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+ Elizabeth Burd, Chair - PECC James Irvine, Chair - ETC Portals IEEE Educational Activities March 2011 TISP AND TRYENGINEERING OVERVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Elizabeth Burd, Chair - PECC James Irvine, Chair - ETC Portals IEEE Educational Activities March 2011 TISP AND TRYENGINEERING OVERVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Elizabeth Burd, Chair - PECC James Irvine, Chair - ETC Portals IEEE Educational Activities March 2011 TISP AND TRYENGINEERING OVERVIEW

2 + 2 The Teacher In Service Program (TISP) A program that trains IEEE volunteers to work with pre-university teachers Based on approved Lesson Plans Prepared by IEEE volunteers Tested in classrooms Associated with Education Standards Designed to highlight engineering design principles The cost is less than US$100 for a class of 30

3 + 3 The Basic Approach – Lesson Plans IEEE volunteers and consultants develop lesson plans that highlight an engineering design topic How to build a balanced mobile (rotational equilibrium) How to design a sail for a ship (aerodynamic design) The lesson plans are geared toward pre- university students and are tested in the classroom The lesson plans can be adapted to the appropriate age or skill level of the students

4 + 4 Volunteer Training Key questions to be discussed in training: How to conduct a training sessions for teachers using the TISP lesson plans? How to approach the school system to engage teachers? How to align a lesson plan with local education criteria? Teachers and officials from the education establishment participate in the training sessions

5 + 5 After The Training… IEEE volunteers work with the school system to conduct training sessions for teachers Teachers use the training sessions and the lesson plans to educate their students IEEE participates in paying for the program In the first year, EAB pays the materials and supplies expenses for TISP sessions lead by IEEE volunteers for teachers In subsequent years, funding is the responsibility of the local IEEE Section/ sub- Section IEEE Volunteers Teachers Students

6 + 6 Lesson plans The lesson plans are organized in two versions For the teacher For the student The lesson plans should be aligned with local educational standards

7 + 7 Sort it Out Sticky Engineering Challenge Ship the Chip Move That Lighthouse! A Question of Balance Program Your Own Game Engineering Air Traffic Pipeline Challenge Infrared Investigations Hull Engineering Engineered Sports Engineered Memory Wind Tunnel Testing Example Lesson Plans

8 + 8 Teacher In-Service Program Presentations To date, over 146 TISP presentations have been conducted by IEEE volunteers TISP presentations have reached over 3300 pre-university educators This reach represents more than 360,000 students each academic year

9 + 9 What are we going to do here? Demonstrate two (2) lesson plans: Working with Wind Energy Useful Circuits Discuss how to develop and use the TISP in your local area Have Fun!

10 + 10 What do we expect after the meeting? We hope that participants will get organized to provide TISP training to pre- university educators A group of 3-5 volunteers can be very effective IEEE-EAB will support such activities by paying for supplies for documented TISP activities lead by IEEE volunteers for one year after this session We will explain the procedures

11 + 11 Who is in the audience? Teachers from the pre-university system IEEE volunteers Other interested individuals from… Scottish Government The Education System Local universities In other areas we also had a strong participation of students members

12 + 12 Who is here to help? With lesson Plans… Members of IEEE Staff – Educational Activities Department A IEEE volunteer where TISP was already tested With implementing the Program… Officials from local Educational Systems

13 + 13 Expectations from IEEE Volunteers Organize TISP sessions throughout the pre- university education system Communicate with EAB for guidance, information exchange, and funding Organize a task force in Scotland or professional group to make TISP a permanent program in your area Arrange for budgeting through the Section, Region, and IEEE Boards (MGAB, EAB)

14 + 14 Expectations from Teachers Use the TISP approach in your classroom Work with the IEEE volunteers to organize TISP training sessions for teachers Report to IEEE volunteers what lessons have been learnt from the program Indicate what lesson plans were or were not successful, and what additional lesson plans would be required

15 + 15 Our Overall TISP Goals Empower IEEE Section “champions” to develop collaborations with local pre-university education community to promote applied learning Enhance the level of technological literacy of pre- university educators Encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering Increase the general level of technological literacy of pre-university students Increase the level of understanding of the needs of educators among the engineering community Identify ways that engineers can assist schools and school systems

16 16 Discover the Creative Engineer In You!

17 17 Available in English Chinese French Spanish German Russian Japanese Portuguese

18 + 18 IEEE’s pre-university education portal For teachers, school counsellors, parents and students A joint project of IEEE, IBM, and the New York Hall of Science Non-IEEE investment of approximately $2.5M US/Canada version was launched on June 2006

19 + 19 A portal for school counsellors, teachers, parents and students University search By location, program, environment; 1,977 universities Explore Engineering Discipline Descriptions, Day in the Life of an Engineer, Preparation Tips 86 lesson plans for teaching engineering design Virtual games To allow students to explore engineering problems Other areas: FAQs – Ask an Engineer, Ask a Student Student opportunities (competitions, fellowships, etc.)

20 + 20 Free, downloadable PDF lesson plans and Student Worksheets in Rich Text Format for easy edit

21 + 21 Most Requested Lesson Plans Build Your Own Robot Arm Series and Parallel Circuits Cracking the Code (bar codes) Build a Big Wheel Pulleys and Force

22 + 22 University Searches: 34 Countries Argentina Austria Australia Belgium Brazil Canada France Germany Hong Kong China Iceland India Portugal Republic of Kazakhstan Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Switzerland Taiwan Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Ireland Israel Japan Korea Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland

23 Languages 中文 Chinese DeutschGerman EspañolSpanish FrançaisFrench 邦人 Japanese PortuguêsPortuguese русскийRussian

24 + 24 TryEngineering Progress 6.2 millions hits in 2010 2.5 million hits in 2007 … 4.5 million hits in 2008… 5.1 million hits in 2009 Currently just over 65,000 visitors per month 350,000 page hits per month 24,000 lesson plan downloads per month About 3.7 million lesson plan downloads since launch in all languages 10,500 university searches/month Visitors average about 24 minutes on the site

25 + 25 Questions or Comments?

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