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Child Care for Users at CERN Cigdem Issever, Maria Chamizo Llatas, Evangelia Dimovasili, Pauline Gagnon, Patricia Conde Muíño for the CERN Child Care Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Care for Users at CERN Cigdem Issever, Maria Chamizo Llatas, Evangelia Dimovasili, Pauline Gagnon, Patricia Conde Muíño for the CERN Child Care Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Care for Users at CERN Cigdem Issever, Maria Chamizo Llatas, Evangelia Dimovasili, Pauline Gagnon, Patricia Conde Muíño for the CERN Child Care Initiative (CCCI) ACCU Meeting, 11 June 2008, CERN

2 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 2 Outline Existing Child Care @ CERN CERN Child Care Initiative (CCCI) Survey February 2008 Funding Sources at the EU Project in Archamps (Haute-Savoie) Summary

3 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 3 EU’s Barcelona Roadmap Answer to demographic decline: affordable and accessible childcare Barcelona Targets: The provision of childcare by 2010 to at least 90 % of children between 3 years old and school age and at least 33 % of children under 3 years of age (EUROSTAT).

4 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 4 Existing Child Care at CERN ‘Jardin d’enfants’ ‘Jardin d’enfants’ Located at CERN site for children 2 ½ to 6 years old  171 places  Mon – Fri 8:00-12:30 13:30 – 18:00 for children 2 – 2 ½  21 places  Mon, Tues, Thurs 8:00 – 12:30 Children welcomed during lunch break  Reservation needed  Costs: 14 CHF (lunch and childcare) Closed during Geneva state school holidays  3 months and 1 week per year Fees: 1240 CHF/month per child  CERN reimburses 75% of the fees for staff children >= 3years. No default lunch. No child care for < 2 years. Inconvenient Opening Hours Closed for a significant time per year. Too expensive.

5 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 5 Existing Child Care at CERN Meyrin Creche Meyrin Creche Opens 25.08.2008 20 places for 4 months to 4 years For CERN personnel (staff, users, etc.) Closed 4 weeks per year (summer) Mon to Fri 7:00 – 18:00 Fees: 2000 CHF/month; 50% for 2 nd child Not enough places  Too expensive. 

6 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 6 CERN Child Care Initiative (CCCI) Initiative was founded 2007  members of different collaborations at CERN,  both users and CERN staff   (81 members) Survey was prepared to assess needs

7 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 7 Survey Submitted to ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb February 2008 30 questions Big response: 129 responses recorded!  But we did not reach everybody! See here for summary:  CERN-HR-Note-2008-001 CERN-HR-Note-2008-001

8 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 8 Survey: Profile of Participants 60% pemanently at CERN 72% users 40% visiting users

9 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 9 Survey: Working Hours Majority: Both parents are full time  NEED CHILD CARE!

10 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 10 Time spend at CERN & Needing Child Care (CC) Constant profile over the next 5 years 35% need CC for a few weeks 15-20% need CC for a few days 35% need CC for a few months - year

11 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 11 Children`s Age Profile Child Care for below 2 years very important!

12 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 12 Language of Children French, English, Italian, German

13 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 13 How much Fee/month is affordable? 1240 CHF Jardin d’enfants 2000 CHF Meyrin Most parents can’t afford current CC @ CERN 64 % of parents would like salary dependent fees

14 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 14 Length of Child Care

15 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 15 Number of Places needed At least 40 places for < 2 years needed! Meyrin is not enough These are lower limits, because survey only reached fraction of parents at CERN. Redo survey with help of CERN management

16 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 16 Number of Places for Users At least 70 – 90 places needed Lower limit!! Survey reached only fraction of parents at CERN

17 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 17 EU’s Barcelona Roadmap CERN does not meet Barcelona Targets! Answer to demographic decline: affordable and accessible childcare Barcelona Targets: The provision of childcare by 2010 to at least 90 % of children between 3 years old and school age and at least 33 % of children under 3 years of age (EUROSTAT).

18 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 18 European Social Fund (ESF)ESF ESF an EU's Structural Funds Aims:  reduce differences in prosperity and living standards  promoting economic and social cohesion. 2007-2013 some €75 billion will be distributed to the EU Member States and regions to achieve its goals. Projects can be funded for up to 3 years. ESF may contribute between 50 and 85%

19 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 19 ESF: Fields of Activity Workers and new skills Businesses undergoing change Access to employment and social inclusion Education and training Women and jobs Fighting discrimination Working in partnership Better public services Transnational projects and networks Innovative actions

20 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 20 ESF – How to participate? Available through the Member States CERN: apply through France Organizations can apply Need help from CERN legal office

21 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 21 ESF – Financial Plan France 2007-13 euros

22 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 22 ESF– Past Funded Projects 2000-06 in France

23 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 23 ESF more examples of funded projects Helping parents with childcare obligations Flexible work arrangements to complement private life Flexible work arrangements to complement private life Quality childcare in the community Toolkits for gender equality Combining work with family commitments

24 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 24 Project in Archamps (Haute-Savoie) (discussed several times, but decision pending from CERN) Construction of various hundreds of apartments and a few villas Possibility of integrating facilities for CERN  conference or meeting rooms,  LAN with CERN,  Crèche,  Transportation to and from CERN Subsidize a new crèche with ESF funds!

25 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 25 Summary Existing Child Care (CC) is not sufficient Existing CC is too expensive for users Survey shows only the “tip of the iceberg”  need re-do survey with help from CERN  e.g. CERN user office has a lot of information we can use Need help from CERN to tap into ESF funds Child Care has to become a high priority issue for CERN

26 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 26 Outlook Archamps construction great opportunity Try to get ESF funds for child care! CERN could provide affordable child care for users and staff! Immediate Actions:  CCCI and CERN management need to meet  Assign person from CERN legal office to follow-up ESF  Assign a person from the CERN management to be responsible for child care at CERN full time.

27 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 27 Backup Slides

28 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 28 Type of CC parents currently use

29 11.06.2008, ACCU Cigdem Issever, University of Oxford 29 Non-Nursery type Child Care Child Minding

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