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Role of Performance Metrics in Responsible Care® Status of Sub-Committee Activities Al Biggs Sipchem GM, Operational Excellence / RCC Member.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Performance Metrics in Responsible Care® Status of Sub-Committee Activities Al Biggs Sipchem GM, Operational Excellence / RCC Member."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Performance Metrics in Responsible Care® Status of Sub-Committee Activities
Al Biggs Sipchem GM, Operational Excellence / RCC Member

2 Role of Performance Metrics Reporting in Responsible Care®
Topics to Cover: Benefits of Metrics Reporting and Today’s Desired Outcomes Responsible Care Global Charter and GPCA Guiding Principles GPCA Member Company Engagement - Keys to Success The Responsible Care “Journey” – Setting the Vision and Making it Happen GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements Q&A with Sub-Committee

3 Benefits of Responsible Care Reporting
Provides a consistent mechanism or framework to identify regional performance related to environment, health and safety Provides essential information or knowledge base for identifying opportunities and driving improvement Promotes transparency with the public and with industry stakeholders Creates an environment to share best practices allowing for learning and knowledge transfer

4 Responsible Care Global Charter

5 To measure performance, openly report and make continual progress towards our goal of eliminating accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the environment from our products and operations.

6 Workshop Desired Outcomes
Share consolidated performance metric data for 2010 and 2011. Provide information prepared by a 3rd party consultant that adds value in understanding the data submitted. Align on the guidance document requirements including definitions and classification of incidents being reported Share upcoming enhancements to be made to Guidance Document Learn from each other!

7 What is . . . Data, Information, Knowledge ?
Insights and context leading to learning INFORMATION A semi-structured message with a sender, a receiver, and an intent to inform DATA A fact or record of a transaction Data are objective facts, often contained in a record of a transaction and are articulated to provide a reference or initiate analysis. When data in records are analyzed to provide a message or tell a story then you have information. When information furnishes insights or findings and leads to conclusions, recommendations or learning, then knowledge has been developed. 7

8 Responsible Care Member Engagement in Metrics Reporting

EQUATE Petrochemical Company-BOARD MEMBER Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC)-BOARD MEMBER Borouge Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Limited- BOARD MEMBER Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC)- BOARD MEMBER Qatar Petrochemical Company Ltd (QAPCO)- BOARD MEMBER Qatar Vinyl Company Ltd Q.S.C (QVC)- BOARD MEMBER Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) - BOARD MEMBER Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem)- BOARD MEMBER S-Chem Petro Rabigh- BOARD MEMBER National Petrochemical Industrial Co (NATPET) National Industrialization Company (TASNEE)- BOARD MEMBER Advanced Petrochemical Company (APC) Sahara Petrochemicals CHEMANOL

10 Responsible CARE Performance Metrics Sub-Committee Membership
Bader Aladwani PIC Manoel Fernandes Borouge Sudhir Sivarajan* - Borouge Mortaza K Al-Yousef - Tasnee Naved Khan QAPCO Qasim Yunus* Sabic Ahmed Al-Hazmi Sabic Asrar Mohammed - Equate Jassim Darwish GPIC Tariq Alauddin* Sipchem Albert E. Biggs - Sipchem Andrew Blue - Lloyds Register Kashif Rasheed - Lloyds Register * Subject Matter Expert Team

11 Performance Metrics Reporting
GPCA Responsible Care Performance Metrics Reporting “Our Journey” Key Messages: Off to a great start with many great achievements! Focus Needed on Transforming Quality Data into Knowledge 2012 Data Sets to Be Submitted (19) 2011 Data Sets Submitted (18) 2010 Data Sets Submitted (11) GPCA Guidance Document Issued Analysis by 3rd Party and 1st Metrics Workshop Held Draft Endorsed by GPCA Task Force Formed

12 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
What is it and why was it developed? How was it developed? How can it help your company? What are the reporting requirements? How will the data be used by GPCA? What will we address today? What if you have questions after the workshop?

13 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
What is the Metrics Guidance Document? A document that defines key metrics that add value for individual member companies and provides meaningful information on both a regional and globally basis. Provides definition of each metric and formulas for calculating so as to achieve consistency in reporting across all companies Provides reporting instructions to member companies Why was it developed? To pin point opportunities and drive improvements across the region.

14 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
How was it developed? Task Force formed and chartered to develop Guidance Document in early Key EH&S leaders from GPCA member companies across the GCC were appointed. Surveyed internal reporting practices across GPCA member Companies and reviewed other trade association programs (e.g. CEFIC, ACC and ICCA). Selected the most meaningful value added metrics and defined a phased approached to implementation. All metrics are “lagging” metrics. Focus is on OUTCOMES.

15 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
How can it help your company? Provides your company guidance for installing a regionally recognized program for measuring key indicators Provides a consistent approach. Can serve as a design basis for new installations, projects or companies. Provides a framework for “dialogue” and networking between companies regarding areas of improvement and best practice sharing Identifies possible synergies across companies based on data analysis and information reported by GPCA

16 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
What are the reporting requirements? Annual reporting required for all GPCA full member companies Template for reporting with instructions provided as part of the Guidance Document Submission to GPCA of the completed template 1st quarter of every year with data from the previous year

17 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
How will the data be used by GPCA? All completed templates received by GPCA are treated confidentially. Each submittal is protected by GPCA. Each data set is codified by GPCA so the information can be analyzed by the Metrics Sub-Committee without knowing the company’s name. Annually the data sets are reviewed and analyzed. Based on the analysis and to the extent possible the information generated from the analysis is consolidated in a report and published.

18 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
What will we address today? Contents of the Metrics Guidance Document Report out from a 3rd party consultant on their analysis of 2010 and 2011 data sets reviewed. Answers to questions you may have about the content of the Guidance Document, how to use it and results of the 3rd party independent analysis Alignment on Guidance Document definitions, formulas and a better understanding of how to use it through hands-on workshop exercises. A member Company’s view of Leading Indicators and their benefits

19 GPCA Metrics Guidance Document and Reporting Requirements
What if you have specific questions after the workshop? Submit a technical query to the GPCA Responsible Care Director. A formal response will be provided by the Sub-Committee through GPCA.

20 Role of Performance Metrics Reporting in Responsible Care®

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