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Mythology Notes Mr. Lamar English 9. A myth is… A traditional story that attempts to explain a natural phenomenon or justify a certain practice or belief.

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Presentation on theme: "Mythology Notes Mr. Lamar English 9. A myth is… A traditional story that attempts to explain a natural phenomenon or justify a certain practice or belief."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mythology Notes Mr. Lamar English 9

2 A myth is… A traditional story that attempts to explain a natural phenomenon or justify a certain practice or belief of a society

3 Myths were made up by.. 1. 1.The Greeks 2. 2.The Romans

4 The only difference is… The Gods and Goddesses have different names

5 Through the reading of myths, we learn that the 2 most important qualities or characteristics a person could have are… strength beauty

6 Myths were passed down from generation to generation.

7 Myths were often told orally and were not written down for many years.

8 Subsequently, many of the stories may have changed or evolved over time.

9 Myths were written and told For entertainment To explain something that was mysterious to them

10 Epic Poetry begins by stating the theme and uses someone who is all-knowing and wise to help in understanding

11 b.the story starts in the middle of the action (in media res), and at a critical point; the events that occurred before the opening are mentioned later

12 c.The Setting: vast in scope, sometimes world wide and beyond d.The Hero: a figure of great national or international importance

13 e. The Action: involves heroic deeds in battle, such as a long hard journey or war

14 f. Point of View: often in the third person (standing outside looking in on the action) with little comment or opinion.

15 g.The Supernatural: the gods/supernatural beings take an interest and an active part in the great deeds performed in the epic

16 More than just Gods… There were nine muses. They are the daughters of Zeus (the king of gods) and Mnemosyne (god of memory)

17 Cilo Muse of history

18 Urania Muse of astronomy

19 Melpomene Muse of tragedy

20 Thalia Muse of comedy

21 Terpsichore Muse of the dance

22 Calliope Muse of epic poetry

23 Erato Muse of love poetry

24 Polyhymnia Muse of songs to the gods

25 Euterpe Muse of lyric poetry

26 Your Assignment Create your own Muse Think of an activity you enjoy, and create a muse to represent your inspiration Explain the Muse’s meaning

27 Examples Muse of Football Muse of Scrapbooking Muse of Skateboarding Muse of Reading

28 On your card, create your Muse by 1. Give your muse a name…be creative! 2. Muse of ____ 3. Create an image of your Muse 4. Write 2-4 sentences explaining why your Muse is useful and/or what your Muse does, etc…

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