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Cell Children’s Book Project

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1 Cell Children’s Book Project

2 Introduction If you were trying to each the different parts of a cell to a 5-10 year old, how would you do it? Your job is to create a children’s book that shows the different parts of the cell. You must use pictures to show the parts as well as explain what each part does in a manner that a 5 -10year old can understand.

3 Create a children’s cell story book that accurately describes, illustrates, and explains organelles and their function as if it were a child’s book. The cell book must include a cover with a title and original color artwork.  A Creative Title other than Cell Book must be used.

4 Criteria Pages must be on blank paper (no lined paper)
Must have a title page with title of book, name(s) and period MUST be in color

5 Organelles to Consider
Nucleus Cell Membrane Mitochondria Chloroplast Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Cytoskeleton

6 Types of Cells to Consider
Human: Digestive, Nerve, White Blood Cell, Red Blood Cell, Muscle, Skin etc Plant: Leaf, Stem, Root Bacteria Protist: Euglena, Paramecium, Ameoba Fungi – Yeast, Mushroom, Mold

7 Writing a Good Story When you write a story make sure you include a setting , plot , atmosphere , character traits and goals.  Try not to introduce all the characters at once one point in the story.  Make sure you explain  the  characters with colorful language, such as intelligent , ambitious , contientous , etc., instead of words such as nice , smart , kind , yuckie , ect. Before you write your story think about what type of story it's going to be such as, gothic (scary), mystery , and comedy. Your story should always have a conclusion at the end of your story. You should have mature vocabulary in your story. This means that you should expand your resources in explaining what words mean.  Also, use proper punctuation. Punctuation is what you end your sentences in, such as . ? ! . Put a ? when the sentence asks something , put a period when the sentence is stating , declaring , or demanding something. Use an ! when the sentence is saying something exciting or shocking. Most importantly use colorful language.

8 Tips for Writing Children’s Storybook

9 How to Make a Book

10 Other Stuff… You can work in partners or by yourself (partners suggested) The more creative, the better the score (analogies, characters, etc…) Worth 50 project points Due on December 6th

11 How You Will Be Graded Describing the function of cells/organelles accurately in relation to your child’s story book. (30 points total). Cover Page/Title (5 points) Illustrations/Type of Book (10 points total) Design of story book is neat with no scribbles, visible white out marks, erasing, etc. (10 points) Spelling/grammar (5 points)

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