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Mutual respect sharing resources, respecting property, learning environment, golden rules, role-play Buddy bench Manners Change4life champions Anti bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "Mutual respect sharing resources, respecting property, learning environment, golden rules, role-play Buddy bench Manners Change4life champions Anti bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutual respect sharing resources, respecting property, learning environment, golden rules, role-play Buddy bench Manners Change4life champions Anti bullying week Young leaders Peer mentors SEAL Gold assembly Be what you want to be day School council Eco schools Diamond Displays Staff relationships and modeling Charity fundraising Deaf awareness

2 Mutual Respect Supporting each other Being a good friend Developing manners Inclusion for all Teamwork Understanding differences Valuing each other Celebrating achievement Recognising individuality Compassion

3 Reading resources that reflect the diversity of British culture. L earning dances from dfferent cultures Chinese New Year in Foundation Stage In P.E. we learn to work together and support each other.

4 Deaf Awareness Our school has the only specialist provision for deaf children in Bexley. We use speech and sign in our school, and recognise that different deaf people have different communication choices. All children in Pelham School have deaf awareness lessons each half term, to help them develop as good communicators and to make our school welcoming to all. We take part in Sign2Sing each year, raising essential funds for the Deaf Health Charity ‘SignHealth’. Silent Night Holy Night, the sight of the school choir singing in sign using fluorescent gloves is a memorable part of every Christmas concert.

5 Charities We grew daffodils to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Year 3 planting their ‘Pots of Care’. Raising money for charity is an important way of learning respect and compassion. The charities are selected by the children.

6 Learning about different faiths in R.E. Using the local SACRE guidance we teach about different ways of believing and acting on faith. Making Diva Lamps out of clay, paint and glitter for Divali Reception looked at special events in their lives. These are some special clothes that were worn at a BAPTISM. We learn about the festivals of different faiths Year 2 visited Christchurch to find out about how the building is used in the Christian religion. Discussing values and beliefs Mendhi patterns to celebrate Hindu festivals. Exploring the clothes Muslim people wear in year 4

7 Each year group has a topic focused on a continent. This gives opportunities to explore the art, culture and values of other communities. Year 2 use their art and DT skills to create traditional African homes using mud, wood and straw. Year 5 studied a famous speech by Chief Seattle about why the land is important to Native Americans. The children produced letters and posters. Year 4 expore the art and storytelling of aboriginal Australians Year 3 explored the book, ‘Never Trust a Tiger,’ which is a story from KOREA, in ASIA.

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