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Whose Plan? A Consultative process of almost 200 stakeholders and significant Input Approved by SCCC Council in April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Whose Plan? A Consultative process of almost 200 stakeholders and significant Input Approved by SCCC Council in April 2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 Whose Plan? A Consultative process of almost 200 stakeholders and significant Input Approved by SCCC Council in April 2013

3 History of homelessness, AND Living with serious mental illness, AND/OR Long-term substance or alcohol use. AND Residing in Cook County

4 Plan for Cook County

5 Long-term housing stability Improved health outcomes Costs savings

6 Supportive Housing Coordinated Care Outreach Very Limited Integration ….



9 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 1)Increase the number and variety of supportive housing units 2)Enroll our population into coordinated care services 3)Simplify and expand eligibility for and access to housing, services, and benefits 4)Increase and strengthen outreach to link individuals to housing and health services

10 23 SMART Recommendations S: somewhat specific M: measurable A: achievable R: realistic T: time limits

11 OUTREACH INITIATIVES … Stable housing as goal for all outreach work Increased access to training and resources for teams Promotion of a coordinated access system of care

12 Year 1 Highlights 190 new PSH units / subsidies have been established for the target population 84,000 enrolled into CountyCare – one in five report homelessness or housing instability At least 4,978 in our target population have been ben enrolled into CRS

13 Year 1 Highlights Approximately 9,600 in our target population Our two Alliances report that there are 7,251 PSH units in our City and County

14 Brief Q&A

15 Who Are WE? Mobile Outreach and Engagement Teams in Chicago and Cook County

16 Mobile Outreach and Engagement Teams 20+ organizations 4 major funding sources - SAMHSA PATH – IDMH - Chicago’s DFSS - HUD Homeless - Veterans Administration At least 30 outreach teams At least 85 outreach workers Outreach services in the streets, shelters, CTA, O’Hare Airport, … and into housing


18 VARIERTY, VARIETY, VARIETY… Two agencies that have at least a third of all the outreach teams Work in the streets, abandoned buildings, parks, shelters, bridge units, CTA lines, O’Hare, housing units… Focus on special populations

19 Special Populations Those living with serious mental illness Families in shelters Youth Veterans ReEntry populations Enrollees in CRS Survivors of Violence


21 Mapping Outreach and Housing Coordinated Services -WHERE OUTREACH SERVICES TOOK PLACE? --WHERE HOMELESS HAVE BEEN HOUSED?

22 Outreach Interventions

23 Housing Placements

24 85+ outreach workers – ARE WE STEPPING ON EACH OTHER?

25 Map of 9 Teams

26 Next Steps Corrections to the chart Adjust chart to funding changes Issue new chart and maps by end of summer Present to Coordinated Access Committee

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