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Parent Teacher Interviewer Student Activities ParentConnect/StudentConnect Elementary Report Card Teacher Assignments Module (for High Schools & Elementary!!)

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Teacher Interviewer Student Activities ParentConnect/StudentConnect Elementary Report Card Teacher Assignments Module (for High Schools & Elementary!!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Teacher Interviewer Student Activities ParentConnect/StudentConnect Elementary Report Card Teacher Assignments Module (for High Schools & Elementary!!) eFile and Student Images

2 Send Message … using, loving it, understanding it?

3 Understanding/Using the Functions or

4 New SAFETY PLAN recognition Browse/attach safety plan to efolder Add SAF Health code in emergency screen

5 Calendars and newest District Calendar integration ideas.. Right into the district calendar! Current and Next Year Better work with the Day Codes Description: SCHOOL MTG/EVENT Include in Parent Connect : N Include in Teacher Connect: Y Include in Admin Connect : Y Incl in District Calendar :

6 Buckets and Timing.. Super Important to Understand GRD.21E (High Schools) and GRE.211 (Elem) Teacher marks are in the wrong bucket – Teacher overwrote their last report card comments … should NEVER happen! Preparing for Report Cards = Teachers Y, parents N Report Cards Ready = Teachers L, Parents Y What stage are we at ??? School Format Description TC PC 014 R1 FIRST REPORT L N 014 R21 REPORT CARD 2 L Y Which grading period are we in? Grade titles: T1M T2M FIN Allow Changes to Grades: N Y Y

7 Understanding STU.324 and when to change Y/N/L Items Send Message ** Turn off to PC over summer? Next Year – working on Homerooms ** Display h/r = N Sched=N, Grades = N but that means report selections are reduced! Next Year – Schedules ** NY Sched, Grades, Schedule = N.. Direct parents to for Reviewing Yearend Report Cards

8 As you allow more people (Teachers), Adminconnect super users (Resource, ???), Parents, Students … AND.. As you apply more features (fees, PTI, textbook, rep cards) checklist of activities … CRITICAL Good start is our smschecklist document and then incorporate into your own calendar of events!

9 SCH.441 – Online New OTT (out of Timetable) district group EXCELLENT for students and for other reporting (SCH.516, SCH.592) Setup In SCH.310

10 In last week’s releases – redid the top bar to be tablet friendly.. Meaning will work even nicer with an Ipad or Android Mobile Friendly thoughts ….. Not a true App … but a browser app made to work/fit on a smartphone School Admin: to approve leaves and workshops for staff Employees: to create an urgent sick request School Admin/Teachers/????: to access a student record anywhere? To add an activity? What would you deem critical to know right there? Credentials Access to what info? Could this finally take out that need for a student binder in the office???

11 Work with Student Fees, Bus Fees … will integrate with CIMS through ParentConnect.. On Fees page new which would allow user to make an online payment which would return completed information to our payment screen Any School already doing this? This would/could replace your onsite Interac/VISA costs? Thoughts, concerns ….

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