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Global Health Program Guiding Principles April 2002.

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1 Global Health Program Guiding Principles April 2002

2 Global Health Program Guiding Principles April 2002 Principles  Concentrate on the largest, most inequitable global health problems facing developing countries  Focus on improving public health through prevention and development and deployment of 21st-century, affordable, and high­impact health tools and technology  Invest in efforts that are likely to be sustained over time –Catalyze new/incremental dollars –Demonstrate high-impact interventions and ensure their widespread deployment –Do not displace governments, industry, and/or other donors  Build global awareness of public health inequities in the developing word  Support leadership training for public health leaders in developing countries Goal Increase global health equity by accelerating the development, deployment, and sustainability of tools and technologies that will save lives and dramatically reduce the disease burden in the developing world

3 Global Health Program Strategy “Build it” “Prove it” “Ensure access” “Support the future” Goal Increase global health equity by accelerating the development, deployment and sustainability of tools and technologies that will save lives and dramatically reduce the disease burden in the developing world Develop innovative tools and technologies that will Enable prevention, elimination or eradication of diseases Reduce the cost of currently available interventions and increase affordability in low resource settings Support programs that demonstrate scalability and reliability and ensure systems change by Testing innovative tools and technologies Evaluating impact of new models Eliminating or eradicating diseases as opportunities arise Invest in key commodity funds to ensure that developing countries have sustainable access to existing and new tools/interventions through Matching grants Grants contingent on country/other donors’ commitment Build support for reducing health inequities by Supporting training for public health leadership in developing countries Influencing international standards and policies Disseminating info on proven concepts Increasing visibility of effective public health and prevention approaches *Under development – not currently accepting proposals R&D for innovative tools and technologies Demonstration programs Catalytic financing mechanisms Leadership and Advocacy*

4 HIV/AIDS and TB Program “Build it” “Prove it” “Ensure access” “Support the future” R&D for innovative tools and technologies Demonstration programs Catalytic financing mechanisms Leadership and Advocacy* Goal Prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS, STDs and TB by developing tools, demonstrating novel interventions and catalyzing funding, leadership and advocacy Develop and test cost- effective vaccines, drugs and diagnostics appropriate for prevention and control in resource-poor settings for HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB, Test novel interventions to demonstrate proof-of- concept Support integrated country programs to reduce HIV and STD transmission in countries with rapidly increasing prevalence and high potential impact on global disease burden, as well as in high-prevalence countries with a generalized epidemic* Develop mechanisms to catalyze and ensure sustained support from countries and partners for proven tools and service delivery Supporting training for public health leadership in developing countries Influence international standards and policies Gather evidence and disseminate information on proven concepts Increase visibility of effective prevention and public health approaches *Under development – not currently accepting proposals

5 Infectious Disease and Vaccines Program “Build it” “Prove it”“Ensure access” “Support the future” R&D for innovative tools and technologies Demonstration programs Catalytic financing mechanisms Leadership and Advocacy* Goal Save lives and reduce disability due to infectious diseases by developing and deploying cost-effective and sustainable tools in order to break transmission of, eliminate or eradicate diseases Accelerate development, clinical testing, and approval of vaccines for highest- burden and orphan diseases Develop and support innovative vaccine formulations and new antigen delivery systems Develop new drugs and diagnostics, especially those that will assist in breaking transmission or eradication/elimination Promote regulatory harmonization and accelerated approval for key products Utilize available methods to eradicate or eliminate targeted diseases (e.g. polio, lymphatic filariasis) Implement high-impact transmission reduction interventions as appropriate (e.g., trypanosomiasis) Demonstrate "proof of concept" for new interventions, delivery mechanisms and eradication/elimination strategies Catalyze innovative approaches for financing, purchasing, and delivering technology to developing countries Strengthen global and national capacity to finance deployment of new technology (e.g., production, clinical trials) Supporting training for public health leadership in developing countries Influence international standards and policies Gather evidence and disseminate information on proven concepts Increase visibility of effective prevention and public health approaches *Under development – not currently accepting proposals

6 Reproductive and Child Health Program “Build it” “Prove it”“Ensure access” “Support the future” R&D for innovative tools and technologies Demonstration programs Catalytic financing mechanisms Leadership and Advocacy* Goal Reduce total fertility and maternal and child mortality and morbidity through technology introduction and systems change Develop innovative reproductive health technologies that will support and accelerate systems change, including new contraceptives for women and men and STD diagnostics Support programs to accelerate the transition to low fertility and low mortality in focus countries. Support programs to evaluate existing maternal health and adolescent reproductive health programs Support efforts to fortify staple foods with essential micronutrients and promote micronutrient supplementation of staple foods  Support organizations that mobilize funds for reproductive heath from other donors  Develop financing mechanisms to ensure access to reproductive health supplies including contraceptives, microbicides, point-of- care STD diagnostics, and antibiotics for STDs  Supporting training for public health leadership in developing countries  Influence international standards and policies  Gather evidence and disseminate information on proven concepts  Increase visibility of effective prevention and public health approaches *Under development – not currently accepting proposals

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