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Danielle Stoddard, LCPC  PCHS  IVCC  Bachelors of Psychology, Eastern Illinois University  Masters of Educational Psychology and Guidance, Eastern.

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Presentation on theme: "Danielle Stoddard, LCPC  PCHS  IVCC  Bachelors of Psychology, Eastern Illinois University  Masters of Educational Psychology and Guidance, Eastern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danielle Stoddard, LCPC  PCHS  IVCC  Bachelors of Psychology, Eastern Illinois University  Masters of Educational Psychology and Guidance, Eastern Illinois University

2 Why Psychology???  Why do people do what they do?  Get sad at certain times of year  What are their stories, everyone has a story, what influences them? Past history, childhood, traumatic event  How can I help them?

3  Intro  Syllabus  Projects  Schedule  Activity  Start lesson

4 Projects  Operant Conditioning project  Typed in a paper fully answering each question and detailing each step. The paper should be at least 3-5 pages long. Double spaced. E-mail me a picture I can then show the class. Also a video would be fun to show everyone. Let me know a date you would like to present it. This would add to the score of the project.  Teach your pet/animal to respond to a stimulus they would not normally respond to  Favorite song  Household noise  When your parent/sibling/self does something, gets a soda, takes out garbage  Behavior needs to be complex, the animal, goes to a certain spot, high fives, spins a wheel

5 Projects  Mental health paper  3-5 pages long  Full detail of disorder  Full detail of a person that suffers from it. If you would like to share about a person you know with this issue, it is completely confidential  You may interview a person that has it and use as a reference, you may also interview a therapist that treats this disorder and use as a resource  Make sure you let me know what disorder you are reporting on

6 Projects  Dream Diary  Make sure the dreams are written in a good amount of detail. At least a paragraph or two, the diary as a whole should be 10 – 15 pages long after answering the questions.


8 What is Psychology  Scientific study of behavior and mental processes  What are your thoughts of what Psychology is??  Charlie Sheen video

9 Why do we study psychology?  To describe  To predict  To explain  To change our behavior and experience  To make sound decisions  To help people

10 GOALS  To gain understanding and tolerance  To prepare for times that will be both good and bad, and all points between

11 Psychology in Use  Enhancing performance

12 What do psychologists do?  Explore biopsychology Brain trauma Drugs - neurotransmitters Genetics Evolutionary influences

13 Study our cognitive capabilities and processes.  How do we think and acquire knowledge?  How can we treat learning disabilities?  How can we control our “self talk”?

14 Study human development  When should we able to perform various tasks?  What is the process of our development- from conception to death.  What causes things to go wrong

15 Social psychology  The study of the influences we exert on one another.  Persuasion.  The intersection of law and psychology. the jury system the death penalty

16 Industrial organizational  Using psychology in the work setting  How do employers select, train and pay their employees  How do we get people to buy our products

17 Professionals  Counselors who listen and treat  Psychiatrists who can prescribe  Psychoanalysts who analyze

18 Psychology as a Major?  Suitable for many purposes  Employment – Without a Master’s With a Master’s  P.H.D. programs  Women - the new majority?  Professional schools  Typical classes

19 The history of psychology  From the dawn of time …..  The Bible – Proverbs  The Greeks tragedies Aristotle- observation and rational analysis


21 History of Psychology  130 years  Wilhelm Wundt, Father of Psychology  Did experiments, research  Objective Introspective  Measuring one’s own thoughts and mental activities

22 Structuralism  Titchner  Structure of the Mind  Introspect, think of a town devastated by a tornado, what do you see, think, feel

23 Functionalism  William James, taught at Harvard, first American school to offer PSY classes  How did we get there  How did we adapt  Modern fields of Educational Psychology and Industrial/organizational psychology

24 Gestalt Psychology  The Whole is the sum of its parts  Focused on perception and sensation, seeing patterns as a whole  Cognitive therapy  Learning  Memory  Thought process  Problem solving

25 Frued  Unconscious, repressed memories  Personality was formed in first 6 years of life  Psychoanalysis

26 Behaviorism Pavlov Taught reflex Watson Taught a Phobia

27 History- behaviorism  Experience? Thoughts? Emotions?  In response to frustration with animal IQ studies and the vague nature and unsettling assumptions of psychodynamics  GOAL – to observe and quantify without inferences  FOCUS – use animals to uncover the basic laws of learning and behavior

28 The scientific study of behavior  Wide scope  Emphasis on evidence acquired through the methods of science

29 Big Questions  Do we have Free Will?  Do we really make decisions or are we just playing out a script? Chaos Sin Crime

30 beyond behaviorism  Albert Ellis – the power of irrational thinking – self talk  “I must be approved or loved by every significant person in my community”  “If I’m not thoroughly compe- tent in everything I do, I’m worthless.”

31 Psychology Now  Psychodynamic Perspective  Development of a sense of self and discovery of motivations behind a person’s behavior  Behavioral Perspective  BF Skinner, Operant Conditioning  Behavioral responses are followed by pleasure/reward

32 Psychology Now  Humanistic Perspective  People have free will to choose their own destiny  Maslow & Rogers  Self understanding & Self actualization  Cognitive Perspective  How people think, remember, store, and use information

33 Psychology Now  Sociocultural Perspective  Others influence our behavior  Biopsychological Perspective  Behavior linked to genetics, hormones, nervous system  Evolutionary Perspective  Universal mental characteristics that all humans share

34 How important is psychology?  Abu Ghraib

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