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Psalm 83 Coalition modern day equivalent

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1 Psalm 83 Coalition modern day equivalent
Tents of Edom = [decedents of Esau] Palestinian Refugees and Southern Jordanians Ishmaelites = Saudi Arabians Moab = Palestinian Refugees and Central Jordanians Hagrites = Egyptians (Muslim Brotherhood) Gebal = Northern Lebanese Ammon = Palestinian Refugees and Northern Jordanians Amalek = Arabs in the Sinai area Philista = Palestinian Refugees and Hamas of Gaza Strip Inhabitants of Tyre = Hezbollah and Southern Lebanese Assyria = Syrians and perhaps Northern Iraqis included (ISIS)

2 End-time prophecy wars yet to be fulfilled
The destruction of Elam (Iran) - Jeremiah 49:34-39 The destruction of Damascus (Syria) – Isaiah 17:1-3 Israel – Muslim regional War – Psalm 83 Gog and Magog War – Ezekiel 38-39 Battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:14-16 & 19:11-16 & 19-21



5 God’s Foreign Policy… Genesis 12:3 – I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

6 Three main prophetic wars on the horizon
Psalm 83 war – Israel and surrounding Muslim nations Ezekiel War - the War of Gog and Magog, which consists of a Russian led war with Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia, Northern Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia. Battle of Armageddon - Revelation 16:14-16 & 19:11-16 & 19-21: The world’s armies against God

7 Four important facts that must be in place for the war of Gog and Magog to happen…
1). There is a nation re-established as a sovereign Jewish state - Yes 2). The nation of Israel is militarily secure – No 3). The nation of Israel is at peace in the Middle-East – No 4). The nation of Israel has a restored fortune – No



10 Ezekiel 38-39 Jeremiah 49:34-39

11 Prophetic requirements of Jeremiah 49 that suggest that the Elam prophecies remain unfulfilled
1). Break the bow of Elam, the foremost of their might (vs. 35) 2). Bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven (vs. 36) 3). Scatter them (Elamites) toward all those winds [worldwide] (vs. 36) 4). Cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies and before those who seek their life (vs. 37) 5). Bring disaster upon them, my fierce anger (vs. 37) 6). Send the sword after them until I have consumed them (vs. 37) 7). Set My throne in Elam (vs. 38) 8). Destroy from there the king and the princes (vs. 38) 9). [In the latter days] bring back the captives of Elam (vs. 39)


13 The Destruction of Damascus – Isaiah 17:1-3 & 9: Four Things
1). Damascus ceases to be a city (vs. 1) 2). The cities of Aroer are forsaken (vs. 2) 3). The fortress of Ephraim and kingdom of Damascus ceases (vs. 3) 4). The Syrian remnant becomes subservient to the glory of the children of Israel (vs. 3)

14 Possible chronologically order of last days wars and battles…
1). Destruction of Elam (western side of Iran) (Jeremiah 49:34-39) 2). Destruction of Damascus (Syria) – Isaiah 17:1-3 3). Israel – Muslim regional War – Psalm 83 4). Gog and Magog War – Ezekiel 38-39 5). Battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:14-16 & 19:11-16 & 19-21

15 When is the Rapture?


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