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Lehra Bogino, Justin Drake, Kellie Snooks.  Adaptive radiation is the evolution of an animal or plant group into a wide variety of types adapted to specialized.

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Presentation on theme: "Lehra Bogino, Justin Drake, Kellie Snooks.  Adaptive radiation is the evolution of an animal or plant group into a wide variety of types adapted to specialized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lehra Bogino, Justin Drake, Kellie Snooks

2  Adaptive radiation is the evolution of an animal or plant group into a wide variety of types adapted to specialized modes of life.

3  Mammals are defined as any member of the class of warm-blooded vertebrates having four limbs, feminine milk-secreting glands, and the presence of hair at some stage of development.

4  Permian Period (approximately 270 mya)  True mammals were not yet in existence, but their predecessors Synapsids were.  Synapsids, more specifically the order Therapsida, which included mammal like reptiles that walked on four legs, diversified and spread during this period giving rise to the first true mammals.

5  Diversification of the Therapsids began to occur at the second half of the Triassic to the early part of the Jurassic periods.  Small mammals (described as shrew like) thrived while dinosaurs still lived during the Jurassic Period.

6  During the mid-Jurassic period Therapsids had evolved many mammalian traits that further evolved with their descendants.  Hadrocodium- had a large brain and advanced ear structure but still remained small in size.  Being warm blooded allowed mammals to hunt at night, avoiding being eaten by their cold blooded predators.  During this time 10 mammalian lineages evolved and diversified.  This included Multituberculates and the predecessors to Marsupials, Monotremes, and Placental Mammals. The Hadrocoduim: It’s sensitive mammalian hearing allowed mammals to thrive to this day.

7  Approximately 65 mya  During this period dinosaurs still dominated, while small mammals continued to diversify.  When the asteroid struck (K/T Extinction Event) dinosaurs soon after became extinct, therefore mammals with characteristic adaptability had an entire world to fill.

8  Climate Changes  Homeothermic  Small Size  Oxygen

9  Climate Cooling  Climatic and physical changes were happening BEFORE KT extinction  long sequence of events  Angiosperms  Climatic trend + accentuation of seasons = BAD for dinosaurs  Physiologically could not handle cooling of environment

10  Mammals:  have hair/fur  could hunt at night  Possible Theory:  Dinosaurs were a mix between endotherms and ectotherms, but more closely related to endotherms  Larger size, more costly metabolism, more food needed  Food chain disruption

11  Small rat to domestic cat size  Able to feed on organisms that could protect themselves from KT extinction  Lower demands for food  Able to burrow

12  Bininda-Emonds and Cardillo  Super tree  Divergence Rates

13 K/T Extinction Event

14 Orange: Marsupials Black: Monotreme All Others: Placental

15  Log scale of lineages with extant descendents  Speciation and extinction events equal  All Mammals  Placental Mammals  Marsupials

16 K/T Extinction Event

17  Bininda-Emonds, Olaf R. P., et al. The delayed rise of present-day mammals, Nature, 29 March 2007, Vol. 446. No. 7135. P. 507-512.  Luo, Zhe-Xi. Transformation and diversification in early mammal evolution, Nature, 13 Dec. 2007, Vol. 450. No. 7172. P. 1011-1019.  Russell, Loris S. Body Temperature of Dinosaurs and Its Relationships to Their Extinction, Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 39, No. 3 (May, 1965), pp. 497-501.  Strauss, Bob. “The First Mammals – Mammals of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods.” 14 April 2010.  Sudhir Kumar & S. Blair Hedges. A molecular timescale for vertebrate evolution, Nature, 30 April 1998, Vol. 392. P.917-920.

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