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Enroll exclusively online at

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1 Enroll exclusively online at

2 2011 Benefits—If You Remember Only Five Things
Almost everybody will spend less through the Health & Savings Plan (formerly HDHP) than under any other option. You’ll receive an additional contribution if you choose it in 2011. The Health Savings Account—funded by Tenet and you—can be used now, next year, OR for retiree medical coverage. Use Tenet facilities whenever available! Nothing is more important than your health and wellness. Use the preventive benefits! Tenet spends FOUR times the amount you do to provide YOUR benefits. Annual Enrollment – November


4 Health and Welfare Benefits
Pre-tax benefits Medical Rx Health Savings Account Wellness Pre-tax benefits (other) Dental Vision Spending Accounts After-tax benefits Disability Basic & Supplemental Life Basic & Supplemental AD&D Long-Term Care Hyatt Legal Plan 4

5 NEW! United Healthcare Network!
Expanded Network & Minimal Disruption – Almost nobody will have to change doctors “Transition of Care” may be available if your physician is out of network Continue to receive services for specified medical and behavioral conditions For a defined period of time With out-of-network health care professionals at network rates You must apply for Transition of Care at enrollment, or no later than January 30, 2011. 5

6 2011 Medical Plans EPO PPO All three plans: Health & Savings Plan
Exclusive Provider Organization Highest premium (regardless of usage) No Deductible Co-pays ($) Unlimited Co-pays PPO Preferred Provider Organization Lower Premiums Moderate deductible Coinsurance (%) Out of pocket max - $4,000 to $12,000 Health & Savings Plan High Deductible Health Plan Lowest Premiums Highest deductible Health Savings Account eligible Steerage to Tenet facilities Out of pocket max - $5,200 to $10,400 All three plans: Have the same physician network Cover the same procedures Require the same pre-authorization “More expensive doesn’t equate to better care” 6 6

7 2011 Employee Contributions

8   $ save $ Health – How does it work?
Traditional Health Plans (PPO, EPO): Health & Savings Plan: Balances savings and insurance-style coverage Emphasize insurance-style coverage You Medical Plan You pay smaller monthly premiums HSA You save money in an HSA Care Providers Plan pays part of cost when you need care You can use HSA for your share of qualified medical expenses $ save $ You Medical Plan You pay larger monthly premiums Care Providers Plan pays most of cost when you need care You pay a smaller amount when you need care

9 Why is this plan the best?
Health & Savings Plan HDHP and HSA = The Health & Savings Plan Why is this plan the best? What’s the same compared to other Tenet Plans? Comprehensive coverage for health care services Full coverage for preventive services Highest coverage when using a Tenet facility Financial protection from catastrophic illness or injury Tenet pays a significant share of the cost What’s different? How you pay for coverage Premium costs are different Deductible and co-pay/coinsurance amounts are different Health & Savings Plan includes a savings component For Tenet provides an HIGHER annual contribution to your HSA of $950 employee only, $1,900 family Wellness Incentives are higher on the HSP

10 EXAMPLE: Family Coverage in Health & Savings Plan
ACCOUNT Employee Contributions Up to $6,150 per year (Includes $1,900-$2,400 HSA funded by Tenet) PLAN PAYS 100% OF COVERED CHARGES after you reach your annual out-of-pocket maximum PREVENTIVE CARE Many services covered at 100% without co-payment or using HSA YOUR COINSURANCE 10%-50% (In-Network) 60% (Out-of-Network) ANNUAL OUT-OF-POCKET MAXIMUM $10,400 (In-Network) Your share of the out-of-pocket maximum = $8,000 2 ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE $2,400 (Family) 1

11 Medical: 2011 HSP w/HSA Pay for expenses Now OR Save to Pay For Retiree Medical
Health Savings Account (HSA) advantages Tenet contributes to your account Earn 2010 Wellness incentive $250 employee & $250 spouse Carry over remaining money year to year Money in your HSA is yours to keep Earnings on your account grow tax-free* Eligible distributions are never taxed. You may contribute through pre-tax deductions* Up to $3,050 for employee-only coverage Up to $6,150 for coverage that includes dependents Catch-up contributions if age 55 or older (maximum) – add $1,000 to above *State taxes may or may not apply. See your tax advisor for more information on the state tax implications on HSAs.

12 Medical: 2011 HSP w/HSA Health & Savings Plan (HSP) considerations
Certain preventive coverage paid entirely by plan Not subject to the deductible Certain preventive prescriptions not subject to the deductible For other services, must meet deductible before plan begins paying $1,200 individual, OR $2,400 family Non-preventive Rx is applied to the deductible This is your Retiree Medical Benefit!!! 12 12

13 Potential Health Savings Account Growth
Hypothetical Annual Account Contribution $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 After 1 year $1,020 $2,040 $3,085 After 5 years $5,562 $11,621 $17,741 After 10 years $13,236 $27,886 $42,624 After 20 years $39,093 $82,696 $126,471 Account growth Hypothetical example assumes annual contribution amounts as stated above made on Jan. 1 each year until 1, 5, 10 and 20 year periods. Assumes tax-deferred you receive 2% investment growth on funds in the default account and that once the balance in this account reaches $2,500, excess funds will earn 7%. Assumes compounding in an HSA. Final balances prior to any eligible medical expenses and taxes may be due on distribution. Actual returns will be based on actual returns within the HSA. Source - Fidelity

14 Deductible covered in 2011 Employee Only Deductible
HSA Seed *Wellness Opportunity Remaining Deductible Sign-on Ongoing 2011 $1,200 $450 $500 $250 $0- $250 Family Deductible HSA Seed *Wellness Opportunity Remaining Deductible Sign-on Ongoing 2011 $2,400 $900 $1,000 $500 $0 - $500 *2010 Wellness incentive opportunity; funded to HSA in January 2011

15 What is the 2011 employee financial model?
Plan Employee Only Employee and Family HSP with HSA $950 $1,900 $800 PPO $0 EPO Employer Contributions to the HSA* (A) Plan Employee Only Employee and Family HSP with HSA $321 $1,626 $800 PPO $488 $2,414 EPO $1,333 $6,746 Employee Premiums (B) Average Employee Out of Pocket Expenses (C) Plan Employee Only Employee and Family HSP with HSA $750 $1,200 $800 PPO $900 $1,600 EPO $400 Average Employee Net Cost (B) +(C) – (A) Plan Employee Only Employee and Family HSP with HSA $121 $926 $800 PPO $1,388 $4,014 EPO $1,733 $7,946 * Doesn’t include added value of wellness incentive $7K savings 15

16 2011 Wellness Incentives Wellness Incentives – 2011 Plan Health Plan
Participation Level – Wellness Credits Health Plan HSP Other (including opt-out) Employee Spouse(1) Bronze – 50 (a) $150 $100 $50 Silver – 100 $250 $200 Gold – 150 (b) $350 Platinum - 200 $450 $300 Incentive Type Contribution to HSA Taxable cash (a) Health Assessment required to achieve bronze level and above (b) Annual physical required to earn gold level and above (1) Only spouses that are covered under one of Tenet’s medical plans are eligible to receive the wellness incentive. Note: 2011 incentives are earned in 2011 and paid/funded in The wellness program and incentives are reviewed and updated annually. All employees can join Wellness challenges, issue their own challenges to co-workers, track results and have fun living healthy! California union employees can participate in the HealthyatTenet Wellness Program but are not eligible for the Wellness Incentives. 16

17 Plan Design Changes Work Here…Receive Care Here….For your Health, Family and Future Services in a Tenet facility HSP / PPO - plan pays 90% (after deductible in HSP) EPO - $250 / $500 co-pay Improved benefits for CMA physicians (90% instead of 80%) New Non-Tenet 2011 Coverage….If you don’t receive care here but could have. Non-Tenet In-Network Services paid at 50% (after deductible) Non-Tenet Out-of-Network Services paid at 40% (after deductible) New for If you can’t receive care here Emergency, if the service isn’t offered at a Tenet facility, or the facility is further than 45 miles from your home Same coverage as if you received care at a Tenet facility!

18 2011 Rx Plan Simplification
2011 Proposed Plan Design Retail – 30 Day Supply Generic $5 Formulary Brands 35% with $30 min/$100 max Non-Formulary Brands 50% with $40 min/$150 max Mail – 90 Day Supply $10 35% with $75 min/$200 max 50% with $100 min/$300 max Out-of-pocket costs are applied to HSP deductible Prescriptions are qualified HSA and HCSA (FSA) expenses 18

19 Health Care Reform Changes
Dependent children under age 26 will be eligible for health care coverage, regardless of student status Special enrollment rights apply to: A dependent child between the ages of 19 up until 26, who you were previously unable to cover in the Tenet medical plans due to student status or age limitations Extended enrollment period through December 8 Enroll online through November 23rd. After November 23rd call My Benefits Customer Support Center to add eligible individuals during the extended enrollment period Birth certificate required Over-the-counter medications must be prescribed by a doctor to qualify as eligible expenses under the Health Savings Account or Health Care Spending Account Mental Health Parity Act - Mental health & substance abuse claims will be paid at the same reimbursement level as Tenet Hospitals 19

20 Enrollment Steps Enrollment Exclusively Online Quick access to:
Look for the Annual Enrollment Banner Quick access to: What’s New Medical Plan Comparison Tools—Use the Medical Expense Estimator to see if the HSP saves you money (it does for employees in almost any situation). HSP Video—Explore the HSP ……AND EARN 5 WELLNESS CREDITS to start off 2011. HSA Mythbusters FAQs—Find quick answers to your benefits questions 20

21 Tips Evaluate your needs for benefits
Planning could save you thousands Utilize tools available via HealthyAtTenet Medical Plan Estimator; Health Savings Account Value Modeler Use Tenet Hospitals & outpatient centers to lower your out of pocket expenses Make healthy living a priority! If you or your covered dependent smoke, quit now! Preventive benefits: the most underused and potentially valuable set of benefits we offer Earn your Wellness Incentive Enroll by the deadline! Look for information during the year on SMART PLAN USE 21

22 Tenet Benefits Strategy
Simply the best medical coverage for a lifetime Create a culture of employee health and wellness…. engage in understanding and manage your health and your family’s Promote employee financial health and savings….for now and the future

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