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DEAN DAVIS. Knowing your basic sight words are the building blocks for reading. After some research, I found that students enrolled in the Life Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "DEAN DAVIS. Knowing your basic sight words are the building blocks for reading. After some research, I found that students enrolled in the Life Skills."— Presentation transcript:


2 Knowing your basic sight words are the building blocks for reading. After some research, I found that students enrolled in the Life Skills Class, on the average, are taking two years to learn the basic 25 sight words.

3 This table shows the progression of the IEP task – identifying 20 out of 25 basic sight words for 15 students in grade level 5 th and 6 th. Words9-1415-1920-25 2012/201350%30%20% 2011/201263%27%10% 2010/201160%35%5% 2009/201080%10%

4 Life skills teacher from IPS schools #1, #2, and #3 got together to find a new program that would best support our goals. Current program is over six years old and the developer never made any attempt to keep us updated.

5 Each of us were on our own computers and we all said at the same time, ”This is the one.” The one we all agreed on was - PCI Reading Program from Plan and Clear international. The link below will take us to the site.

6 The three of us had several meetings with the developer and they were willing to supply everything for one school to evaluate for the whole year. If we agreed with the progression with a 40% or better completion, we would bring our findings to the board for school district approval. Key elements: Personalized files with instant advancements and charts for teacher and parents to see progress At home log on for home work 24/7 tech support

7 Teachers at schools #2 and #3 will sent test results from each semester to school #1 to document results. School #1 was the designated evaluation class. Prior to any use in the classroom we did get approval from district IT manager and school principal. Also we got the parent together and told them what we were going to do this year.

8 School #1 (IEP task identifying 20 of 25 sight words) Student Initial assessmentSemester #1Semester #2Semester #3Semester #4Improvement A15 of 2517 of 2520 of 2525 of 2525 of 25completed IEP task by 2nd semester B11 of 2512 of 2514 of 2518 of 2521 of 25completed prior to end of school year C12 of 2511 of 2516 of 2520 of 2523 of 25completed IEP task by 3rd semester D16 of 2517 of 2520 of 2522 of 2524 of 25 completed IEP task by end semester E9 of 2511 of 2514 of 2517 of 2521 of 25 completed prior to end of school year

9 School #2 (IEP task identifying 20 of 25 sight words) Student Initial assessmentSemester #1Semester #2Semester #3Semester #4Improvement A13 of 2515 of 2516 of 2518 of 2519 of 25 did not complete task B14 of 2515 of 2514 of 2515 of 2517 of 25did not complete task C11 of 2513 of 2515 of 2516 of 2521 of 25 completed IEP task at school end D13 0f 2515of 2517 of 2518 of 2517 of 25 did not complete task E10 of 2512 of 2513 of 2515 of 2518 of 25 did not complete task F11 of 2513 of 2514 of 2516 of 2517 of 25 did not complete task School #3 (IEP task identifying 20 of 25 sight words) Student Initial assessmentSemester #1Semester #2Semester #3Semester #4Improvement A10 of 2512 of 2513 of 2515 of 2518of 25 did not complete task B12 of 2514 of 2516 of 2516 of 2517 of 25 did not complete task C10 of 2512 of 2514 of 2515 of 2516 of 25 did not complete task D9 0f 2511 of 2514 of 2517 of 2519 of 25did not complete task E14 of 2517 of 2518 of 2519 of 2522 of 25completed 4th semester

10 Dear Mr. Davis, I really appreciate the way you have helped my daughter learn reading. I just wanted to thank you for giving us access to this reading program at home. It has made such a huge difference for my Jenna. I am a busy single mom and this program has made my daughter want to do her homework. Jenna jumps on the computer and does not give us a hard time about studying. Being able to do the same thing she is doing at school at home has been a blessing. It has helped her learn the concepts much quicker. Since it is on the computer, her brothers and sisters have wanted to sit down and learn with her too. Have them all work together and get along is great. Thank you for giving Jenna the gift of reading. I am so happy about it. It used to be something she dreaded, but now she loves the subject. Thanks again for all the wonderful work you have done. Thank you, Mrs. Brown

11 Mr. Davis, My grandson Braden is in your class. I just want to say thank you. Since I am a grandma, it has been a long time since I have been in school. I cannot help him much with his homework. You do not know how much this reading program have helped us out. Braden cannot wait to come show his grandma his progress on his homework and he gets a printout that shows exactly how far he has come. He is so proud of himself and I am really proud of him too. This has helped my grandson so much. I only hope that Braden continues in this direction that you have shown him. Before the only thing my grandson wanted to do on the computer was to play video games. Now he is learning on the computer. I am one grateful grandma. Kindest regards, Mrs. Johnson

12 After Evaluating the data – we are excited to use the product and can not wait to see the continual progress for the future. The Manufacture will promise to provide 24/7 support for parents and teachers with annual training for new teachers and parents. Visual identifying words are the building block to reading. This program will provide a solid foundation.

13 Are there any questions ?

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