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“The Holocaust Explained” and “Holocaust Survivors” (Evaluating Websites) BY: MICHAEL CRUZ AND ANTHONY MARQUEZ PERIOD 3 ENGLISH 12.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Holocaust Explained” and “Holocaust Survivors” (Evaluating Websites) BY: MICHAEL CRUZ AND ANTHONY MARQUEZ PERIOD 3 ENGLISH 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Holocaust Explained” and “Holocaust Survivors” (Evaluating Websites) BY: MICHAEL CRUZ AND ANTHONY MARQUEZ PERIOD 3 ENGLISH 12

2 Purpose Title: What problems did survivors face? Purpose: Educational Reviewed “About Us” that noted the Purpose  To support school curriculum and students, as noted on the website  To combat antisemitism and racism through education.  Retrieved from us/#.VTKXOfnF8Ro us/#.VTKXOfnF8Ro  Title: Holocaust Survivor  Purpose: Informative  In present history “about human lives with human faces”  Not only did the author write about the survivors, he also recorded their voices.  Retrieved from


4 Author’s Intent Domain-.Org the-survivors/hat-problems-did-survivors-face/#.VTKfc_nF8Rr Authority Some of the many sponsors:  The Leo Baeck London Lodge, led a Jewish scholar who was a victim of Nazi tyranny.  Yad Vashem, the International School for Holocaust Studies.  The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is in Washington. The museum is one of the world’s leading authorities on the Holocaust.  INTENT : To promote human dignity and prevent genocide Domain-.Org Authority John Menszer,.  Has a master's degree in philosophy  Obtained financial support from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities INTENT: To present the history about human lives with human faces

5 Bias  What problems did survivors face?  The focus remains in education with no personal bias 1. The site has images (pictures, maps, videos, diagrams) to help explain concepts and events. 2. There is text to describe the historical events and 'reflective learning activities' to enhance students' understanding of the issues and concepts. 3. The structure of the site is explained in the section How to use this site. How to use this site Retrieved from us/#.VTQ7xyHBzGc  Holocaust Survivors  Authentic, no bias found, the author reported 1. A verbatim transcription that was provided 2. Someone's voice is a direct and personal experience 3. The translation is provided when a foreign language is spoken itle

6 Authors’ Intent Bias Content Design

7 Content  What problems did survivors face?  1. Well written with accurate and relevant subtopic/menu/content  2. Because it is supported by well-known organizations, the website is updated,  3. Relevant information that leads to other links  4. Because it is supported by another organization, it appeared well edited prior to publication.  Holocaust Survivors: The Stories Relevant topics Here we present history with a human face. Read the stories of the survivors. Hear them speak. Look at their family photographs. Consult our encyclopedia. Read a historical introduction to the Holocaust. Leave your thoughts or ask your questions on our discussion page. stories speak photographs encyclopedia historical introduction to the Holocaust discussion

8 Design  “What problems did survivors face?“  About Us  Terms of Use  Privacy & Security  Legal Information  Acknowledgements & Image Credits  Sitemap  © London Jewish Cultural Centre 2011  1. Immense contact through organizational support  2. Clearly organized and is age appropriate  “Holocaust Survivors”  © 1999-2015, John Menszer Website designed by Dave Cash 1. Clearly organized manner 2. Provides audio and photo gallery, adding to the content 3. There were no ads

9 Final Evaluation ( CRAAP ) Title: What problems did survivors face? Currency – Links for April 2015, continual updates Reliability- Images are credited by section Authority- Acknowledges copyright and ownership Accuracy- Accurately and professionally organized by content Purpose- Overall, purpose coincides with images and content Title: Holocaust Survivors Currency -© 1999-2015, John Menszer Reliability-transcribed and recorded Authority- Supported by grant/organizations Accuracy- Content is well published Purpose- Accomplished its purpose of writing stories with photos and audio

10 Cited Resources APA and MlA The Holocaust Explained. (2011). Retrieved from legacy/liberation-the-survivors/#.VTV0dMt0zIU legacy/liberation-the-survivors/#.VTV0dMt0zIU The Holocaust Explained. London Jewish Cultural Centre. 2011. Apr. 2015 Menszer, J. (2015). Holocaust survivors: The stories. Retrieved from Menszer, J. Holocaust survivors, Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.

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