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“Embracing Technology with Excellence: Innovation, Collaboration and Integration” Change Management Process Ms. Jacqueline Dowdy, Associate Controller.

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Presentation on theme: "“Embracing Technology with Excellence: Innovation, Collaboration and Integration” Change Management Process Ms. Jacqueline Dowdy, Associate Controller."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Embracing Technology with Excellence: Innovation, Collaboration and Integration” Change Management Process Ms. Jacqueline Dowdy, Associate Controller & ImageNow Administrator Wednesday, June 19, 2013 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

2 4 Trillion paper documents in the United States Growing at a rate of 22% per year! 90% of organization’s memory exists on paper 90% of all documents handled each day are merely shuffled 19 - average number of times a document is copied Spend about 50% of your day looking for information Costs $20 to file one document Only spend 15% of your day reviewing the information once found 3% of all documents get Misfiled Costs $120 to find the misfiled docs 8% of all documents are Lost Spend more than $200 to reproduce one lost document Source: The Cost of Paper

3 Presentation Overview The Starting Point for Change Aligning the Project Initiative with the University’s Strategic Goals ADKAR Model ImageNow Solution & Administration Florida A&M University’s Change Management Process for ImageNow Implementation Workflow & Performance Measurements

4 Starting Point for Change Institutional Context: – Major shift in the organization affecting both people and processes that can take weeks or months to complete Starting Point for Change: – Who are we now? – Where do we want to be? – How are we going to get there?

5 Identifying the Strategic Initiative Strategic Initiative 2: Enable excellence in University processes and procedures Situational Context: In a rapidly changing information technology environment, FAMU must adapt and serve its stakeholders in a manner, which reflects its motto of “Excellence with Caring.” To achieve this goal, University processes must be effective and efficient reflecting an environment of change, innovation, accountability and transparency.

6 Assessing University Goals Goal 2.1: Improve administrative processes throughout the University Strategy 2.1.1: Enhance and improve the assessment and evaluation system, which permits continuous improvement of administrative workflow processes Goal 2.2: Enhance and assess employees’ experiences Strategy 2.2.1: Enhance and improve the University assessment and evaluation system to include the employee experience. Goal 2.3: Enhance and improve accountability and communication processes Strategy 2.3.3: Improve customer relations in serving students. Goal 2.6: Develop a business process re-engineering initiative Strategy 2.6.1: Enhance and manage the University’s business process re- engineering efforts

7 ImageNow Administration C ORE V ALUES Customer Service Collaboration Teamwork Training Relationship Goal & Objective: 80-100% Expansion of ImageNow The university will leverage the capabilities of ImageNow to enhance business processes, eliminate paper, increase integration with iRattler (PeopleSoft), and increase efficiencies within the areas of Human Resources, Travel, Accounts Payable, Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar Office, and other departmental units. Utilize e-forms and digital signatures to eliminate manual processing and continue to expand ImageNow throughout the campus community. Mission Align with the strategic initiatives of the University’s 2020 Vision with Courage to continuously increase operational efficiency, transparency, and accountability throughout the campus community’s departmental and administrative units. V ISION To maintain the document management system and continue to increase efficiency of business processes within the administrative, auxiliary and academic units of the university through innovation, collaboration, integration and strategic planning.

8 IMAGENOW BENEFITS Efficiency & Cost Savings Streamlined business processes/workflow Electronic forms Eliminate paper and minimal front office work Faster processing & high productivity Readily available information to multiple areas Integrates with Irattler (PeopleSoft) for automation of processes Electronic document retention Space savings and elimination of storage cost WebNow Access Electronic Signatures It is an enterprise content management (ECM) software product that integrates easily with iRattler to fuel operational efficiency STRATEGIC INITIATIVE INDICATIORS FOR IMAGENOW : Enhancing & Improving Administrative Processes Increase Operational Efficiency Project Management & Business Process Re-engineering Performance Measurement/Return on Investment (ROI) Customer Service (Internal/External) Student Satisfaction THE IMAGENOW SOLUTION

9 ImageNow Implementations First Go-Live in June 2009 100 Concurrent Combo Licenses (Client/Webnow) 7 Scanning Stations Current Implementations : – Human Resources – Accounts Payable – Travel – Academic Affairs – Sponsored Programs – Budget Office – Admissions Office – Financial Aid – Registrar Office ImageNow Expansion : Increase Combo Licenses to 150 Increase scanning stations to 32 locations E-forms Development Future Implementations : – 17 Schools & Colleges – Graduate Admissions – Library – Title III – Student Financial Services – Facilities Planning – Athletics


11 History of ADKAR Model Jeff Hiatt is the president of Prosci Research and founder of the Change Management Learning Center The ADKAR model was first published by Prosci in 1998

12 A Awareness of the need for change  Management communications  Customer input  Marketplace changes  Ready-access to information D Desire to participate and support the change  Fear of job loss  Discontent with current state  Imminent negative consequence  Enhanced job security  Affiliation and sense of belonging  Career advancement  Acquisition of power or position  Incentive or compensation  Trust and respect for leadership  Hope in future state Enablers Defining ADKAR: People Dimension

13 Enablers Defining ADKAR: People Dimension K Knowledge on how to change  Training and education  Information access  Examples and role models A Ability to implement required skills and behaviors  Practice applying new skills for using new process and tolls  Coaching  Mentoring  Remove of barriers R Reinforcement to sustain the change  Incentives and rewards  Compensation changes  Celebrations  Personal recognition

14 The Power of ADKAR: Business Dimension The business dimension of change includes the typical project elements: – Business need or opportunity is identified – Project is defined (scope and objectives) – Business solution is designed (new processes, systems and organizational structure) – New processes and systems are developed – Solution is implemented into the organization

15 ADKAR Dimension of Change

16 Prosi Three Phase Change Management Process

17 FAMU’s Change Management Methodology ImageNow Project Management Strategy: – Leverage Existing Technology (ImageNow & PeopleSoft) – Organizational Readiness – Preparing the university for change – Organizational Design – Redesigning the university to accommodate the change – Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) – Radical change to the process to improve efficiencies and effectiveness

18 FAMU’s Change Management Methodology ImageNow Project Management Strategy: – Training – Preparing all stakeholders to work in the changed environment (i.e. job aids, training guides, workshops) – Communication – Communicating all aspects of change to stakeholders – Continuous Improvement – Constant review of processes – Celebrate Successes –Important for employee morale and production – Performance Measurement – measurement of change & efficiency intended

19 Organizational Design: Roles & Responsibilities

20 BPR: Goals & Metrics

21 BPR: E-Forms Process Goals

22 BPR: Assumptions

23 BPR: Foreign Travel Form

24 Implementation: Redesigned Workflow by Forms

25 Training: Business Processes, Procedures & Job Aids Scanning Station Procedures ImageNow Quickstart Navigational Guide Digital Signature Task Set-up WebNow Development of Internal ImageNow Business Processes

26 Communication Plan Objectives : – Modes of Communication: Workshops, newsletter, open labs, brochures, training – To communicate the roles and responsibilities – To communicate the schedule for Information Session & Training – To communicate the changes for document submission (fax, e-mail, e-forms) Target Audience : – Travel Office – ASAP – Departmental Reps – Deans, Chairs, Directors – Departmental Heads

27 Continuous Improvements Constant review of processes: – Surveys – Feedback from stakeholders – Process owner recommendations – Feedback from end users

28 Celebrate Successes Project Team Celebration – Happens when the overall project is completed Team lunch, party, snacks Process Owners & Staff – Happens at Go-Live and meeting departmental goals with the new process Mentoring and Coaching Compensation for additional responsibilities Reward accomplishments

29 Workflow & Performance Measurement Workflow (automates business process) – Creating an electronic version of a piece of paper and storing it on a computer – Improving timeliness of processing paperwork – Monitoring document workflow through the various departments – Establishing automated filing for easy retrieval of documents Performance measurement – The process of collecting, analyzing and/or reporting information regarding the performance of the business process to see whether output are in line with what was intended or should have been achieved.

30 Admissions Office Performance Improvements Speed applicant processing and decision making Improve student service, ensuring a greater likelihood of enrolling the best students Boost employee productivity and satisfaction Remove workflow bottlenecks and fuel operational efficiencies Reduce costs associated with storage, file creation and misplaced documents Protect student privacy

31 Admissions Virtual Office

32 Financial Aid Office With the ImageNow solution for financial aid awarding, the Financial Aid team can: – Streamline the collection of complete financial aid packets – Simplify verification and speed award processing – Improve student service and increase access to education – Boost employee productivity and satisfaction – Reduce costs associated with misplaced documents

33 Registrar’s Office With Perceptive solutions for the Registrar’s office, the team can: Retrieve records instantly from any location on or off campus Reclaim office space through physical storage elimination Improve student service and increase student retention Improve information sharing, security and control Boost employee productivity and satisfaction

34 E-Forms Implementation – To implement E-forms that allow the campus community to complete forms on-line via iRattler portal or website. – The elimination of paper forms will increase efficiency and promote faster processing throughout the university. E-forms BPR


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