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European women's audiovisual network - EWA Introduction.

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1 european women's audiovisual network - EWA Introduction

2 what is ewa?  Non-profit organisation set up in Strasbourg on 26 January 2013;  Initial concept set forth at Santiago de Compostela filmmakers’ conference on female audiovisual professionals 2010;  200 members from 14 countries (incl. albania, france, germany, italy, luxembourg, poland, serbia, spain, turkey, uk);  Financial backing from 4 European film funds (SFI, NFI, DFF, ICAA);  In-kind support from HAVC and Hungarian Cultural Centre of Berlin and some brands.

3 who are our partners?  FERA – Federation of European Film Directors and UNIC - Unic - Union Internationale des Cinémas;  Women’s national networks in Europe and beyond (WfTV – DE, UK, IC, FI, IE and Atlantic Coast, Canada and India; CIMA – ES; FC Gloria – AT; Le deuxième regard – FR, etc.);  Director’s UK, 25 Images in FR, Producers’ Association TR;  Women’s film festivals (Drac Magic – ES, BEV – UK, Elles tournent – BR, etc.)  Film funds throughout Europe,  European Audiovisual Observatory, Council of Europe, and Eurimages.

4 ewa’s team – staff members/volunteers Francine H. Raveney – Network Director Alexia Muinos Ruiz – Deputy Director/Web Aurélie Grenet – Training project manager Aslihan Tekin – Advocacy manager Ines Gracia – Finance assistant Laura Nunn – Communication assistant Carrie McAlinden – Research assistant Nick Holdsworth – Press

5 advisory board (ongoing consultation)  Holly Aylett (Global Policy Institute)  Elin Erichsen (Training expert - NFI)  Benja Stig Fagerland (SHEconomics)  Kate Kinninmont (CEO - Women in Film and TV UK)  Dorota Ostrowska (Birkbeck college, London University)  Colin Pons (Producer, UK and head of workstation Sheffield)  Jan Runge (Unic)  Anna Serner (CEO- Swedish Film Institute)  Elisabeth Sjaastad (CEO-FERA)  Carole Tongue (former MEP, advisor on audiovisual policy)

6 b ureau  Exec. President – Isabel de Ocampo  Vice-President – Paula Ortiz  Gen. Secretary – Nicholas David Mackenzie  Treasurer – Sabine Emery  Quarterly meetings to report on activities and discuss policy

7 President Isabel Coixet referring to directing: “EWA may not be able to change the mountain, but it may be able to make the climb that little bit easier.”

8 EWA’s 3 goals 1. Promote greater gender equality for audiovisual creatives in terms of access to and opportunities for employment, be they working in the areas of film, video games or online audiovisual content creation, to ensure that women’s creative voices are heard in all their linguistic and cultural diversity throughout Europe and beyond. 2.Promote gender mainstreaming for all technical and other roles throughout the sectors of film, video games and online media. 3. Where possible devise initiatives and opportunities for reflection, such as pilot projects, workshops etc. to consider the issue of representations of women from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds in audiovisual content.

9 EWA members EWA represents European audiovisual professionals who support its objectives and partner organisations with whom it has signed a partnership agreement in 47 countries. Membership offers discounts for training, newsletter access and access to a jobs board, as well as concept and project sharing spaces and the possibility of connecting with other members through the directory and private facebook group. Communication – As (in)visibility is a big issue EWA serves as a platform to promote the work of its members through all of its different communication channels (facebook, interviews, website spotlight section, still photos, etc.)

10 how we work 1. Bridge-BuiIding/Networking – online/at events/masterclasses/conferences etc.; 2. Research and promotion of harmonised data monitoring on gender in the areas of film, video games and online media; 3. Training; 4. Advocacy at local, national and pan-European level to promote the network’s goals and to lobby both industry and other organisations; 5. Pilot projects; 6. Other initiatives to meet the network’s goals.

11 more information…    @ewawomen  and social networking channels for interviews and clips:   

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