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All Naturals Organic Non-toxic Total Company Concepts  Plantation  Manufacturing  Packaging  Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "All Naturals Organic Non-toxic Total Company Concepts  Plantation  Manufacturing  Packaging  Marketing."— Presentation transcript:


2 All Naturals Organic Non-toxic

3 Total Company Concepts  Plantation  Manufacturing  Packaging  Marketing

4  To provide you high quality products that offers “ The best naturals” alternative to meet your everyday health needs.  To ensure products superiority at a lower price.  To provide realistic income to average distributors at a minimal start up cost.

5  It was discovered by one man in Discovery Channel a Documentary grown from several corners of the world.  This Moringa existed in many different parts of the world— Africa, Latin America, South America, India, Indonesia, including Philippines and many island nations.

6 7 x vitamin C in Oranges 15 x the Potassium in Banana 17 x the Calcium in Milk 4 x the Vitamin A in Carrot 25 x the Iron in Spinach Moringa Food Supplement 100 % NATURAL

7  Lower Blood Pressure  Normalizes Blood Sugar Level  Prevents Gout & Cancer  Reduces pain & Swelling of Arthritis  Controls Blood Cholesterol  Prevents Heart & Kidney Disease  Loaded with 46 Anti-Oxidants  Prevents Early Signs of Aging  Flawless Skin & a lot more!

8  Your registration Includes:  $ 15.00 – Administration Annual Fee  $ 24.95 – Lezez Naturals Moringa __________ $ 39.95 Total

9 If you bring 3 ways to make money: 1. Instant referral fee Bring 5 people per month, you will have 60 people in 1 year which is your direct you will make …… 60 x $ 10.00 = $ 600.00

10 YOU 1 st Level 2 nd Level 3 rd Level $ 39.95 $ 5.00 $ 2.00 $ 3.00

11  Wholesale Cost $ 16.00  Retail Cost $ 24.95 _________  Retail Profit $ 9.00

12 3 rd Level 2 nd Level 1 st Level 5people/month in 1 year direct=60 x $ 10.00= $ 600.00 60 x $ 5.00= $ 300.00 60 people x 12=720 people x $ 2.00 = $ 1,440.00 720 people to invite per month= 8640.00 x $ 3.00= $ 27,660.00

13  Instant Commission $ 600.00- one time  1 st Level $ 300.00- monthly  2 nd Level $ 1,440.00- monthly  3 rd Level $ 27,660.00-monthly ______________ Total $ 29,400.00 monthly 10% effort $2,940.00  Illustrates the potential power of mathematical growth but does not represent actual results.

14  “ You can’t get rich without working hard, taking risks, inventing and reinvesting your profits”

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