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Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth Faculté de Sciences Économiques MEDFORIST Project 1.GENERAL PRESENTATION 2.OBJECTIVES 3.BENEFITS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT.

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2 GENERAL PRESENTATION  MEDFORIST is a project of the EUMEDIS initiative (Euro-Mediterranean Information Society)  It aims at developing a Euro-Mediterranean network for sharing IST learning resources between 16 partners  The project started in August 2002  It is expected to last for 34 months

3 OBJECTIVE 1  To setup and develop a Network grouping:  Instructors and trainers from partners’ academic institutions  Experts in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

4  To set up and develop: OBJECTIVE 2 In order to help the network members share efficiently learning resources A technological platform A Knowledge Base platform

5 OBJECTIVE 3  To accelerate, in each country, the training of students and executives allowing them to:  Contribute to the design of appropriate ICT-based applications  Implement and manage such applications in local industrial and commercial companies

6 OBJECTIVE 4  To expand the network in each country by associating other actors from:  The academic and vocational training institutions  The Chambers of Commerce and Industry  Various professional associations

7 OBJECTIVE 5  To disseminate the project and its outcomes for the benefit of key stakeholders in the country in order to:  Promote the project  Secure its sustainability

8 BENEFITS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT  The benefits of the project are expected to spill over the country as a whole due to the fact that:  Competitive companies will take advantage from the expanding commercial relations with the European partners  Proficiency in ICT usage is a key factor of success for companies in all economic sectors

9 BENEFITS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Specifically, the local stakeholders that would benefit most from the project are :  The Mediterranean academic and vocational training institutions  The undergraduate and postgraduate students  The executives and managers of industrial and commercial companies  The local ICT service providers

10 STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT SPDESCRIPTION OF THE SPSP LEADER 1 Development of a network of centers of excellence in training to IST ENSIAS Morocco 2 The appropriation and the sharing of IST learning resources ESC - Grenoble TIME - France 3 Technological platformHUT Finland 4 Database on competencies and training required to work using the IST USJ Lebanon 5 Knowledge database on ISTUSFD UK

11 STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT SPDESCRIPTION OF THE SPSP LEADER 1 Development of a network of centers of excellence in training to IST ENSIAS Morocco 2 The appropriation and the sharing of IST learning resources ESC - Grenoble TIME - France 3 Technological platformHUT Finland 4 Database on competencies and training required to work using the IST USJ Lebanon 5 Knowledge database on ISTUSFD UK

12 SP4: Database on competencies and training Provide the Mediterranean network of trainers with quantitative and qualitative information, about the competencies and training needs required for :  Developing IST training schemes in the Mediterranean countries  Integrating those programs in the teaching cycles of the Mediterranean partner institutions  Main objective

13 SP4: Database on competencies and training  Operational objectives:  To analyze the needs for qualifications and competencies required to develop or contribute to the development of ICT projects  To assess, in each country, the needs for ICT qualified staff required to meet the ever increasing usage of new technologies in economic and business activity  To deliver a fact finding report per country assessing the ICT training courses currently in progress

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