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The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 The School Effectiveness Framework A Collegial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 The School Effectiveness Framework A Collegial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 The School Effectiveness Framework A Collegial Process for Continuing Growth in the Effectiveness of Ontario Elementary Schools

2 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Key Purposes of the Framework The primary purpose of the School Effectiveness Framework (K-12) is to function as a tool for schools to identify areas of strength and areas requiring improvement in order to reach all students and improve student achievement.

3 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

4 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 The Design of the Framework The Components  Assessment for, as and of Learning  School and Classroom Leadership  Student Voice  Curriculum, Teaching and Learning  Programs and Pathways  Home, School and Community Partnerships

5 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 2010-2011 Recommendation All elementary schools identify strengths, specific areas of need and next steps in the component Assessment for, as, and of Learning (1.1-1.7) strengthening alignment with the Growing Success document and the Board Improvement Plan. Specific area(s) of need and next steps will be integrated into the SIP. Schools examine the indicators of the remaining five components (School and Classroom Leadership, Student Voice, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Programs and Pathways and Home, School and Community Partnerships) as part of the self-assessment and may identify a second focus component.

6 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Assessment for, as and of Learning 1.Students and teachers share a common understanding of the learning goals and related success criteria. 2.During learning, students receive ongoing, descriptive feedback based on the success criteria, from the teacher and from peers. 3.Students are taught, and regularly use self-assessment skills to monitor their progress toward achieving learning goals within the context of the Ontario curriculum and/or individual Education Plan I.E.P.)

7 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Assessment for, as and of Learning 4.Assessment tasks are aligned with the curriculum, collaboratively developed by teachers and the resulting demonstrations of student learning analyzed to ensure consistency with success criteria. 5.A variety of valid and reliable assessment data is used by students and teachers to continuously monitor learning, to inform instruction and assessment and to determine next steps. 6.Assessment of learning provides evidence for evaluating the quality of student learning at or near the end of a period of learning. 7.Ongoing communication is in place to allow students, teachers and parents to effectively monitor student learning.

8 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Key Principles for Engagement In order to be effective, it is essential that the process is:  Focused on continuous improvement in student achievement  Collaborative, collegial and respectful  Open, honest, and transparent  Reflective, self-critical and growth-promoting resulting in capacity building and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and  a basis for dialogue and inquiry

9 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Linking School Self-Assessment and School Improvement Planning Complete School Self-Assessment for current year Review indicators and determine areas requiring attention Review and analyse all assessment data (Comprehensive Needs Assessment)

10 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 BIPSASIPSA

11 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Analysis Synthesis of strengths and needs Point form 4 Types of Data Demographic Achievement Perceptual Process Graphs and visual displays Comprehensive Needs Assessment

12 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

13 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

14 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

15 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

16 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Linking School Self-Assessment and School Improvement Planning Select, revise or refine SMART goals setting targets for student achievement Examine the indicators in the SEF that require attention. Select a number that will directly impact on the student learning goals selected Move into actions on SMART goals, set targets for student achievement, plan instruction and implement strategies

17 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

18 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007

19 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 Focus Plans on the Instructional Core “A clear view of the classroom” Learning - What is the student work telling us about how we are doing? Teaching - How do learning goals, success criteria, prompts, tasks, rubrics, feedback impact student learning? Leading – How do we learn to do the work of implementation by doing implementation

20 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 ework/index.shtml School Effectiveness Resources

21 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 The District Review Process For District Reviews to be successful, the following conditions must be demonstrated: Collaborative, collegial and respectful interactions Open, honest and transparent communication, throughout the process A non-evaluative, supportive stance

22 The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Le Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie October – octobre 2007 The School Effectiveness Framework A Collegial Process for Continuing Growth in the Effectiveness of Ontario Elementary Schools

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