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What Makes a Leader? BY DANIEL GOLEMAN Powerpoint By: Sasha Musick

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes a Leader? BY DANIEL GOLEMAN Powerpoint By: Sasha Musick"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes a Leader? BY DANIEL GOLEMAN Powerpoint By: Sasha Musick

2 "IQ and technical skills are important, but emotional
intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership." "Effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of emotional intelligence."

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4 SELF-AWARENESS "Self-aware job candidates will be frank in admitting to failure-and will often tell their tales with a  smile."

5 "People who have mastered
SELF-REGULATION "People who are in control of their feelings can tame their emotional impulses and redirect them In useful ways." "People who have mastered their emotions are able to roll with the changes. They don't panic."

6 MOTIVATION "Emotional intelligence can be learned.  The process is not easy.  It takes time and commitment."

7 EMPATHY "The very word empathy seems unbusiness like,
I know how you feel. "The very word empathy seems unbusiness like, out of place amid the tough realities of the marketplace."

8 "Social skill is friendliness
SOCIAL SKILLS "Social skill is friendliness with a purpose: moving people in the direction you desire."

9 Martin Luther King Jr. displayed the traits of emotional intelligence as a leader in his 'Letter From a Birmingham Jail', by showing self-awareness,  self-regulation, motivation, social skills, and empathy.

10 This is a picture of Eichmann on trial for his crimes in 1961 .
In 'Why Leaders Fail, Exploring the Dark Side', by Ronald J. Burke, Burke describes in various ways how leaders lacking in emotional intelligence become failing leaders. An example of a man lacking in emotional intelligence is Karl Adolf Eichmann from the article, 'Eichmann in Jerusalem, a Report on the Banality of Evil', by Hannah Arendt. This man served as a Nazi to the ultimate failing leader, Adolf Hitler. This is a picture of Eichmann on trial for his crimes in

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