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File Types, Sizes & Dots Per Inch (dpi) Best practices applied to Photoshop file formats when creating media-specific documents. Bit Depth is the number.

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Presentation on theme: "File Types, Sizes & Dots Per Inch (dpi) Best practices applied to Photoshop file formats when creating media-specific documents. Bit Depth is the number."— Presentation transcript:

1 File Types, Sizes & Dots Per Inch (dpi) Best practices applied to Photoshop file formats when creating media-specific documents. Bit Depth is the number of colors your image contains: 24 bit = millions of colors 16 bit = thousands of colors 8 bit = 256 colors 4 bit = 16 colors Data Compression is a process of encoding info with fewer bits: Lossless = reversible with more algorithmic data Lossy = loss of data Adobe Photoshop File Formats

2 Adobe Photoshop File Formats.psd PhotoShop Document dpi 300 pixels work large! work in layers

3 Adobe Photoshop File Formats.jpg Joint Photographic Expert Group dpi depends on purpose detail 300 dpi print >150 dpi screen 72 dpi  JPG is a "lossy" compression, resulting in data loss. Used for photographs and images with continuous tones and large gradients. Do not save/edit in jpg! Image: From the department of unsourced photographic Internet literalisms

4 Adobe Photoshop File Formats.gif Graphical Interface Format dpi 72 pixels Animated Static Image: Watt Curve by Claudio Rocchini  GIF supports images that are 8-bit (256 colors) or less. Use GIFs for illustrations, clip art, and images without gradients.

5 Adobe Photoshop File Formats.png Portable Network Graphics dpi 72 pixels  PNG is an improvement on GIF - with gradients and transparencies in "lossless" format - Designed for RGB color palettes, not print.

6 Adobe Photoshop File Formats.tiff Tagged Information File Format dpi depends on purpose Archive >300 dpi  TIFF is an adaptable file format for handling images and data within a single "lossless" file or no compression at all. This format is useful for image archiving - can include header tags and vector-based information.

7 Adobe Photoshop File Formats.pdf Portable Document Format dpi depends on purpose highly customizable  PDF is an open standard for document exchange with encapsulated information. PDFs can store a fixed-layout document that includes the text, fonts, images, vector graphics and true graphic transparency.

8 Adobe Photoshop File Formats - File Formats - Summary.psdPhotoShop Document.jpgJoint Photographic Expert Group.gifGraphical Interface Format.pngPortable Network Graphics.tiff Tagged Information File Format.pdfPortable Document Format Consider…  Bit Depth  Data Compression  DPI (dots per inch)  Vector graphics

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