course? Course offered in Web-CT, BlackBoard, or Moodle?

26 What Is Distance Education?
Terms used to describe this phenomenon and various modes of it: Distance learning/education. E-learning. Mobile learning. Computer-based training (CBT). Web-based training (WBT). Online training/learning. Blended learning. Webinars.

27 Coldeway’s Quadrants Traditional classroom. Technology is involved.
ST-SP same time same place ST-DP same time different place DT-SP different time same place DT-DP different time different place Dan Coldeway defines four ways in which education can be practiced: 1. Same-time and same-place (ST-SP) education is traditional classroom education. 2. Different-time and same-place (DT-SP) means that education occurs in a learning center; or students can attend classes at the same place, but at a time students choose. 3. Same-time and different-place (ST-DP) means that telecommunication systems are used. Teleconferencing or chat rooms are used to connect the students in different places at the same time. This type of education is called synchronous distance education which allows students to communicate in real time. 4. Different-time and different-place (DT-DP) is the purest form of distance education. Teachers and students may communicate asynchronously--at different times. Ex: learning center or video course. Purest form of distance education.

28 Elements of Distance Learning
In distance courses: S and T are not at the same place at the same time. T uses some means to deliver content to S (mostly through technology). T may employ synchronous and/or asynchronous technologies to deliver content. T and S communicate in some way.

29 Elements of Distance Learning
Blended/hybrid: Students spend some time in actual classroom, and some time at a distance. Synchronous and/or asynchronous technologies are used to deliver content, to support communication, and to facilitate collaboration.

30 Brief History of Distance Learning
Correspondence courses 1728 weekly lessons in the “new method of Short Hand” course in Boston. 1840’s shorthand correspondence in Great Britain. The development of the postal service in the 19th century led to the growth of Commercial correspondence colleges with nation-wide reach.

31 Brief History of Distance Learning
Degree programs The University of London was the first university to offer distance learning degrees (1858). The Society to Encourage Studies at Home was founded in 1873 in Boston, Massachusetts.

32 Brief History of Distance Learning
Local Connection: Penn Foster Career School Distance Education vocational school founded in 1890. Originally known as International Correspondence Schools, or ICS. Originally provided correspondence courses for coal miners. Over 13 million students are reported to have taken classes.

33 Brief History of Distance Learning
Technology-based distance learning project Charles Wedemeyer of the University of Wisconsin-Madison is considered the father of modern distance education in America. Articulated Instructional Media Project ( ): Utilized a variety of communications technologies aimed at providing learning to an off-campus population. Some feel the AIM project inspired the British to create the first Open University.

34 Brief History of Distance Learning
Distance education institutions Open University: Largest distance education university in the United Kingdom. Was founded in 1969. Renamed to United Kingdom Open University (UKOU) to distinguish it from other open universities which emerged. Originally used television and radio as its primary delivery methodologies, applying emerging technologies to facilitate distance learning.

35 Brief History of Distance Learning
Proliferation of distance education Public, private. For profit, not-for-profit. Variety of technologies. Variety of formats (DL only, hybrid). All levels: elementary through graduate degrees.

36 Brief History of Distance Learning
Concerns: Quality and rigor of learning and program. (Existence of diploma mills.) Accreditation. Value of degree (recognition of validity of courses).

37 Discussion Boards Word Collaboration/Review Tools Intro. to Sympodium
Hands-on Activities Discussion Boards Word Collaboration/Review Tools Intro. to Sympodium

38 Message Boards Message boards (aka electronic bulletin boards, discussion groups, discussion boards): Modern version of the traditional bulletin board. Place to post public notices, announce events, or provide some information.

39 Message Boards Elements: Post a message. Reply to a message.
Create/follow a thread. A thread refers to messages following one theme or idea. Threads add organization to the postings. In education, forum moderator (sometimes students) can remove or edit postings.

40 Use in Education Provides an avenue to express ideas.
Engages students in conversation and learning. Allows students forum to post information and receive feedback from instructor/students. Allows discussions to be conducted away from the classroom. Can be used as a collaborative learning tool. Encourages enthusiasm for writing.

41 Word Review Tools Review by a teacher: Select the review tab.
Select one of the following: Highlight text and insert comments. Turn on track changes and make the changes.

42 Word Review Tools When the student reviews the material:
Select the review tab. Read comments and make changes. Right-click a comment to delete it. Press balloons to show balloons or show comments in line with text. If the teacher made changes: Navigate to changes and accept or reject. Accept all changes.

43 Word Collaboration Tools
Under track changes, specify user name. Make comments OR turn on track changes.

44 Intro. to Sympodium Wireless gyro mouse. White board and pen option.
Synchron-eyes software on split screen. Monitor student PC’s. Turn off student capabilities. Take over and communicate with individuals. Broadcast instructor screen. Plug in options.

45 Assignments/Activities
Select a course (hypothetical or real) and a particular topic(s) for which you can prepare materials for teaching in a blended environment. You will also teach one or more of these topics through a distance medium to gain experience instructing in this environment.

46 Assignments/Activities
Participate in a discussion board. View the readings provided on our home page regarding definitions of distance learning. Go to the discussion boards in My Courses on e-MU. Make several posts in contributing to the discussion. In the end, let’s develop our own definition of distance learning.

47 Next Week Asynchronous delivery systems in distance learning.

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