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Design Team 6 Alex Volinski Derek Brower Phil Jaworski Jung-Chung Lu Matt Affeldt.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Team 6 Alex Volinski Derek Brower Phil Jaworski Jung-Chung Lu Matt Affeldt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Team 6 Alex Volinski Derek Brower Phil Jaworski Jung-Chung Lu Matt Affeldt

2  Software Flow  Routing / Board Layout  Components/Assembly  Electrical Considerations

3  Software Packages  Schematic Advantages  Schematic creation ◦ Libraries ◦ ERC and simulation  Schematic to Layout

4  Layout ◦ Libraries ◦ Layers and Routing ◦ Labels ◦ DRC  Fabrication

5  Important Terminology ◦ Layers  Metal  Silkscreen  Solder mask ◦ Traces ◦ Spaces ◦ Trace/Space

6  Important Terminology ◦ Pads  Surface Mounts ◦ Vias  Drilled Metal Plated Holes

7  Layout by importance of Position  Align components in a common-sense approach Regulators Sensor IOSensor IO Sensor IOSensor IO Memory User I/O Micro- controller JTAG USB/ UART

8  Routing in PCB Artist ◦ Place components inside green PCB border ◦ Yellow lines are connections that need to be made

9  Layout Example of 2-Layer Board ◦ Bottom Level Grounded

10  Begin Making Traces

11  Tracing Problem

12  Grounding Techniques ◦ Series  Common Impedance ◦ Parallel  Low Potentials  High Impedance ◦ Multipoint  Contains Currents  Reduces Inductance

13  Power Distribution ◦ Single-Point  Single Reference ◦ Multipoint  Impedance Coupled ◦ Star Distribution  Central Reference  Equal Lengths

14  Through-hole ◦ DIP  Surface mount ◦ SOIC ◦ BGA ◦ QFN

15  Surface Mount ◦ Stay above 0805  Through Hole ◦ Much easier and less performance

16  Solder Reflow ◦ Allows precise soldering of Surface Mounts (below 0805)

17  Decreasing impedance vs. protecting a section


19  Multi-Layer board is capacitor

20  Avoiding Radiating EMI  At ‘low’ frequencies (<100 MHz) no components will be antennas  Be aware of attached cables  Layout board to reduce coupling

21  Software Flow ◦ Advantage of making schematic ◦ Layers, Libraries, Fabrication  Routing / Board Layout ◦ Layers, Traces, Pads vs. Vias ◦ Importance of position ◦ Grounding Techniques, Power Distribution

22  Components/Assembly ◦ Different types of components ◦ Through Hole / Surface Mount ◦ Weighing options for better performance  Electrical considerations ◦ Stray Capacitance ◦ Ground Plane Traces ◦ Antennas to avoid radiating EMI


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