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Bible Questions About Salvation Matthew 19:16-26.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible Questions About Salvation Matthew 19:16-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible Questions About Salvation Matthew 19:16-26

2 Many Questions in The Bible Some from honest hearts Others from closed hearts

3 Consider A Few Asked by people like us Want Bible answers

4 What Then Can Be Saved? Came from a fit subject of salvation One accountable to God (Matthew 19:16-26) Infant baptism not necessary (Matthew 18:5)

5 What Then Can Be Saved? Context Question from a young man Didn’t like the answer (v. 22) Difficult for those who trust in riches (Matthew 6:19-21)

6 What Then Can Be Saved? Disciples’ question Perhaps due to the uprightness of the man (v. 25) Rich people can be saved

7 What Then Can Be Saved? Answer: Anyone can be saved Available to all (1 Timothy 2:4) In Christ (Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 1:3-13) Savior of the body (Ephesians 5:23)

8 To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Context Discussion of the “bread of life” (v. 33) Must “eat His flesh and drink His blood” (v. 53)

9 To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Reaction of the audience Objected saying, “This is a difficult saying” Many went back (v. 66) Like many today who don’t accept the truth about baptism, the one church, marriage and divorce, etc.

10 To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Jesus’ question: “Will you also go away?” Concerned about their souls However, would not compromise the Truth

11 To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Their question: “To whom shall we go?” Nowhere else to go (v. 68) Only Jesus saves (Acts 4:12; Hebrews 5:9; 7:22)

12 What Must I Do? (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30) Convicted of sin Happens when Gospel is preached Jesus is the Christ (v. 36)

13 What Must I Do? (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30) Question under consideration “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (v. 37) Recognized the need to do something (9:6; 16:30)

14 What Must I Do? (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30) Answer Repent and be baptized (v. 38) Answer bound in heaven (Matthew 16:16-18)

15 How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews 2:1-3) Lost through neglect Neglected structures decay Same thing happens to souls

16 How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews 2:1-3) Greatness of salvation Jesus is great (vv. 1, 2) Give heed (Acts 20:32; James 1:21)

17 How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews 2:1-3) Answer Old Testament saints ignore the warning (Numbers 15:32-36) Look at their example (vv. 2, 3; 10:26-31)

18 Conclusion What will you give in exchange for your soul? You determine the selling price

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