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Prussian Military Commander and Scholar - b. 1780 -- d. 1831 - Fought in Napoleonic Wars and participated in Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. - Major Work:

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Presentation on theme: "Prussian Military Commander and Scholar - b. 1780 -- d. 1831 - Fought in Napoleonic Wars and participated in Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. - Major Work:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prussian Military Commander and Scholar - b. 1780 -- d. 1831 - Fought in Napoleonic Wars and participated in Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. - Major Work: On War ( Vom Kriege ), a treatise on military tactics as well as military/political philosophy.

2  - Distinguished military career  - Highly regarded strategist and tactician  - On War also deals with philosophy of war and its relationship to politics  - Lasting influence as a military and political philosopher

3 - “Fog of war” – term describing ambiguity of information on the battlefield - “Friction” – term used to describe constant resistance to every action taken in battle - “Limited” vs. “Ideal” (or Total) War - Famous Quotation: “War is a continuation of state policy with the admixture of other means.”

4  Scholars have noted conflicting views within On War, which have been attributed to the following: - Ideas changed with age. Began to amend his work in later years - Died before On War was complete - Used a dialectic form of argument (Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis)

5  19 th Century Popular in Europe for “modern” tactics Supported Total War Reaction against Enlightenment Theories  20 th Century Popular for “Modern” view of warfare New understanding of On War Supported “Limited” War

6  Clausewitz, Carl von. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved February 2, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:  Carl von Clausewitz. (2009). Retrieved February 4, 2009 from Wikipedia:  Fog of war. (2009). Retrieved February 4, 2009 from Wikipedia:

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