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Update on the Ontario Education Research and Evaluation Strategy
Carol Campbell, Chief Research Officer/ Director, Education Research and Evaluation Strategy Branch
Symposium 2009: Closing Gaps in Student Achievement
Four ways that evidence can play a critical role: Understanding gaps in performance between currently higher and lower achieving students Identifying and supporting strategies and practices that contribute to successful outcomes Challenging negative assumptions and raising expectations Integrating research, policy and practice concerns to strengthen application and communication of evidence
Evidence Expectations Energy Experience Engagement
Reach Every Student: Energizing Ontario Education
High levels of student achievement Going deeper and wider on literacy and numeracy Continuing innovation in secondary schools Reduced gaps in student achievement Reducing the gaps in achievement for those groups of students who, for whatever reason, need extra help Increased confidence in publicly funded education Fostering greater two-way engagement with the public to inform the implementation of the mandate to foster public confidence Strengthening the role of schools as the heart of communities Recognizing the pivotal role of schools in developing the workforce and citizens of tomorrow
What is ‘closing the gaps’ ?
Equity and excellence go hand in hand. And a quality education for all in publicly funded schools is a key feature of fostering social cohesion – an inclusive society where diversity is the hallmark, and where all cultures are embraced within a common set of values. Our goal is to foster social cohesion through a publicly funded education system that respects diversity and brings all students together to learn through a shared set of experiences. Our goal is to reach every student, regardless of his or her personal circumstances.* *from Reach Every Student: Energizing Ontario Education
A Priority for Action “Raising the bar and closing the gap cannot just be a slogan. It captures a host of issues that go to the very core how a society functions… The education component can and must be quite precise work; it needs to focus on all categories of students and schools… We need to remind ourselves that it is not just a matter of being aware of the gap goal, but working diligently day after day, monitoring progress, and taking corrective action.” (Fullan, 2007: 44-45)
What are gaps in achievement? Example: Grade 6 Writing (English)
In the example of Grade 6 Writing (English): Gender: There is a 18 percentage point gap in achievement between boys and girls. This ‘gap’ includes almost boys. If there was no gender gap (boys performing the same as girls), the provincial result would increase by 9 percentage points from 67% to 76% in Special Education: There is a 39 percentage point gap in achievement between students identified as having special needs and all students overall. This ‘gap’ includes over 9400 students with special needs. If there was no gap in performance for special education needs, the provincial result would increase by 6 percentage points from 67% to 73% in English Language Learners: There is a 14 percentage point gap in achievement between English Language Learners and all students overall. This ‘gap’ includes over 920 students.
Gaps Can Change Over Grades and Time Example: Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Scores
Girls performed overall better than boys an overall 8% difference for the March 2008 scores The proportion of boys that were successful on the OSSLT 03/2008 release is 8 percentage points less than that of girls Reducing this gap by half would have moved 2959 boys up and increased overall provincial achievement from 84% to 86% Closing this gap completely would have moved 5918 boys up and increased overall provincial achievement from 84% to 88% The is a significant gap between the scores for both English Language Learners (32) and Special Needs students (34) and all students All scores have improved since 2003; however there has been no significant improvement for all student groups since 2003. ELL= English Language Learners
Multiple and Interconnected Gaps: Special Education and Gender
The average ratio of boys to girls is approximately 2:1 Data Source: Information Management Branch, Ministry of Education
Special Education Recently Completed
Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) Projects – The CODE evidence-based projects focussed on piloting and implementing many of the recommendations of Education for All K-6, including differentiated instruction, assistive technology, professional learning communities and literacy/numeracy instruction. Ontario Psychological Association (OPA) Student Assessment Project – The OPA project collected key results and promising sustainable practices from every school board’s individual project designed to reduce wait times for student assessment (Kindergarten to Grade 4) and improve the quality and usability of assessment data. Currently Underway Web Based Teaching Tool (WBTT) – The WBTT is designed to screen young learners for remedial/instructional supplements to their normal education, and data from the previous year indicates a strong link between WBTT use and the activation of supports for students who are struggling. Dispute Resolution – The resource guide Shared Solutions was developed following Ministry research into dispute resolution with stakeholder input, and an evaluation of the Dispute Resolution Pilots with the recommendations of the Provincial Advisory Committee will be used to inform future policy direction. Future Direction Broader Assessment Measures Children’s Mental Health and Addictions The Learning for All K – 12 resource guide is scheduled for release late Spring 2009.
Boys’ Literacy Ministry has published Me Read? No Way! A Practical Guide to Improving Boys’ Literacy Skills. Based on international research Features 13 strategies for improving boys’ literacy skills Ministry funded teacher inquiry projects across the province to explore strategies for improving boys’ literacy skills and report results. 143 projects Final report to be published spring 2009 Sequel to Me Read? No Way! based on inquiry projects to be published – Me Read? And How! Key findings include: Reading materials that interest and engage boys are essential Talk and oral language are powerful Direct and targeted instruction is important It is important to listen to boys and provide them with choice Boys respond well to lots of tactile and active learning experiences Male role models can strongly influence boys’ attitudes to literacy activities
English Language Learners (ELL)
Consulted with the field to develop Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, K-12 Completed English Language Learners Benchmarks study Current Validation study of Steps To English Proficiency (STEP) underway Developed evidence-based resources for use in field Ongoing analysis of EQAO data to extract general trends and decide next steps Initial planning for research on ELLs with Special Education needs Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools K to 12 (2006 – 07) Ministry consulted with the field in all regions of the province to gather data and feedback on contents of policy English Language Learners’ Benchmarks study (2006) Researcher found Ontario did not have, and required a comprehensive measure to assess English language proficiency of English Language Learners. This report provided validation for the development of the Steps to English Proficiency (STEP) pilot. STEPS is a language performance assessment tool for teachers currently in the middle of a two year pilot. OISE was commissioned to conduct a STEP validation study ( ). This work will inform the revision and development of accurate and valid English language performance benchmarks for STEP. Developed evidence-based resources: Many Roots, Many Voices; Supporting English Language Learners in Kindergarten; Supporting English Language Learners with Limited Prior Schooling; Supporting English Language Learners: A Practical Guide for Ontario Educators Grades 1 to 8. Ongoing use and analysis of EQAO data: Analysis of EQAO data with respect to ELL performance and general trends to determine next steps to improve ELL achievement. Special Education and English Language Learners (2009): Plans to gather research have begun to determine best models of practice for ELLs who have Special Education needs. This research will inform the development of a support document for teachers with English Language learners who have special Education needs. Prompting question: What research, evaluation and/or data projects the ministry has supported (with the aim of closing the achievement gap) key findings, or how the projects informed a policy or practice (e.g., policy document, framework, program)
French-Language Learners
Two main programs: ALF Program: reversing the effects of assimilation PDF Program: integrating recent immigrants Sources of information: OnSis (ALF and PDF enrolments, country of birth) EQAO (test results for ALF-PDF students) StatCan (socio-demographic profiles of school communities, language spoken,immigration) Research: University of Ottawa study: impact of implementation of ALF programs in school There are two programs aimed at French-language learners: -ALF (Actualisation Linguistique en Français) which aims at reversing the effects of assimilation, or loss of ability to communicate in French -PDF (Perfectionnement du Français) aimed at assisting with the integration of recent immigrants The sources of information for analyses are: -OnSis, which provides information on enrolments for students benefiting from ALF and PDF programs -EQAO results for students identified as having participated in ALF or PDF programs -Statcan data on sociodemographic aspects of the French population in the school communities One example of research is that conducted by researchers at the University of Ottawa on the impact of the implementation of ALF programs in schools
Urban Aboriginal Education Pilot Project
Announced in 2007, the Aboriginal Education Office launched the Urban Aboriginal Education Pilot Project in 2008. This project will result in the development of urban Aboriginal education models for engagement with First Nation, Métis and Inuit students, families and/or communities that could be applied in different urban settings based on varying geographical and demographic circumstances. These models will be developed as a result of in-depth inter-jurisdictional research and pilot projects carried out in three urban boards – Toronto DSB, Lakehead DSB and Simcoe DSB. The first phase of the Project included a literature review and research focused on: retention; transitions; achievement; community/family outreach and engagement; challenges related to issues of high mobility; academic models; student support services Each Pilot site has also commissioned research specific to the needs of their individual communities.
Achievement Gaps Have Economic and Social Impact (Statistics Canada Census 2006 Data for 2005 Earnings) A student who does not graduate will earn 11% less than a student whose highest education level is high school graduation. Students who complete advanced university study will earn around double the earnings of someone who did not graduate from high school. Education levels affect labour market activity, data from the 2006 Census indicates that in Ontario: For adults with no education certificate, diploma or degree, the unemployment rate was 10.1% For adults with a high school certificate or equivalent, the unemployment rate was 7.6% For adults with apprenticeship or trades qualifications, the unemployment rate was 5.3% For adults with university qualifications (certificate, diploma or degree), the unemployment rate was 4.8% Research indicates that the earning gap associated with lower and higher levels of education is growing and will continue to increase due to demands of technological change and higher level skills needed for the future workplace (Chung, 2006). We know also that our Aboriginal students are less likely to graduate, for example according to Statistics Canada Census information (2001), 42% of Aboriginal people in Ontario had less than a high school qualification.
Ontario Ministry of Education Research and Evaluation Strategy
Purpose: The Ontario Ministry of Education is committed to developing and implementing policies, programs, and practices that are evidence-based, research-informed, and connected to provincial education goals. Outcomes: The Ministry of Education is focusing its research activities on supporting its priority education goals: Increased student achievement Reduced gaps in student achievement Increased public confidence in publicly funded education Approach: A shared strategy designed to be inclusive of staff from across all parts of the ministry and to foster collaboration with partners across the education and research communities.
Research Strategy Components
Leading the ministry’s research strategy Applying research to inform policy, program and practice Building research capacity Fostering research collaboration through networking and partnerships Communicating research findings Contributing to an international body of knowledge First, we have identified 6 key components to the Research Strategy. These will evolve over time – some may become more or less important, others may emerge
Leading the Ministry’s Research Strategy
What’s new? Establishment of an Education Research and Evaluation Strategy Branch (July 2008) within the Corporate Management and Services Division of the Ministry of Education. Branch incorporates all previous Research Strategy functions, plus a corporate role to strengthen the co-ordination and application of research, evaluation and data for evidence-based decision making. Move to Research and Evaluation Strategy Ongoing ADMs Committee Ministry Research Co-ordination Team Research Strategy and Chief Research Officer functions and activities Ontario Education Research Panel as research leaders and champions Chief Research Officer Develops and promotes the ministry’s Research Strategy Provides central leadership for ministry research and evaluation activities Focuses research activities on strategic goals Fosters collaboration across the ministry and with partners for a share commitment to conducting and applying research that will inform education policy, program and practice ADMs’ Steering Committee Provides research leadership across the ministry Directs the ministry’s research priorities by ensuring vertical, horizontal and collaborative alignment across the ministry and with other ministries Promotes the application of research to inform policy directions and practices within the ministry and across the education sector Ministry Research Coordination Team Includes staff representatives from across the ministry Identified and responds to capacity-building needs within the ministry Promotes horizontal alignment by developing collaboration and communication about research activities
Applying Research to Inform Policy, Program and Practice
What’s new? Alignment within Ministry to strengthen application and co-ordination of research and evaluation in process. Analysis of existing Ministry research and evaluation projects to identify linkage to priorities, reduce duplication, increase strategic application, and examine areas requiring further attention. Currently approx. 50 research and evaluation projects active. Development of Ministry Research and Evaluation Forward Plan in process. Aim to put in place from financial year onwards. Major projects recently completed or nearing completion to be reported widely.
Building Research Capacity
What’s new? Work in process with Association of Education Researchers Ontario (AERO) to examine school board research capacity and research use The Institute of Education Leadership is supporting use of research focused on leadership Teacher Learning and Leadership Program supporting professional development for experienced teachers, this can include teacher research Interested in ways to engage graduate students with Research Strategy Increased capacity building for Ministry staff – Evaluation and Research Learning Program, Policy Research Connections series Ongoing Managing Information for Student Achievement (MISA) Professional Network Centres (PNCs) increasing board capacity for use of data and related research activities. Within ministry R in R – contract position – sort of “critical friend” in its first incarnation that worked with ADMs and MRCT to suggest capacity-building activities including E+R Learning Program – 18 participants are finishing pilot year now – learning program (workshops, case studies, readings) tied into the daily work of each of the participants – developing not only individual’s capacity to access, use and contract research but makes them “go to” people in their divisions for research knowledge Outside ministry We recently contracted with AERO to study capacities of school boards to use research. We also, through our IMB, have a network of MISA leaders who are working at the school board level to learn, and help their colleagues to learn, to use data to support student achievement.
Networking and Partnerships
What’s new? 8 new members appointed to the Ontario Education Research Panel. Co-chairs for : Doris McWhorter and Joan Green. Research Strategy Speaker Series launched to profile academic speakers on priority topics to present to Ministry staff. Further development of regional, provincial, national and international research networks, e.g. regional research symposia held across majority of Ontario regions in 2008. Enhancements to Annual Symposium based on feedback from 2008 Symposium Ontario Education Research Panel: 13 individuals appointed by the DM from all part of education sector (univ, bds, research orgs) to facilitate discussion and collaboration around a shared research agenda for Ontario, including identifying: research priorities for Ontario education; current state of knowledge in specific areas; opportunities for, and impediments to, the advancement of research; the potential for future partnerships among the various parties. Have had 3 annual symposia to date involving about 200 people each time; purpose of Symposium is to bring together researchers, educators, policy makers and other partners to facilitate conversations about connections among research, policy and practice Policy Research Connections Information-sharing and learning sessions to develop communication and networks across the ministry about research connected to ministry goals. We first heard from each of the ADMS about a policy/program in their division that has been research-informed. Then we heard from staff about some of the individual facets of the RS e.g., intranet, MRCT, E+R learning program, and OERP. Third session is upcoming, and will profile two ministry research projects by the staff involved, with chance for questions and discussion after.
Communicating What’s new?
Increased profile of research on Ministry website through ‘Research in Education’ section Move to increase communication of Ministry funded research, e.g. public release of major evaluations Developing knowledge mobilization strategy for Ministry Internal Intranet site – Blog – DM’s monthly update Input to ministry materials External RS brochure CRO’s speaking engagements – over 5,000 people in 2007 Public site Profiles of RS RDPPG – group of educators and research orgs that want to share research and we are figuring out how best to facilitate that
Contributing to Research Knowledge
What’s new? Ministry presentations and papers at research conferences, including joint presentations with researchers and educators Participation in international benchmarking and exchanges Involvement in pan-Canadian discussions about research and data agendas across provincial governments Ongoing Contributions to speaking engagements, workshops, seminars, conferences and events Research, evaluation and data input to Ministry documents and reports Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) Conference presentations – AERA and CSSE Hosting international researchers and educators – recent paper called “Helping Schools Succeed” by Policy Exchange in England featured Ontario education reforms (along with New Zealand, Hong Kong and Sweden) International dialogues (e.g., International Educators’ Dialogue last fall in London)
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