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George Washington Birthplace - Virginia Born February 22, 1732 In May 1775, Washington of of Virginia, was elected commander in chief of the Continental.

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2 George Washington Birthplace - Virginia Born February 22, 1732 In May 1775, Washington of of Virginia, was elected commander in chief of the Continental Army. His favorite horse was named Nelson. Washington loved to help fight fires. 1 st President 1789 - 1797

3 John Adams Birthplace - Massachusetts Born October 30, 1735 Signer – Declaration of Independence Adams was the first President to live in the White House. His son, John Quincy, became president. Died July 4, 1826 same day as Jefferson. 2 nd President 1797 - 1801

4 Thomas Jefferson Birthplace - Virginia Born April 13, 1743 At age 33, he drafted the Declaration of Independence. Purchased Louisiana Territory from France, commissioned Lewis & Clark Expedition. Died July 4, 1826 same day as Adams. 3 rd President 1801 - 1809

5 James Madison Birthplace - Virginia Born March 16, 1751 He helped form the Bill of Rights. In 1814 the British burned White House and forced Madison to flee to Virginia during War of 1812. 4 th President 1809 - 1817

6 James Monroe Birthplace - Virginia Born April 28, 1758 He was the first president to ride a steamboat. He proclaimed the “Monroe Doctrine”. Acquired Florida from Spain. 5 th President 1817 - 1825

7 John Quincy Adams Birthplace - Massachusetts Born July 11, 1767 His father was president. After his presidency he served in the House of Representatives from 1831 – 1846. He was the 1 st president to have his photograph taken in 1843. 6 th President 1825 - 1829

8 Andrew Jackson Birthplace – South Carolina Born March 15, 1767 Jackson was the first President to ride in a train. He was a General in the war of 1812. “Battle of New Orleans”. His nickname was “Old Hickory”. 7 th President 1829 - 1837

9 Martin Van Buren Birthplace - New York Born December 5, 1782 He gave us the word "OK" or "Okay" which was an abbreviation for the name of his New York home "Old Kinderhook." Van Buren owned two tiger cubs as pets. 8th President 1837 - 1841

10 William Henry Harrison Birthplace - Virginia Born February 9, 1773 He was the first president to die in office, 32 days after he was elected. Harrison was the first President to study medicine. 9 th President 1841

11 John Tyler Birthplace - Virginia Born March 29, 1790 He was the President to have the most children. He had 15. He was playing marbles when he learned that he was to be President. Loved to play the violin. 10 th President 1841 - 1845

12 James Polk Birthplace – North Carolina Born November 2, 1795 Polk was the first President to have his inauguration reported by telegraph. During his term, gaslights were first installed in the White House, so he could read late into the night. 11 th President 1845 - 1849

13 Zachary Taylor Birthplace – Virginia Born November 24, 1784 He served as General in the Mexican War. He spent July 4, 1850 at a ceremony at the Washington Monument he got sick from the heat and died five days later, the second president to die in office. Abraham Lincoln gave the eulogy at his funeral. 12 th President 1849 - 1850

14 Millard Fillmore Birthplace - New York Born January 7, 1800 His wife, Abigail, started the White House library collection. Had the first "running-water bathtub" installed in the White House. 13 th President 1850 - 1853

15 Franklin Pierce Birthplace - New Hampshire Born November 23, 1804 Served in Mexican War as a General He installed the first central- heating system in the White House. Pierce was an avid fisherman. 14 th President 1853 - 1857

16 James Buchanan Birthplace - Pennsylvania Born April 23, 1791 Only President who never married. His niece Harriet Lane acted as First Lady. He is said to have the neatest handwriting of all the president. 15 th President 1857 -1861

17 Abraham Lincoln Birthplace - Kentucky Born February 12, 1809 He loved to read. Lincoln was the only president to receive a patent, for a device for lifting boats over shoals. Died in Office - assassinated Tallest President – 6” 4” 16 th President 1861 - 1865

18 Andrew Johnson Birthplace – North Carolina Born December 29, 1808 His wife, Eliza, taught him to read. He was a general in Civil War. He was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives in 1868, but he was later acquitted by the Senate by one vote. Elected to Senate from Tennessee after his presidency, 1874. 17 th President 1865 - 1869

19 Ulysses S. Grant Birthplace - Ohio Born April 27, 1822 He was a Civil War General. Fought in the Mexican War. While president, Ulysses S. Grant was arrested for riding his horse too fast. He was fined $20. 18 th President 1869 - 1877

20 Rutherford Hayes Birthplace - Ohio Born October 4, 1822 Was wounded 5 times in Civil War, became a General. He was the first President to use a telephone while in office. The first telephone was installed in the White House in 1879. 19 th President 1877 - 1881

21 James Garfield Birthplace - Ohio Born November 19, 1831 General in Civil War He was the first left-handed President. Garfield was the only president to have been a preacher. Died in Office - assassinated 20 th President 1881

22 Chester Arthur Birthplace - New York Born October 5, 1829 General in Civil War He was the first president to take the Oath of Office in his own home. He destroyed all of his personal papers before his death. 21 st President 1881 - 1885

23 Grover Cleveland Birthplace - New York Born – March 18, 1837 Only President to serve two terms that were not consecutive. Cleveland was the only president to be married in the White House. The Baby Ruth candy bar was named after Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth. 22 nd President 1885 1889 24 th President 1893 - 1897

24 Benjamin Harrison Birthplace – Ohio Born August 20, 1833 His grandfather, William Henry Harrison was president. General in Civil War He was the first president to use electricity in the White House. Harrison once made 140 completely different speeches in 30 days. 23 rd President 1889 - 1893

25 William McKinley Birthplace - Ohio Born January 29, 1843 McKinley was the first President to ride in an automobile. He kept a parrot in the White House that could whistle "Yankee Doodle." McKinley would whistle the first part, and the bird would finish it. Died in Office - assassinated 25 th President 1897 - 1901

26 Theodore Roosevelt 26 th President 1901 - 1909 Birthplace – New York Born October 27, 1858 Was the youngest president First President to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. He was the first President to ride in an airplane. The teddy bear is named after Theodore Roosevelt.

27 William H. Taft Birthplace – Ohio Born September 15, 1857 First President to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1920. First President to open a baseball season. He called the White House "the loneliest place in the world." 27 th President 1909 - 1913

28 Woodrow Wilson Birthplace - Virginia Born December 29, 1856 He was the first president to cross the Atlantic Ocean while in office. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1920 for his efforts in seeking peace after World War I and supporting the League of Nations. 28 th President 1913 - 1921

29 Warren G. Harding Birthplace – Ohio Born November 2, 1865 Harding was the first president to speak over the radio. He died with a heart attack while president. 29 th President 1921 - 1923

30 Calvin Coolidge Birthplace – Vermont Born July 4, 1872 Coolidge's family spoke in sign language when they did not wish to be overheard. He refused to use the telephone while he was in office. His name was "Silent Cal." 30 th President 1923 - 1929

31 Herbert Hoover Birthplace – Iowa Born August 10, 1874 Served as Secretary of Commerce He was the first president to donate his salary to charity. He approved "The Star- Spangled Banner" as the national anthem. 31 st President 1929 - 1933

32 Franklin D. Roosevelt Birthplace - New York Born January 30, 1882 Elected to 4 terms Suffered from Polio Led during Depression and World War II. He was the first president to have a presidential aircraft. Died in Office 32 nd President 1933 - 1945

33 Harry S. Truman Birthplace – Missouri Born May 8, 1884 He was a captain in World War I. He was playing Poker when he learned he was to be president. He was the first president to give a speech on television. 33 rd President 1945 - 1953

34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Birthplace – Texas Born October 14, 1890 Served as General during WW II. He was the first president to ride in a helicopter while president. He was also a wonderful cook, who specialized in barbecued steaks. 34 th President 1953 - 1961

35 John F. Kennedy Birthplace - Massachusetts Born May 29, 1917 He won a Pulitzer Prize for his book "Profiles in Courage." Kennedy was the first President to hold a press conference on television. Died in Office - assassinated 35 th President 1961 - 1963

36 Lyndon B. Johnson 36 th President 1963 - 1969 Birthplace - Texas Born – August 27, 1908 He was the first President to name an African American cabinet member, Robert C Weaver, HUD. He signed a civil rights bill, established Great Society programs.

37 Richard Nixon 37 th President 1969 - 1974 Birthplace - California Born January 9, 1913 Nixon was the first president to visit all 50 states. He was the first president to visit China while in office He was the only president to resign from office.

38 Gerald Ford 38 th President 1974 - 1977 Birthplace - Nebraska Born July 14, 1913 He was the only President to serve who was not elected by U.S. voters either as President or Vice President. Ford was the first President to have been an Eagle Scout.

39 Jimmy Carter Birthplace – Georgia Born October 1, 1924 Jimmy Carter is a speed reader. He has been recorded reading 2000 words per minute. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, making him the third President to win. 39 th President 1977 - 1981

40 Ronald Reagan Birthplace – Illinois Born February 6, 1911 Reagan was the oldest president in history. He was shot by a would-be assassin and quickly recovered. Jellybeans were his favorite candy. 40 th President 1981 - 1989

41 George H.W. Bush Birthplace – Massachusetts Born – June 12, 1924 When he received his commission in 1943, he became, at 19, the youngest pilot then in the Navy, flying 58 combat missions during World War II. He was the first President to be Ambassador to the United Nations. Father of President 41 st President 1989 - 1993

42 William Clinton 42 nd President 1993 - 2001 Birthplace - Arkansas Born August 19, 1946 While in high school, he once met President John Kennedy in the White House. His favorite sandwich is peanut butter and banana. In 1998 Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives but acquitted by the Senate.

43 George W. Bush Birthplace – Connecticut Born July 6, 1946 He was the first president to hold Little League baseball tryouts on the White House lawn. First President to begin serving in the 21st Century. Father was President. 43 rd President 2001 - present

44 Barack H. Obama Birthplace – Hawaii Born – August 4, 1961 His story is the American story of hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others 1 st African American elected President 44 rd President 2009 - present

45 The President’s Pictures used in this presentation were colored by fifth-graders from Abingdon Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia with additional photo of Barack Obama done by Mollie Enck Complied & edited by Susan Ging Lent

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